Night, Arti ! You see those animals home safely now !
Nite Arty, watch out for that BA woman!!!!!
Sgt Bilko
I think Arti had the right plan, fine folks. Time to turn in I think - must pop in again next time and see who's around.
I'll leave the bottle here for you, Misschief - I've not really said hello before so take this for that purpose. Please enjoy with my compliments.
Before you guys comment on my gesture to this fine lady just remember one thing - it'll mean more beer left for you !
Night folks !
{Carpathian leaves the room, having skirted a mean looking pizza, currently baring its teeth and refusing to go back in it's box}
Where did the bloody dog go - and where did these ferrets come from?
Don't tell Misschief that the dog has gone - she looks quite nice wirth her top off!
Will someone put these bloody ferrets in the cupboard - Alex can sort em out next week!
Yeah right - you whipped that top off a bit sharpish there girl!
nice puppies! (He is a quick worker that dog!)
Did you know your top is trying to move across the floor under it's own steam? - wierd!
Off to Dorset my lass......
but off to bed first.. - clean up before you leave hun and dont spray any of that blody peach air freshner - this place is just starting to get back to normal.
See you all next week....
Nite Carpy, nice poem by the way. Fred are you still here. I'm so pleased you have gone back to the old avatar. I didn't like that Tellytubby one reaching for the "D"!!! In fact it is doing my head in everyone changing their avatars. I had just sussed out what everyone looks like, judging by their avatars and they all changed. I think I am going to change mine back. Don't tell Sappho but I much prefered her old one to the new ones.
I like yours though Misschief
Love your original avatar Sarge 8)
Also makes the Sarge dolls all the more recognisable!
{Carpy appears in the doorway}
Blimey - signs of life !
Carpy me old mucka, grab a drink....have to help yourself as the girlies have even deserted the place :eeek: now that's really got me worried
I'm begining to think that this theory is right, just look what it's done to poor old Arti