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Feeling grumpy - spelling!!

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39 replies
6 watchers
Maybe I'm just in a grumpy mood tonight (perhaps its the heat!), but I've just been idly browsing through the SH ads section . . . have some of these people never learnt to spell?, if not why not use spell check and then paste the text in?. Surely if you are writing a 'ad the whole idea is to create a good impression especially if you are a single male with the mass of competition you have, what sort of impression does it create if you
can't even put to together a coherent ad of about half a dozen lines without stupid spelling errors? . . .
just a thort cocka but the ladies may want a damn good shagging as oppozed to a write good speeling test
Quote by midlandsmale39
just a thort cocka but the ladies may want a damn good shagging as oppozed to a write good speeling test

Have you tried reading some of those ads? - some are just bloody unintelligible!
nah cant be arsed, but i do wonder why were you reading the ads from the guys, something you want to share with us?
im joking mate sorry
point taken
Quote by midlandsmale39
but i do wonder why were you reading the ads from the guys,

We were advertising for a male . rolleyes
Before we wrote the ad I regularly looked at couples seeking males section for inspiration. wink
Quote by Mechanical Man
just a thort cocka but the ladies may want a damn good shagging as oppozed to a write good speeling test

Have you tried reading some of those ads? - some are just bloody unintelligible!
You have to pity those of us who HAVE to do it!!! mad :x
I still giggle at the guy I saw who ............... ran his own Campany!!!!! :doh:
my keyboard is diyslexic...thots my excuse and im sticking to it!!"!
I get grumpy too. Now c'mon folks there's no point in trying tell me I don't lol
In terms of text I find those who post Swingers Stories in one long paragraph difficult to read - in fact I don't bother.
Quote by westerross
I get grumpy too. Now c'mon folks there's no point in trying tell me I don't lol
In terms of text I find those who post Swingers Stories in one long paragraph difficult to read - in fact I don't bother.

I often go in and edit such stories cos it's so difficult - but then there is a story with paragraphs in the wrong place!! Sometimes there isn't even punctuation, in that case it goes in the bin!!
:lol: :lol:
Quote by Jags
I often go in and edit such stories cos it's so difficult - but then there is a story with paragraphs in the wrong place!! Sometimes there isn't even punctuation, in that case it goes in the bin!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you Jags (and of course the other mods)!!!!!!!! kiss
If I'm in need of a good story I often have to wade few a large number before I can find something that's (for me) readable. Paragraphs (with a blank line between them) are a huge help if you've found a nice long story with the appropriate content to help you through a lonely evening, running it through a spell checker's a big help too, for thse obsessive-compulsive pseudo proof-readers among us.
Then there the ones that push the boundaries of the classification of "story" in my mind, at least, when they stick a handful of sentences together to describe an erotic experience.....!!! rolleyes lol
Hi Mandy (good to see you around again)
We do tend to delete the stories which only last for 4 lines and are full of dirty words and written at m. fuelled, no doubt, by an inordinate level of booze!!
Sometimes it's just tedious!! lol :lol: :lol:
my typing starts off ok and the speling is surt ov okm tel i gut exzited and strat wonkin thun it goes all ffnonmfhury ly,
Quote by Mechanical Man
Maybe I'm just in a grumpy mood tonight (perhaps its (Apostrophe missing. Ed.) the heat!), but I've just been idly browsing through the SH ads section . . . . (Superfluous ellipsis. Ed.) have (Capital letter required for new sentence. Ed.) some of these people never learnt to spell?, (Superfluous comma. Ed.) if not (Comma missing. Ed.) why not use spell check and then paste the text in?. (Superfluous full stop. Ed.) Surely if you are writing a (Missing letter n. Ed.) 'ad (Superfluous apostrophe. Ed.) the whole idea is to create a good impression (Comma missing. Ed.) especially if you are a single male with the mass of competition you have, what sort of impression does it create if you can't even put to (Superfluous word. Ed.) together a coherent ad of about half a dozen lines without stupid spelling errors? . . . (Superfluous ellipsis. Ed.)

