does anyone else have any views on this i would love 2 hear
bring back the hair
Quote by cu3b4ll
Hiand :welcome: to the Cafe.
It might be worth taking some time to read through some old posts and maybe apply for a mentor >> here <<.
But above all, enjoy yourself and get to know everyone.
Quote by steve
its that extra bit of excitement not being able 2 see all straight away having 2 brush the hair 2 the side b4 seeing everything!!!!
Quote by Jags
What a lovely response!! No-where have you used the dreaded phrase. Congratulations on your restraint and diplomacy.
Have a Jags snog!:kiss:
Quote by freckledbird
Cueball, you'll piss Mal off with that - he's asked for newbies NOT to apply for mentors yet, until the system is up and running.
Quote by bluexxx
Never know how many past boyfriends are still lost in there
Quote by acetates
,hairy is not really my cup of tea.
Quote by bailiffs
well in reply to this i thought id be clever and get two pics of shaven n hairy but i went to google and typed in "bush" but erm................i wouldnt want to lick this bush :twisted: