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GFZ - Sarge, Hughies, and Ralphs

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Night, Arti ! You see those animals home safely now !
Quote by FredFlintstone
sorted out the route and pninted it in big bold type for Wilma - you know what these girlies are at navigating

Fred hunny, you can print the directions off as big as you like and as bold as you like. Poor Wilma will explain each and every direction thoroughly and exactly ............. and you still won't believe either of them and do your own 'short cut' thing
Nite Arty, watch out for that BA woman!!!!!
Sgt Bilko
Misschief - throw your top over in the corner - what? nothing on underneath - that don't matter girl....
Right - now you have 10 mins to serve beer to everyone and ring out for the takeaway and get back to the sofa if you hurry - however if another fella walks in you will have to sirt on the floor hun.....
Sarge - off to scout the south coast for a few days - taking some very nice wine and meeting some even nicer company down there for a few days light entertainment and heavy breathing. Wilma has packed more underwear and toys than I think it is possible to use in 4 days but I wait with baited breath...
Just debating if the owners of the cottage would notice a big F**k off bolt in the ceiling when we leave - trying to work out if we should take the love swing with us!!!!!! 8) At least then the house sitter won't find it!
Might even get the chance to see some of the sights outside the bedroom but not putting too much hope on that!
Right - ready - misschief.....
oooohhhhhhhh - nice tits - redface - sorry promised not to say anything didn't I lol :lol: :lol:
Art sweety, as much as I think you're wonderful I really do not want Old Fly practicing for his next batch of pups on my leg evil .... My god that's a shiny belt buckle! :shock: ... lost track there for a second from the glare, you trendy devil you 8) ...... can you please also take these ferrets that seem to be practicing their swinging ways with each other in my dress! Good job I'm not out on the pull tonight, wouldn't really stand a chance with how I must smell now :evil:
:yawn: sorry fell asleep on the sofa!!
Did I miss much?
what's all this sticky stuff.....eeerrrrrrrr Kat was that you?
Did Arti show a length??
Sorry can't stop around any longer really am off to bed now.
Who is gonna look after this place next week????? rolleyes
x x x x
I think Arti had the right plan, fine folks. Time to turn in I think - must pop in again next time and see who's around.
I'll leave the bottle here for you, Misschief - I've not really said hello before so take this for that purpose. Please enjoy with my compliments.
Before you guys comment on my gesture to this fine lady just remember one thing - it'll mean more beer left for you !
Night folks !
{Carpathian leaves the room, having skirted a mean looking pizza, currently baring its teeth and refusing to go back in it's box}
Where did the bloody dog go - and where did these ferrets come from?
Don't tell Misschief that the dog has gone - she looks quite nice wirth her top off!
Will someone put these bloody ferrets in the cupboard - Alex can sort em out next week!
Fred this top is off only cos I had to get them ferrets out! Not cos you told me to redface
Hey, where in the South are you coming to?
goes to fridge n grabs drinks just to shut em up
Yeah right - you whipped that top off a bit sharpish there girl!
nice puppies! (He is a quick worker that dog!)
Did you know your top is trying to move across the floor under it's own steam? - wierd!
Off to Dorset my lass......
but off to bed first.. - clean up before you leave hun and dont spray any of that blody peach air freshner - this place is just starting to get back to normal.
See you all next week....
Wilma! Blimey you were quiet ..... now before you go, heres a big hug and the best wishes for your travelling, you brave girl biggrin
Carpathian hunny, thank you for that. It's a nice drink, a sipping drink but still very palatable kiss
Nite Carpy, nice poem by the way. Fred are you still here. I'm so pleased you have gone back to the old avatar. I didn't like that Tellytubby one reaching for the "D"!!! In fact it is doing my head in everyone changing their avatars. I had just sussed out what everyone looks like, judging by their avatars and they all changed. I think I am going to change mine back. Don't tell Sappho but I much prefered her old one to the new ones.
I like yours though Misschief
Love your original avatar Sarge 8)
Also makes the Sarge dolls all the more recognisable!
wakes up from deep slumber, opens one eye, everything seems dark...opens both eyes....
aaaaarrrrgggghhhhhhh I can't see :eeek:
Panic over, it's only Misschiefs top, you should be more carefull when you throw it off luv !
