I have been pondering something for a little while now, how do you view the whole matter of sexual etiquette when with a new partner.
Of course, setting out your gambit at the commencement of any interaction negates a lot of embarassing moments, but what if for example your (new)partner decides to do something spur of the moment! How should one react?
I give for your consideration, someone spitting in my mouth unexpectedly, I reacted well humouredly but the moment was undoubtedly lost, where does one draw the line between spontaneous and something which is mood crushing!
How to handle this?
Ok so it's not just me, that really does step over the line!?!?
I mean I've played with some rather odd people but this really shocked me, I didn't react badly but then I am fairly relaxed and open minded.
Did think it would be have been polite to ask before doing it though...
I think this person in particular is rather darker than he like to let on, don't mind playing roughly / different but I like to be asked first!!
Rubbing semen on to my stomach also struck me as rather unecessary...
ewww with you on this one amber....a guy I was playing with spit on my pussy without say I was rather taken aback was an uderstatement :shock: O know diferent strokes for different folks and all that, but something as personal as that definately needs some common courtsey IMHO.
Sounds like he`s been watching too many porno`s where they do alot of spitting and thinks it`s the way to go!
I dunno how guys can think this is`s not!
I`d have kicked him out and stopped all proceedings there and then!
I suppose it depends (for me) how the rest of the night was going.
If it was otherwise a lovely night, I'd be tempted to say something along the lines of "Ooh that was unusual, bit too adventurous for me, though..." to save the fella's feelings.
I mean, any of us could make a mistake on something that hadn't been discussed before hand, and if it was something the fella's previous partner had found erotic, he might have thought he was adding to the occasion.
Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! I really hate spitting, but spitting into someone's mouth is extremely rude without finding out if they mind or not.
Personally the whole idea makes me feel sick.
It's another no from me eeeeeewwwwwwwww!!!!
I would have puked and I havnt done that for 20 years!!!!
You could've said 'Why don't I go on top fer a minute.'
And then phlobbed it back at him and see how he liked it. :twisted: