have to say looking at the avators recently the state of the british womens ass is awesome,this site must be like a magnet for the perfectly formed out there,i have pm'd a few of you to compliment,i hope you take the pm's as the compliment that they were meant as.
theres my two penneth worth
any comments from the ladies in question???
This person has a nice ass also, not sure what sex it is though!
fan fe****g tastic, i have pissed my self luaghing at it, cheers trapper
lol, i about wet myself when i first saw it!
Just hope the OP appreciates it!
I didn't get one either :cry:
I suggest the women's bum thread
now I know I haven't been here long but whats wrong with mine hehehehe! oooooh not MORE treadmil !!!!!!!
quite like one like yours scandal! heheh did you get a message?
Anyway I think its payback time, may have to think about this one for a while. Anyone any ideas???
I feel somehow left out . . . Oh no . . . hang about . . . theres my Darry Air . . .
still waiting for my PM !!!! :moon:
its a little treat for the ladies only sorry mate..
i'm sure your arse is nice though(from a fems perspective) lol