Two things that have really bugged me lately:
Duvet covers!

And the very worst thing about duvet covers ... women can stuff a duvet into its cover in the time it takes you to say " fecking duvet must be broken or summat... let's get the blankets out of the loft"..
And I detest caravans!
No i don't actually hate caravans. It's the people who hook them up to cars and tootle about the roads for the simple reason they like seeing loads of cars in the side mirrors. No other reason at all. They even buy those specialist mirrors that are bigger, so they can get a proper look at how many different cars they are pissing off. And they drive at 49 and a half miles an hour, in a 60mph zone, until..... they know you can overtake on a nice straight bit with no oncoming traffic..... and then they zip up to 75mph... until they know you can't get by. Bastards. :x:x
And if you can afford a caravan and a flash car to tug it along the highways and byways.... why don't you spend that money on going somewhere nice... and not clutter up the main roadway to Filey! Muppets.....
So.... what makes you turn into a psycopathic nutter???