The plan is (evidently) to use the revenue to establish the UK as a world leader in "Green Fuel" technology, so in a decade or two's time we have a product/area that is valuable to the planet and will keep us lving to the standard we have become accustomed. As a "service" country we are dead in the water with current global trends, as we are as a "manufacturing" country. We simply can't compete. The idea of saving the planet AND using the revenue to create a future worthwhile market is actually not such a bad one on reflection.
Ffs people get a grip on reality.
There are plenty of studies out there that result in showing that even if we took every car in the uk off the road completely, it would make about 0.7% impact on global co2 emissions, whoopee doo
There is one reason, and one reason only why we pay some of the highest fuel prices in the world, “revenue”
Just think about it logically a minute, where else is any government going to get its money from? Hike up income tax and watch the backlash. Hike up council tax any further and put a third of the population into destitution. Cut services much further and have no chance of winning any election. So where do you go from there?
The motorist, an easy soft target that they can just about justify hitting, and hitting hard using the environmental bullshit that we all swallow.
If they were really concerned about ‘green’ issues they would be investing far more in renewable energy, micro renewables (like giving home owners 100% discounts on home solar and wind generation), lean burn engines (some of which are capable of 300 mpg but have been shelved to appease the oil conglomerates and keep tax revenues up) fission, waste energy exchangers, energy and recourse loss reduction, public transport, clean burn and alternative fuels, the list goes on.
If all the above where implemented globally, it would result in a stonking 60+% in the reduction of human environmental impact on the planet.
Makes the piddley 0.7% the poor motorist contributes look a bit silly really.
All views expressed are those of the poster who takes no responsibility for them as he has been certified as insane
i say blox to paying the tax over here
we love forieng lorry drivers they sell deisel so very cheap lol and one of the local super markets do a very nice cheap veggie oil to mix with it so it gets down to about 40p a litre will i change and pay british tax for fuel (take a guess) as long as we have friends who drive abroad no we wont
IWONDER WHAT THE THE YANKS WOULD DO IF THEY PUT UP THE PRICE OF A GALLON !!!! trouble with the Brits, where all to bloody soft ( not meant sexually ) but the goverment couldnt give a dam about us folks !!!! - back to the stone ages for us people !!!
The Gov. says its raising tax on fuel because the climate change is the most pressing problem in the world.
No it isn't, at least not to MPs. The most pressing problem for MPs is to get re-elected. So as we had an election May 05 that means that the next election is probably between 30 and 36 months away.
So what Gordon is doing now is getting all the nasty tax rises out of the way, before an election is near. Also, as the Dear Leader Tony will be gone, he can be blamed for lots of nasty stuff and Gordon can say, "nowt to do with me, honest, it was Tony what did it"
So brace yourselves for more tax hikes for about the next 18 / 24 months before you might see some tax reductions before the next election.
John & Shel