Morning Sarge, Carp, Will....oh sorry Arti, thought you were Will for a second.
Awwwwww, look at Misschief asleep on the sofa, she must be cold just sat there topless.....I know what would warm her up :rascal:
poke OI wake up, we need fresh hot coffee
What's this crumpled paper on the sofa ? Oh FFS !!! Fred Fred FRED !! Wilma's left the A1 sized directions in the GFZ, we might never see them again rolleyes
Quote by brumlad
wakes up from deep slumber, opens one eye, everything seems dark...opens both eyes
Morning Sarge, Carp, Will....oh sorry Arti, thought you were Will for a second.

Morning Brumlad,
Think you're a bit confused there mate:
I'm 'A Second for Will' not 'Will for a second'. duel
Besides, Will is a gentleman; I'm an oaf. You can tell because I've got turned over black wellies; Will doubtless has buckles on his green ones.
*Fred walks in - grabs directions off the sofa and stomps out muttering*
Three miles! confused
Three bloody miles!
and we got lost........... :shock:
We were heading to Scotland - then she fessed up that she tucked Misschief up on the sofa with the directions because she looked so cold and forgot to pick them up! mad
Took her 10 minutes before she realised she was reading a Valentines card and not a map (Yes! I did remember!) wink
Bye! :wink: :wink: :wink:
Fred (& a confused Wilma!) rolleyes
Fred, my friend. What on earth are you doing in here? Aren't you supposed to be off enjoying yourself? You must have more exciting things to do than slum it in here.
Nevertheless, good to see you wave
It should have been easy. All you had to do was head south - sort of feels like going downhill from where you are. You need SatNav in the car.
A friend of mine bought his wife a car with SatNav because she had absolutely zero sense of direction. The trouble is, she is also a technophobe and can't work out how to program the navigation computer!! rotflmao
Still, at least she has a very comfortable and expensive car to get lost in now lol
Quote by artificer
Will doubtless has buckles on his green ones.
How the hell did you know that? Just a lucky guess (right though!! redface)
Yawwwwn, stretchhhh. God, waking up being prodded with what feels like a broomstick in my lower back takes me back to my married days!
First time I've been prodded in the back with a real brommstick tho first thing in the morning!!! evil gis it here smackbottom :smackbottom: :smackbottom:
Misschief dear, how on earth am I supposed to take you seriously, while beating me with the broomstick, while being topless :grin: rotflmao :rotflmao:
:!: Now be a love, and make us this damned coffee
Right then guys, what film shall we put on !?
Makes pot of fresh coffee, brings the papers, knocks up a full english breakfast, grabs arsenal mug n pops a rose in it - places it all on a tray
Here you go Brumlad, you sweety :rose: :rose:
There you see what just one little card will do :inlove: :inlove:
ooooooo sorry, cant resist it .... just a little :sparring: tho :twisted:
Leans forward for quick kiss, knocks over the mug with rose in with boobs, oops redface
Off out now before the others expect breakfast too, or will be here all day! byeee :arrow: :arrow: :arrow:
Quote by Wilma
Remote control is hidden (I'll pm Kit and tell her where it is).
Now that is one of the most creative hiding places ever! You Guys havn't got a hope in hell of finding that remote you know :twisted:
I am VERY happy today - I'm away for the week all on my own wink
so I'll pm Jags with the location of the remote control.
Girlies - you have my permission to torment Kat as much as you wish whilst I am away. Have fun :twisted:
*Kit wanders off singing happily to herself - no Kat for a whole week, no Kat for a whole week*
Quote by Artificer
Besides, Will is a gentleman; I'm an oaf.
Artificer - you do yourself a grave injustice, sir! I consider you to be at least my equal (if not my better) in every respect. Besides, your highly civilised use of a semi-colon there betrayed your true worth! worship
I look forward to joining you for a couple of libations of whatever your favourite tipple may be (Merlot seems a safe bet for us both) during one of my visits to Shropshire. :cheers: Which, by the way, will need to become a darn sight more frequent than they have been to date if the last few remnants of my sanity are to be preserved! :silly:
Be seeing you, I hope!.
quietly creeps in
Besides, your highly civilised use of a semi-colon there betrayed your true worth!