People in glass houses...
Quote by Ice Pie
Maybe I'm just in a grumpy mood tonight (perhaps its (Apostrophe missing. Ed.) the heat!), but I've just been idly browsing through the SH ads section . . . . (Superfluous ellipsis. Ed.) have (Capital letter required for new sentence. Ed.) some of these people never learnt to spell?, (Superfluous comma. Ed.) if not (Comma missing. Ed.) why not use spell check and then paste the text in?. (Superfluous full stop. Ed.) Surely if you are writing a (Missing letter n. Ed.) 'ad (Superfluous apostrophe. Ed.) the whole idea is to create a good impression (Comma missing. Ed.) especially if you are a single male with the mass of competition you have, what sort of impression does it create if you can't even put to (Superfluous word. Ed.) together a coherent ad of about half a dozen lines without stupid spelling errors? . . . (Superfluous ellipsis. Ed.)

People in glass houses...
Good one Ice pie!
Im alittle dyslexic and miss read things sometimes and forget how to spell words ive spelt before very strange and frustrating, but not as a annoying as small mined people takeing the piss out of other peoples problems.
Get a life!
Guess i will upset afew people on here out for cheap laughs oh well!
Quote by redshiftnights
Maybe I'm just in a grumpy mood tonight (perhaps its (Apostrophe missing. Ed.) the heat!), but I've just been idly browsing through the SH ads section . . . . (Superfluous ellipsis. Ed.) have (Capital letter required for new sentence. Ed.) some of these people never learnt to spell?, (Superfluous comma. Ed.) if not (Comma missing. Ed.) why not use spell check and then paste the text in?. (Superfluous full stop. Ed.) Surely if you are writing a (Missing letter n. Ed.) 'ad (Superfluous apostrophe. Ed.) the whole idea is to create a good impression (Comma missing. Ed.) especially if you are a single male with the mass of competition you have, what sort of impression does it create if you can't even put to (Superfluous word. Ed.) together a coherent ad of about half a dozen lines without stupid spelling errors? . . . (Superfluous ellipsis. Ed.)

People in glass houses...
Good one Ice pie!
Im alittle dyslexic and miss read things sometimes and forget how to spell words ive spelt before very strange and frustrating, but not as a annoying as small mined people takeing the piss out of other peoples problems.
Get a life!
Guess i will upset afew people on here out for cheap laughs oh well!
Well said Redshift! As you point out not everyone has the ability to spell correctly. There are many who have dyslexia and people these days should be more aware of that. I know, as I've helped people with basic reading skills. It's hard enough trying to get on in life if you have this problem and then it's compounded by others jumping to conclusions about ones character based on spelling ability.
I've got a degree in english, but I still make all sorts of spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. I've noticed quite a few contributors to this site frequently make spelling errors and typos, but I just leave it at that! I just consider myself fortunate I have this ability to write effectively and I let others write as they like and get on with it - it's usually not difficullt to understand what a person has written is it?
Ice Pie! That was spot on! I could not have said it better myself. rotflmao
I often find it quite difficult to chat to some people on msn,yeah we all make spelling mistakes etc,but some people just can't use the English language!!
I know myself that i can quite often make mistakes,but mainly thats down to the typing not that i can't spell,honest lol
I agree with the rant, wholeheartedly.
When we get replies to our ad, one of the ways we weed the numbers is on grammar. OK, the odd typo or spelling issue is overlooked, but we cannot stand it when every use of "there; they're; their" is erroneous.
Shallow? Maybe, but it says a lot about a person if they can't articulate themselves in their native language.
Pet hate - "alot" This is two words. Not one. Unless you mean allot in which case, spell it correctly.
Quote by Vix
I agree with the rant, wholeheartedly.
When we get replies to our ad, one of the ways we weed the numbers is on grammar. OK, the odd typo or spelling issue is overlooked, but we cannot stand it when every use of "there; theyre; their" is erroneous.
Shallow? Maybe, but it says a lot about a person if they can't articulate themselves in their native language.
Pet hate - "alot" This is two words. Not one. Unless you mean allot in which case, spell it correctly.
Yep you said it shallow!!! rolleyes
[edited twice because I missed out an apostrophe and then realised I had screwed up on the spelling - hey, at least I notice and try to correct it!
Quote by redshiftnights
Im alittle dyslexic and miss read things sometimes and forget how to spell words ive spelt before very strange and frustrating, but not as a annoying as small mined people takeing the piss out of other peoples problems.
Get a life!
Guess i will upset afew people on here out for cheap laughs oh well!

