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Fireworks ...

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Quote by JonJon
Although I agree wholeheartedly with the need for further control, probably entailing the banning or licensing of private displays, the temerity of dog owners moaning about their animals being scared infuriates me. Every street, it seems, has a dog that yaps and howls day and night, as it's left in an undersized and understimulating environment. These same dogs cause fear and, occasionally, injury to postmen and other household callers, yet we seldom hear calls for domestic animals to be banned* confused
Incidently, many 'council' displays are sponsored, our nearest one has run in surplus for the past few years (although not this year owing to local politicking rolleyes )
*first on the list when I rule the world, closely followed by Rupert Murdoch

fuckin''ell jonjon!!!
my bloody dog does not yap, or bark, or bite, but he suffers like hell, and is in fear for months! no buggers in fear of my dog i can tell you. what's your point? and i can tell you it annoys me to hell without my dog when i get woken at 3am by a bloody explosion, and it certainly makes certain OAP's afraid round here when they get bangers through there letter box? :mad:`
responsible firework users? come live where i live then trot that bloody argument! i'm outraged at that jon i can tell you mate!
neil x x x ;)
Neil, the first line is critical. If it were possible to take the fireworks out of the hands of irresponsible idiots it would make life easier for everyone. Unfortunately there would still be people complaining that the well controlled events were causing harm to their animals. Animals which, I contend, they over-value in part because they have only a brief time each day with them, a situation (and I agree with Lucifer on this, no, really ;) ) tantamount to abuse in itself.
On its own a firework cannot injure someone. Unlike a dog which, whoever the owner or whatever the dog, has the capacity to cause injury. Every dog that attacks has, according to its owner, "never been dangerous before."
The rate of injury and harm amongst imbeciles who use fireworks as toys or weapons is high. The rate of injury at organised displays, which I will ferociously champion against those who claim they cause harm, is minute.
I'll happily 'trot out' the line that it's possible to use fireworks safely and responsibly in any area or community. I'll also vehemently oppose, in any area, any possibility of them falling into the hands of children - who are responsible for most real, as opposed to imagined, trouble they cause.
Quote by stevio
Lets face it its slightly odd that we celebrate the burning of one man for doing what a lot of people, myself included would like to do with this government.

Its not odd at all, read what you have written, its every person's right to call for a vote of "no confidence" in the current government :bs: and demand another general election if the majority agree :thumbup: then thats what will happen. :bounce: :bounce:
The government don't want you to know this little loop hole becauset thats democracy at its best, if 51% of the indigenous population called for it we could demand it. Saves blowing them up, however i prefer Guy's idea to problem solving. :thumbup:
Regarding the fireworks mine sleep through it they are all trained. Its worth training them as gun dogs for that reason.
Quote by midlandsman1970
Regarding the fireworks mine sleep through it they are all trained. Its worth training them as gun dogs for that reason.

:shock: that's a whole other can of worms ! (just sweeping up anyone I didn't alienate on that thread on this one ;) (j/k - I really do care about this subject, it's not one I'd troll on) )
sorry! maybe i'm being obtuse? dunno
licensed displays? well they would only take place on the 5th of november yes? one day a year? as opposed to 3 or 4 months of it 24/7, to the extreme annoyance of many, and the absolute terror of some humans, and some dogs?
i take particular exception to your previous argument, that we must all be bloody middle class hypocrites, who see our dogs as precious while abusing them? i can hardly be described as middle class living on a council estate and unemployed can i? contradiction in terms methinks! and given that i took a rescued dog, who was kept in a cellar for months by some wanker who wanted to fight him, a trauma he has never recovered from, despite my best efforts, well i'm not likely to abuse the poor bugger am i? the fact is, those twats who launch air bomb repeaters that rattle my windows for months on end, are abusing my dog! and me! and everyone else who lives here! i'd ban it like that! end of!
the fact is, where i live, there are no responsible firework users, cos people and dogs get scared, and kids get their faces melted off year in, year out. theres plenty of responsible dog owners though, and i have to say i found some of your posts on this patronising in the extreme. but i'll forgive you for them!
neil x x x ;)
Quote by GenHertsCpl
Mr Gen Herts here (FOR A FLAMING CHANGE mad ) your right Calista, its illegal to be in possession of black powder because it is an explosive, .

I thought/believe it was/is legal? A friend has a black powder gun (legal) and he can purchase powder for it and fire it all totaly legal as far as I know.
Makes a blody big bang and fires a steel BB like you wouldnt believe... but is legal unlike "buletted" guns, and "air rifles" (gas cartridge is still legal but under review as there are ways of upping the power) but I think there might be some very old laws about black powder guns that would take a lot of changes to past legislation to enshrine in new law... its not just a case of making it ilegal, but changing a lot of spin off legislation that is no longer enforced.
Similar to the way that still within english law every man should train once a week on the use of the long bow... it was never repealed and is no longer enfoced I believe.
(I'm a mind of useless information!)
Quote by JonJon
What about responsible firework users ? The rates of serious injury from fireworks are far lower, they are not a year round nuisance even in the worst areas, unlike dogs, and they provide utterly harmless enjoyment when used in a responsible manner.
Stevio's correct, there is new legislation, including an 11-7 curfew:

