So our "democratic" governement has just banned Dutch MP Geert Wilders form entering the country to present his film - luckily its available on the web, the National Secular Society's weekly newsletter has link to it - amongst other things, it features the hanging of gays and execution of women in moslem countries.
This is not acted out propaganda - its news that has happened in the real world - it seems that the governement does not value the democratic rights and free speech we have fought for over the centuries.
What a complete disgrace.
Yours in Anger & Anarchy !
what`s out of context? these are things that are happening now
i'm with fabio on this one. There are limits to freedom of speech, its simply a question of where to draw the line. Yes extremist muslims have justified their actions with verses quoted in Fitna. But you cannot judge 1 billion people on the actions of few nutters. This guy is just another nasty piece of work on a power trip, playing on people's ignorance and fears. Pity we cant put them all in ring an let em fight it out like celebrity death match...would be very entertaining, whilst getting rid of some nasty people at the same time!
short video here says it all for me
it seems like free speech does not allow any critisism of islam,both on a personal level for fear of violence {ask salman rushdie} and especially at government level, for fear of demonstrations and violence as promised by another peer of the realm lord ahmed.
It does seem to me, a non-political animal, that Muslim extremists are allowed in, allowed to spew their messages of hate and then are kicked out. This guy hasn't even been given the opportunity to speak, or even enter a fellow-European country. I think that's wrong.
We have just watched this on u-tube -
- everyone should do so and make their own minds up.
Freedom of speech in this country should be universal, not just for the Government and the groups they are trying to appease. Our ancestors fought and often died for our freedom of speech - don't throw it away or let it be taken from you!
The comments are the usual Youtube trite assholes, but what a song Wrats ! What a song ;-)
cat stevens............classic
Everyone should have the right of free speech, how else can we fight against the extremists of the far right and any other extreme groups for that matter.
However, importing extreme views from other countries by allowing them to come into the country is another thing. I seem to remember a few years ago a musilm cleric was refused access for peddling hate and I think this dutch right wing extremist needed banning also.
I've got no problem with Fitna (watched it quite some time ago on and I've got no issue with allowing Geert Wilders into the country to defend his film which joins together clips already in the public domain. He didn't make it, it was made by the actions of those who justify their behaviour in the name of the Islam religion.
This country needs an open and honest debate by all sides regarding the threat posed by militant Islamists living here and the way Islam is set up to be beyond criticism in any way, shape or form and this would have been as good as time as any to start it. The actions of our cowardly and appeasing Government raise doubt in my mind as to why they will not engage in a genuine debate with the public and instead come out on the attack against those who want to initiate the debate.
How can our useless Home Secretary claim the presence of Wilders in this country would endanger public security when the only threat to our security had come from Labour Lord Achmed who had promised to send 10,000 Muslim protestors to storm the House of Lords when the film was originally scheduled to be shown and so got it banned and was totally allowed to get away with this threat.
Policital minnow and grinning idiot David Milliband couldn't resist joining in either - "A hate-filled film designed to stir up religious and racial hatred in this country is contrary to our laws,". Yes Fitna is hate-filled and that hate is aimed in a rather uncomfortable and inconvenient one-way direction Mr Milliband. Let's see a disection of Fitna to show us which bits are not true and then I will make my mind up.
I'm surprised nobody has picked up on the music that accompanies Fitna either, it's Edward Grieg's rather appropriately titled Death.
freedom of speech is a interesting thing - its just we dont have it here. If anyone comes into this country to promote anit-semitism or other forms of racial hatred - they get banned. Its the law. Simple as that. How come all the people on this forum who want Wilders to express his freedom of speech never complained about Louis Farrakhan from being banned. Or holocaust deniers being banned? We simply dont have freedom of speech - anyone who incites racial hatred will be banned here.
Here are a whole load more "out-of-context" phrases then.....
not gonna rise to this shit
JTS - interesting. last time i checked the last massacre on european soil were bosnian muslims being butchered for their faith - hmmm. Please JTS - dont let the facte get in the way of your prejudices
The problem in this political correct time is that you cant say anything without some fecking do-gooder jumping on your case! I cant criticise Israel without being labelled anti-semetic, I cant criticise Muslims kiiling civillians in terrorist atrocities without being labelled Islamophobic, I cant criticise peddlers of hate without being labelled anti-libertarian...and so on.
What people need to do is get a grip and realise that just like the IRA in the UK and ETA in Spain and the PKK in Turkey, there are so-called Muslims who think they are at war and that any1 not agreeing with their position is an enemy-Muslim or non-Muslim.
My point is geert is pushing the idea that ALL Muslims are militants and should be treated as such. He has a hateful blinkered view and that is he is appealing against prosecution for preaching hate in his home country and that is why he was barred from entering the UK. I hate it when people try and portray this crap as "appeasing" Muslims.
What is quoting Revelation 6 about please JTS?
Not having a pop at all, I just do not understand!
The hardest of all books in the Greek Scriptures to understand.