I've tried hard to keep my mouth shut but I can't any longer. mad
redshiftnights I'm with you on this one but a little frustrated at some of the comments.
I believe I am a little dyslxic as is my Father and I have trouble with certain words. Such as the ones suggested by Vix, there, they're and their.
I can't help it, I have tried numerous of ways of remembering them and I still screw up sometimes. I also use Word to check my spelling before I post unless of course I'm spelling my name, I usually get that right lol
Quote by Vix
Shallow? Maybe, but it says a lot about a person if they can't articulate themselves in their native language.

Maybe it does but it hasn't stopped me getting in to Uni (or getting a shag) I just have to think alot harder about what I want to say than some of you. Maybe some of you should be a little more considerate to those that aren't so articulate :x
Comments like those posted above also put me and maybe others off posting on this forum, thanks guys.
Dawn :silly:
Well said Dawn.
I too am dyslexic and have to try very hard to overcome the disadvantage cool
I also have problems with typing so I do it very slowly rolleyes
but i am not unintelligent
Quote by JudyTV
Spelling comes way down the list when I am choosing someone to have sex with. If he or she wants to write a essay or letter during an intimate moment with me then I am not the person for them. When the lady whispers in my ear..."Make love to me and take me to heaven " I would never dream of whispering "Spell it darling" in return.

I love your posts!! Always entertaining but, at the same time, quite succinct at driving the point home!
It really does take all kinds to appeal to all of our unique personal preferences, and these can lie equally in the physical, emotional, intellectual & spiritual domains. Just as I find a voluptuous woman to be extremely attractive, the same can be said for intellectual stimulation.
Vix & I are hopeless pedants, which no doubt accounts for a small measure of our own mutual compatibility. Thus, just as someone might prefer a particular body type, we're the same with minds. It's just a matter of personal preference considered in our search for potential partners. I suppose it would be a different kettle of fish if we were just looking for sex but, taking a longer-term friendship-oriented view toward our partners, we weight the intellectual moreso than the physical.
Quote by JudyTV
"Spell it darling"

I - T :P
~Reese! surprised
I didn't get the impression that Mechanical Man was having a go at folk who have the odd spelling or grammatical error. I put my ad through 2 spell checkers and got 2 folk to proof read it (thank you kind personages), and it still had a typo in it :shock: And I'm certain he wasn't having a go at people with specific reading and writing difficulties. Maybe I'm wrong on this.
However not as a complaint but more as a source of amazement - there are a great deal of adverts which just show an overwhelming lack of thought has gone into them. If your first point of contact with someone is going to be written communication then you are going to need to be able to write something down that people can understand. The women are just as guilty of this as men on this point. Sometimes you have to read a sentence 2 or 3 times to actually understand what it means.
When I read adverts I always assume that like minded souls attract each other and that the txt type ads and one liners will appeal to those that give a txt or one line response. I don't think I'm pedantic - and I'm certainly not perfect so I don't particularly want anyone highlighting my spelling and grammar mistakes please. I think it all comes down to making an effort - it is after all an advertisement.
Quote by Reese
taking a longer-term friendship-oriented view toward our partners, we weight the intellectual moreso than the physical.