Responsible fireworks users? Like the ones round here who start their personal displays at in the evening??? Not a year round nuisance? Tell that to the people who will now stockpile them until xmas/new year/next available birthday ... provide utterly harmless enjoyment ... except to elderly nieghbours and those with small children/pets.
I live on a council estate, my children are well mannered and provide no bother to my neighbours, my dog is well trained and is certainly not left to her own devices, in fact she barks more in the house than out and isn't nervy.
I never started this thread as a war against dogs .. in fact if you read my first thread then you'll see I was more concerned about my children, and was right as my son ended up sobbing on the sofa next too me because the loud banging had woken him up and scared him.
Refering it back to the police or council round here is useless, dogs we can get act about under various legislation but fireworks, forget it. Neighbours can be tormented and terrorised for months and no one is interested.
A barking dog can't be pushed through your letterbox or left in your doorway to explode.
Believe me, I understand the torment of a barking dog but at the end of the day fireworks are an explosive and any fool can get hold of them.
Calista x
I agree with you that, fireworks should be left to organised displays! :!:
I also agree that fireworks should only be used at lorganised displays. Fireworks should be placed under the section 5 fire arm act
just started here now. bar stewards.
Quote by Jay_Derby
just started here now. bar stewards.

Thank god you live across town then ... kids just getting into bed here sad
Calista xx
erm.. am i the only one who likes them?... confused .... the louder the better! :bounce:
I love fireworks personally.
It's true, there will always be irresponsible people in this world who annoy, abuse, hurt etc etc and spoil things for others.
I live on a council estate and have a younger brother and sister (11 and 13) who keep themselves to themselves as the people round here are either up to mischief or doing something dodgy (please don't tell me not to tar them all with the same brush.... I've lived here for 9 years and I've seen what's gone on!). We have fireworks going off during the day and late at night and sure it is a nuisance but to be honest, if those using them get injured - which will happen one day - then so be it. It's their own stupid fault.
My family have a fireworks evening at my house every year as close to November 5th as possible and I can honestly say I really look forward to it (as do our neighbours who hang out the windows to see the show for free!).
Obviously, as with all topics not everyone will agree as that is just human nature but personally, I think life without the simple things in life wouldn't be the same.
It's a kind of tradition in my family to have a good old evening (no alcohol involved for safety reasons!) with close friends and family with a bit of light music, the baked potatoes fresh from the oven and then outside to watch the display all snuggled up to each other ooooing and ahhhing at the wonderful colours and sounds.
If fireworks are used responsibly, I don't see a reason to ban them. It's just the minority of idiots who set them off in the street etc who spoil it for everyone else.
^^Thanks, glad I'm not the only one !
I'm gobsmacked by the suggestion that it's impossible to use fireworks responsibly. They don't have a mind of their own, they're as safe as the users.
For me, and I may not have made this sufficiently clear, 'responsible use' involves organisation and notice of displays, in safe areas. That's not going to be just one night a year (not least because I don't think it's appropriate to disbar non-Christian celebrations from using fireworks) but nor is it going to be the nightly barrage that some areas currently 'enjoy'.
There are some very emotive expressions used, and no-one would deny that fireworks have the potential to cause horrendous injuries, but RoSPA's figure for overnight stays resulting from firework related accidents in 2003 is 57, with no deaths having occured.
For comparison: Two people were killed by pets, 434 required overnight treatment in hospital in the same period.
Shops should not be allowed to sell fireworks to the public....
Organised displays only.......i hate fireworks! banghead
Fecking Fireworks!!! Just spilt my vodka and (Vanilla - diet) coke all over the fecking keyboard!!!!!
Heart, heart - come back here!!!!!!!
Quote by JonJon
There are some very emotive expressions used, and no-one would deny that fireworks have the potential to cause horrendous injuries, but RoSPA's figure for overnight stays resulting from firework related accidents in 2003 is 57, with no deaths having occured.
For comparison: Two people were killed by pets, 434 required overnight treatment in hospital in the same period.

i've resisted saying this and carrying on a potentially explosive argument (no pun intended) but if I find the statistics that back up how many females (I use females as a point of argumant I do completely accept that males suffer too) were hospitalised or required overnight treatment or killed by an abusive male would you use the same argument and call for a ban on males?
You can make statistics say what you like ... the hospitals might keep records on such incidents, but there are no statistics regarding emotional distress caused by fireworks. You might like to research fire/police/paramedic records where no further action was taken regarding fireworks.
They are explosives - BAN THEM
(Nah, don't feel strongly about it at all!)
And whilst I sympathise with all dog owners, not really the done thing to dope a 4 year old child ....................
Quote by Calista
i've resisted saying this and carrying on a potentially explosive argument (no pun intended) but if I find the statistics that back up how many females (I use females as a point of argumant I do completely accept that males suffer too) were hospitalised or required overnight treatment or killed by an abusive male would you use the same argument and call for a ban on males?
You can make statistics say what you like ... the hospitals might keep records on such incidents, but there are no statistics regarding emotional distress caused by fireworks. You might like to research fire/police/paramedic records where no further action was taken regarding fireworks.

You've missed the point, and to argue that they argument I make could be extended to ban males is facile and offensive. The argument is repeatedly used that all firework use is extremely dangerous. It's simply not, as the accident rates support. To call for a ban on that basis has far less weight than calling for a ban on pets on the same grounds.
Yes, they can hurt and cause fear, but, as I've said before, fireworks cannot attack, cannot maim, cannot inflict fear, without human intervention, and if they were restricted to organised displays they would not do so.
A total ban brings into question which other liberties should be constrained.
just had to get that off my chest