Hi Guys
I just wanted to let all of you know that I have been in hospital this week and have only just managed to get online to let you all know.
So if I'm a little slow at replying to PM's or Messages on the Mids Munch Thread I hope you'll understand why.
For those of you who want to know, I had another Abcess removed, this time from under my arm and they did the Surgery Tuesday Morning and I got out Tuesday night but I'm still a bit woozy from the anaestetic (spelling).
This is not a plea for sympathy, I just wanted to let everyone know. And also to reassure you all that the Midlands Munch WILL go ahead, whether I'm there or not...but I should be there so don't worry about it.
Hugs to All
Get well soon
If you need a hand with the munch or what ever let me know
Hope your feeling better soon .
I know I dont know you, but get well soon honey!
Hope you are feeling better soon Dreamerhelen. I'm sending you loads of cuddles to you. Take care
:therethere: :therethere: :therethere: :therethere: :therethere: :therethere: :therethere:
hi helen get well soon babes :therethere:
:therethere: Get Well Soon Helen xxxxxxxxxx
Get well soon there Helen
dreamer hun, a very speedy recovery...
Hi Helen
Hope you feeling 100% fit soon babes
Sending you hugs
Hugs and Kisses from Devondelight and Phoenix .. no I still haven't been able to get him out of bed yet ;)
So sorry to hear you have had a rough time of it lately.
Please please do try and get to the Mids Munch, even if its only for an hour, as I want to chat to you again, as you are such a lovely lady.
Let me know if there is anything I can do to help love.
DD xxx
hope you feel 100% soon hun, thoughts are with you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
helllo bestwishes and get well soon love the general xxxxxxx
Quick hello and hopes you fully recovered soon from Heather and Terry (the Kent Hosts)
cheers hun
Hi Helen, we were sorry to hear you are poorly. Get well soon babe,
Carl and Marie