i think the point a lot of people here are trying to make is that counting the amount of spelling mistakes in someones advert probably wont give you an accurate view of their intelligence.
i am well aware of the fact that my spelling can at times leave a lot to be desired but i find it a little bit offensive that people may assume that i am not eloquent and able to hold my own in a conversation because of it.
my spelling inadequacies have also not held me back from gaining a very high level of academic qualifications.
i would go so far as to see that people who have problems with the written word are at times a lot more stimulating mentally, due to the fact that they have to be - in order to compensate for their shortcomings in other ways.
There is a fine line between not being good at spelling, and spelling carelessly. It's not always easy to tell which is which from a short sample of text. I will admit to having a problem with the latter though!
While I do occasionally have to proofread as part of my job, I try not to carry it over into my private life. I do, however, read what I post and fix any errors that I spot, which I think is just common courtesy to the reader. I'm aware that I write far too many run on sentences (and use too many parentheses), but that's just my conversational style.
What really does annoy me is when something is so garbled that I have to guess at the author's intentions, but I find that this is much more a matter of proper sentence construction and grammar than simply spelling. I'd be much more attracted to someone who writes fluently and eloquently with bad spelling than someone who has a writing style that wouldn't be out of place in a Janet and John book but perfect spelling.
Having scan read this post I apologise if someone else has said the same:
Eats, Shoots & Leaves by Lynn Truss
I often wish I was able to be word perfect too. It is a bad education from years ago, and the lack of confidence to move it forward. i find many people are less fortunate than me, my brother was/is dyslexic and suffered for years. He still contacts me to help him in letters, and he is 41 this year. Friends at work ask me to pen job applications for them, because dispite my own lack of complete spelling I know the right words. I was told ages ago that English is one of the worlds most difficult languages to get right, as we have many words spelt the same, but with complete opposite meanings, and some that sound the same but spelt different! My own experience has led to find also many spell the word according to local dialects, and family north of the border have some lovely sayings that get sent to me at times and I think ...? Anyone from the Ayrshire side will know all about ken...?
I think many of the ads however are sort of vague and un-thought out ones, where the needs and the words are from an alternate universe. hey at least if 805 of them are like this, AND they are not seen in good light, then that HAS to be good news for us that can sort of semi to perfectly post them ...right?
Ok, I`ve read this thread from start to finish, and have to admit that I am both guilty of taking the piss out of mistakes, and making plenty of my own.
Vix, thankyou for clarifying how to type `a lot` that is one which always makes me frown with uncertainty. Hope you still want to shag me! :P wink
I happen to be married to a guy who also has many problems with his spelling, although he is well read. He is often intimidated by his spelling issues, and this has much to do with why he doesn`t post much. He too has problems distinguishing between `thier, they`re and there`. Yet if anyone here were to meet him, they would find that he is one of the most open-minded, unjudgemental, and unpretentious people they would have the pleasure of meeting (albeit a tad quiet). That, in my mind, defines intelligence.
So why do I take the piss?
Because I cannot help but jump on the odd twat who often makes thier first post a critical griping post of others here, often before trying to get to know them better. Especially when that first post is full of errors which often indicates that they haven`t bothered to look inward first. Most of the time I will keep this pisstaking `tongue in cheek` because I don`t like to add hostilty to the site.
I once made such a post to a thread, and was challenged via PM by the recipiant of my remark, who wanted me to clarify. I explained, and expecting abuse, was pleasantly surprised when the guy saw the funny side and we continued to have a pleasant chat via PM. I did offer some punctuation advice (even though I`m sure mine isn`t perfect) because his posts were simply difficult to fathom. I meant no offense, and none was taken.
I instead try to pick up on character not by how well written thier posts are, but by the content of what they are trying to put across.
I still often get it wrong!
Some people just find it difficult to be fluent via a PC screen.
Quote by Reese
Vix & I are hopeless pedants, which no doubt accounts for a small measure of our own mutual compatibility. Thus, just as someone might prefer a particular body type, we're the same with minds. It's just a matter of personal preference considered in our search for potential partners. I suppose it would be a different kettle of fish if we were just looking for sex but, taking a longer-term friendship-oriented view toward our partners, we weight the intellectual moreso than the physical.

I'd just like to point out that many dyslexic people are very articulate verbally. You would not realise that they had this disability. Many are successfull in business or have been to university.
my spelling inadequacies have also not held me back from gaining a very high level of academic qualifications.

Indeed! When I was at university there was one fellow who had dyslexia and he was doing a degree in computer science which he successfully completed!
I'm very pedantic as well. I am well read and have a wide range of interests. I have to accept that not eveyone I meet is going to be like me and I learn to appreciate who they are for what they are. In the end it is a persons humanity and personality that are attractive.
Don't judge people to be unintelligent or unable to hold a conversation because they appear to be illiterate or bad at english! And besides there are other kinds of intelligence than that measured by IQ or academic achievment.