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Will, you are just priceless, please don't ever change
creeps back out again :arrow: :arrow: :arrow:
Will, you are just priceless, please don't ever change
He never does, I have seen him three times, and he always wears the same shirt! rolleyes
Quote by Mistress Kit
Girlies - you have my permission to torment Kat as much as you wish whilst I am away. Have fun
:shock: Oi, I've just bloody seen this!
Right, time I sorted that wench out! mad
Quote by KitKat
Girlies - you have my permission to torment Kat as much as you wish whilst I am away. Have fun
:shock: Oi, I've just bloody seen this!
Right, time I sorted that wench out! mad
Too late babes - she's gone, or haven't you noticed???
x xx
Well , it's as quiet as the grave in here. Not a soul. Maybe it's true what they were saying:this is all an illusion, we aren't really here. Maybe it's like on X-Files, with old Mouldy and Scally, or whatever they were called, and Gman (where is he?), Fred, Brumlad, Sarge and everyone else have been abducted by aliens! Thinking about it, it's all been a bit wierd since that Lady Wa started visiting. She only seems to appear at night, seems to have strange powers-at least over Sarge, and when she walked past the mirror there was no reflection (could have been the 2 inches of dust I suppose). Mmmmm. Last night, she was joking about 'Close Encounters of the Furred Kind': I thought she meant my dog, but perhaps I misheard? Curiouser and Curiouser. Come to think of it, she did seem to keep playing five notes on the piano and gazing at the sky, and drawing pictures of a mountain, and all that bright light: I thought somebody had put a 100 Watt bulb in, but, hey, it's all starting to make sense now.
And here was me wanting to make 'little aliens' with her: what a near miss, I could have been beamed up to the Mastership. Let's have another look:
Gman-missing, Fred-missing (perhaps his trip was further afield than we thought), alex-missing (presumed skiing , but it could be a ploy-YES,mountains again!), Sarge -missing, presumed at Old Trafford but last seen gazing at the sky and muttering something about'Alex'-Ferguson in his case, Brumlad-missing, Carpathian-missing, Sappho-missing, Feenix-missing, Misschief-missing (last seen putting feathers in her hair, chanting, and muttering about the 'big eagle' landing out of the sky to claim 'the spirit of her ancestors')-and on all the radio stations, Chris De Burgh singing 'A Spaceman Came Travelling'....Oh, by the hair on me mother's back, we're being invaded. I thought it was just that my daffodils were early, well, moreover that they'd grown to 7 feet high and moved around. When Sappho said they were Triffid-I thought it was a compliment! And why have all the children in the village suddenly got blonde hair and piercing blue eyes?? And I'm sure I saw Sigourney Weaver driving a tractor through the village with a nasty looking critter hanging off the back! I assumed it was one of my kids. Yep, tht's it, the end of the world-and me and my ferrets are the last humans left. Well, if that's the case, come here Jill my girl, prepare for a novel experience!!! rolleyes :roll:
kicks open the door to the GFZ, surveys the humble room that we all keep so close to our hearts. Freds pizza is just about to jump out of the window, tumbleweed rolls across the floor, Arti's staring at the tv, rocking too and fro after watching conspiracy theory starring Mel Gibson. I think he's losing it, where's Nurse Sappho when you need her !
There's a post card from Wilma pinned on the back of the door, it's a picture of our remote control with a question mark scrawled all over that's mean mad
Where is everyone ? Arti's ill, Fred's lost in a field after following Wilmas directions, Sarge is missing in action, Carpie's vanished - last seen scribbling something in his notebook, will's nowhere to be seen - though rumour has it he's been out buying yet more frilly cuffed shirts, it's so quiet in here, I might even have to drag Misschief back into the cleaning cupboard :rascal:
{Carpy appears in the doorway}
Blimey - signs of life !
Carpy me old mucka, grab a drink....have to help yourself as the girlies have even deserted the place :eeek: now that's really got me worried
I'm begining to think that this theory is right, just look what it's done to poor old Arti