go girlie go girlie go girlie :thrilled:
sock it to em hun
or click the report for abuse button....apparently it gets em bannaed from social me haha!!!
I'm on Facebook, I deleted my original id as it was full of swingers and friends and someone was a tad indiscreet on my wall grrrrr.
I had another id and had held of adding swingers and fuckbuddy's to it but have bitten the bullet and added a few I know and that I can trust.
I refuse to add social/sex oriented applications though LOL.
BTW yep I am a Facebook addict.
I actually have 2 facebook accts, one is just family and family friends so is kinda dull ... the other is my fetish profile which sort of goes with the myspace profile ... phew!
lyns, if yr mum asks how u know pwople, do what i do, just say they are random facebook frinds, who have added you....randomly....loads of people have done that to me, so just say thas what they are.
I know its a different thing altogether, but is there anything in the way that users interact with each other on facebook that you find useful, that could help here?
Actually I quite like the status thingy ... a one-liner you can post. Means I can see if anyone needs a friend or share in good news/jokes etc.
the pop up message thingy of who is on your friends list and online at the time
facebook is the future! lol
ive been using it since it first started and cant imagine my life without it! haha
for a while facebook was far more interesting...more flirting and sexy talk and stuff, but i have to say i always came back here and since the anonymous crush thread the forum seems to have come alive and is bouncing at the minute....so im back again!!!!! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
I love it love it LOVE it!!!!!!!
TBH the only reasons I got a Facebook account was to keep a check on my youngest and to supply a presence for 'my' band.
I try to avoid all those silly applications (though have got a soft spot for the Pokey doggy one). Given that I'm an introverted soul it's not as if I use the social side of things.
peanut can i add u on facebook pleazzzzzzzzzzzzzzze???? huh?? huh?? g'wan u know u wanna
pm me if i can with yr real life name and network xxx