I have.
As of about 2 mins ago:
"...Have a look at the attached spreadsheets and let me know if you need to double check everything.
Cock of the North"
Still waiting for a reply. I'm hoping that by some fluke the recipient turns out to be someone off here as this would slightly lessen the embarrassment.
Or, maybe they'll just think I have an arrogant, agressive business style a la Alec Baldwin in Glengarry Glen Ross, or possibly Steve Coogan as Gareth Cheeseman - 'I am a tiger. Grrr!'.
Cock of the North
Foxylady is an ok name to say out loud if you're messing around.
I sign off as Breezer a lot of the time to mates, and some of my friends call me breezer 'cos that's a name I had way before I joined the site. But none of them know I'm on here. Well, a couple know I visit a sex-related site and chat sometimes.
Failed miserably; but to soften the blow the key meeting I had in London actually cancelled anyway so I knocked the whole trip on the head.
Of course, if I had had some legggy, nympho beauty waiting for me in my hotel room then I would have braved the pissy lager, choking smog and general Cockney chirpiness and hottailed it on the next train down South meeting or not.
I'm probably down again in the next ten days so I'll be posting in 'Let's Meet Up' once more. Obviously I'll have to phone my provider and upgrade my broadband to cope with the masses of responses I'll no doubt generate...
Cock of the North