Hi all...
Just wondering how others felt about forgive or forget.. Were always taught to forgive as such.. But how many really do I wonder? Ok we may not make a big fuss over being wronged and yes would depend on the degree of the 'wrong' to start with for sure..
What I want to know is do people honestly forgive and forget when wronged?
I don't think I ever forgive.. Its a bad traight I'm told. Julie can.. She forgives and forgets quite easily.. I just don't, I seem to bide my time and seek revenge.. More so when no remorse or apology is ever received, what about you guys..
Just thinking about this today.. saw someone from a while ago who did a nasty deed.. and so ended up sorting it out lol... Feel 100% better for it but also feel slightly silly too for not being able to let it go..
Mike x
Some things can't be forgiven - even if you really want to.
I don't seek revenge anymore. I prefer to believe that what goes around comes around.
Mdr, just as Kazandkev said you can forgive but never forget.
However, you also learn to be a lot more tolerant as you get older and realise life is just too short to hold a grudge. I learned at 17 after a very silly argument and falling out with someone who was very close, and very special to me. They died suddenly before I ever had the chance to tell then just how much I loved them. :cry:
I have to say it would depend on the situation, I'm normally quite forgiving and can forgive most situations, forget? that's a different ball game.
Something happened in my paternal side of the family that I shall never forgive nor forget so that is my exception to my own rule.
As I have got older I have got more tollerant and tend to let alot of things go over my head.
It really would depend on the situation as to wether I could forgive and forget. I think I find it easier to forgive than I do forget. However some things can never be forgiven and forgotten.
I can forgive (half heartedly at times depending on circumstance) but i find it harder to forget and tend to be one of these who occasionally brings things up from the past because its talk about them or get all upset with myself about it. a few people i will never forgive nor forget things they have done but tolerate them because blood is thicker than water n all that. Time heals some things i dont actively seek revence on people who have hurt me. One person i will never forgive or forget or ever speak to them again but would i see that person hurt, Never :confused2:
I think a lot of the bad feelings come from oneself, in allowing events to escalate. That creates a further layer to remove, and often stands in the way more than the other person's deeds.
So perhaps mellowing means being more adept at avoiding dealing with people who are likley to crap on your life.
The arabs have a saying, 'never let a camel get its head in the tent'
Depending on what's been done I can forgive but not forget.
How can you forget?
Ive recently come to the conclusion that life is too short to hold grudges and the only person that hurts is yourself.
I will forgive someone only once though. If they do it again, I will just have nothing to do with them anymore.
louise xx
I hold grudge's i'm afraid.
If someone doe's something bad to me(which is rare, thank god) I cannot forgive.
I can only think of two things that I cant forgive. The first is a boy at school who i suffered mercilessly at the hands of from bullying. I still shudder at the feelings i get when he creeps into my head. And even after 25 years since last seeing him it's far too frequent. What upsets me is. He may not realise how he affected me.
The second is a family matter that I would love to approach the family about, but it would destroy any relationships myself, my kids and wife have with the family outside of our home. So its a case of bite my tongue hard.
Though to forget would be such a bonus in many cases. Generally I have no problems forgiving. I believe that we are all capable of good and bad. The good in people far outways the bad. I don't believe that anyone is truly nasty.