Quote by Silk and Big G
No one said drugs !!! If youd said drugs we would have had far more stupid stuff to list !! LOLOL

I'm one of the ones who go out and the more determination I have of not making an arse of self, the bigger arse of self I make

The most recent one, was walking for a taxi with a work mate, ok it was my old boss. For some reason I needed more pavement to walk on than they had built :undecided: One foot slipped off the kerb causing me to do that really silly run for about 100 yards, trying not to fall (a humiliating incident on it's own), did fall and ended up skidding along the road for the next 100 yards on my stomach! Boss just stood there looking down at me, waiting for me to get up, still munching on his bluddy kebab! To add to the humiliation, two young lads came running over asking if I was alright! 'are you alright miss' they said!!! So felt very old as well as stupid

MissChief - knowing she will regret admitting this as soon as the submit is pressed :roll: