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I was talking to someone earlier and the subject of scary/horror films came up.
Now I have this real big fear of a certain film....can't even name it because it'll give me nightmares! I still get nightmares about it now, 3 years on!
Before I watched this film, I was fine with anything scary, gory, psychological etc etc.
Lots of people think this certain film isn't scary at all (it's only Certificate 15) and I get the piss ripped out of me because I find it so scary!
I can't quite explain the terror I feel when I think about the film. I know what happens in it is not real and I know that nothing like that can happen in RL but it still scares the crap out of me!
Even in the daytime I come over all funny when I think about night it's even worse. I don't like sleeping in the total darkness unless I'm with someone.
I've tried watching it again to try to get rid of the fear but can't bring myself to do it as I don't want the nightmares to come back worse and for it to haunt me like it did before.
This is the only film that has ever affected me in this way and it'll be the last as I can't watch anything remotely scary now.
Do you have certain films or books that scare you but you can't explain why?
What is it about the film that scares you so much? Is it what you don't see...the suggestion which your imagination then makes up? Or is it what you actually do see? Or anything else? Am I just a silly cow? (no, don't answer that! lol )
I think for me it's what you don't see, I have rather an over active imagination!
I think I might stay up all night now..... lol
Yep ................. We watched the Butterfly effect last night .......... it was a nasty film !!!
I cant get it out of my head ............ It made me cry
Thanx lol ............. cant go to bed now !!!
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
mine silly as it sounds,,,,,,was Micheal Jacksons "thriller".........
parents put it on when i was young, as scared the living beejesus out of me surprised soon as he looks up as says,,<GOOO AWAY...with those horrible eyes and teeth, I'd run into the kitchen sad
Same goes for ghostbusters, with the doorway chair incident,,,,,took me years to watch that again!........
teach me for trying to watch those films when far too young! :shock:
great not going to sleep now :cry:
I am so glad to find I'm not alone in this.
I really can't watch scary/gory/horror films at all. Anything over a 15 cert is out...........and some of those are too much too. I've never been able to watch them.....think it goes back to watching a really old black and white film called The Fiend Without A Face when I was 8. My Dad really shouldn't have let me stay up to see it. It was all about these invisible monsters that went round sucking out peoples brains and spinal cords. After the film I went up to bed and was just falling asleep when my wonderful father scratched on the bedroom door and started making sucking noises. I think my screams woke up half the street! Have been pertified of Horror films ever since.
Pitch Black................terrified the life out of me. I had to sleep with the light on for weeks because the things only got you in the dark!
The problem I find is that when the film is finished my imagination takes over..............and it can quite happily come up with all sorts of horrific things to keep me awake all night.
On a lighter note............years ago my then boyfriend said he was taking me out for my 18th birthday. He took me to the cinema. Double bill..............Omen 1 and 2. I dumped him the next day, as he obviously didn't know a thing about
Was it Titanic by any chance?
Mine was called Chinese ghost stories, which was about a chinese village plagued by vampires. Full of blood, gore, violence, beheading, vampirism. I couldn't be alone in the house for 3 years. Everytime I had to come downstairs from an empty 2nd floor I had to race down the stairs for fear of having a chinese vampire get me. It was an 18s certificate. I was only 8 :shock:
Cannot watch anything like that on my own!
It all started with Living Dead - is that the right one? In the 80's it terrified me! The bit stood behind a door and the two hands came through - oh god! Wet my pants or what?
I've watched it since and can see the spoof factor in it now but back then the Elephant Man was all we'd been allowed to watch - haunting in it's own right, and a bit of Rosemary's baby - kept a check on myself all the way through my pregnancies confused
By far the worse for me was Nightmare on Elm Street. Recurring dream after recurring dream, of me (are ya ready for this??) and Freddy in a boxing ring (?) and he was spitting at me (Ok, now you know I'm mad right?) I had to avoid the 'spit' by hiding behind an empty margerine tub that I kept holding over my face redface
So there ya go. I don't have the nightmares any more you will be relieved to know - because I watch nothing like that at all now. I did catch a Japanese film the other night by mistake - very late. It involved cutting bits off and I had to watch through my fingers. Even though I had someone to cuddle up to, it still made me wonder if it would bother me when I was alone - fingers crossed (just counting to see if they are all still there confused ) I have been fine.
I think the dream ones or the ones saying things in mirrors three times (Candyman is it? Could NEVER watch that) are the worse for me.........
Cathy x
(Wating for kids to get up so I don't have to go downstairs on my own confused )
I love horror films but as I get older I find I can't watche them on my own :S
Film that scared me as a kid and still gives me nightmares is Jaws! go figure!
C x
I can't stand gory horror films - i prefer more pyschological ones like The Omen...In fact I tend to find those kind of films, where the horror is either pyschological or implied to be scarier than "guts'n'gore" stuff
there's nothing better than switching all the lights of turning the TV up and watching a horror the ones that make you jump are my favorites as the ones with all the blood in them are not so good final destination 2 is my best film up to yet biggrin
its not quite a horror but it makes you jump loads
we watched the Butterfly effect the other night as well thought it was a good film and very interesting biggrin
Oh horror films :scared:
I have a fear of anything horror, mainly the supernatural stuff (plus when people suddenly appear at windows with mad faces n covered in blood :scared: ).
A while ago now, I was watching telly and flipped the channel, forgot that Sixth Sense was on - too late :shock: turned it over to see a boy saying something and then a dead woman looking at him through the window :scared: I only saw it for about 2 mins - that was months ago, still traumatised now!
It is a ridiculous fear - on telly the other week, well I didn't actually see anything cos was on me computer in here. But heard some scary music, that little girl singing thing :uhoh: ......... have no idea what the program was, could've been Playschool for all I know, but had to walk in the lounge without looking at the telly, coughing and singing so I couldn't hear it and turn it over confused
People saying ghost stories, even crap ones ........ I do get embarrassed cos I have to stop them saying em, they look at me as tho I'm completely over the top but they don't see me a few hours later once my imagination had twisted things to ridiculous proportions ......... even that "who stole my golden arm" joke ......... by the time my imagination had finished with it, I had that bluddy golden arm man in my room all night, whispering and breathing on me :scared:
And yep, when I get them thoughts in the night, I do still sleep buried under me quilt with just my nose sticking out for air (hate my nose being trapped under things so I can breathe properly confused )
And I can leap from my bedroom doorway to my bed in one jump so the monsters under there don't grab me feet :uhoh: although I blame the cat for resurrecting that fear, cos the damn thing must wait all night for me to get up just so she can pounce and scare the crap outta me mad
Oh and another thing - when I had my babies, them nightime feeds ........... they would feed, burp n everything, back to sleep - I was then left wide awake wondering what they were staring at so fixedly in the empty corner of the room :shock: :uhoh:
i remember sneaking into the cinema to see alien..(i was very, very underage) it scared the living sh1t out of me, but went on to be one of my all time favorite films.
i love horror films, especially in a group situation, the tension builds, then wham, someone will scream, and the whole room erupts :twisted:
i'm a great fan of george a romero and john carpenter.
Quote by hornytaff68
I can't stand gory horror films - i prefer more pyschological ones like The Omen...In fact I tend to find those kind of films, where the horror is either pyschological or implied to be scarier than "guts'n'gore" stuff

I agree, typical zombie/slasher movies don't really do anything for me, i tend to become desensitized with blood 'n' gutssplattering across the screen.
Films about serial killers or the human psyche are much worse.
Blair Witch terrified the life out of me - being in a venerable situation and knowing there's something after you that you don't see till it's too late. bolt
I used to love Horror Films when I was younger
Then i got Hit by a car from behind in a hit n run
Now I cant watch them especially the ones where you cant see what it is
:scared: :scared: :scared: bolt
No way can I watch horror films, the blood and gore stuff scares the crap out of me. Even my kids take the piss when I jump occasionally while watching Lost!
However, I do tend to forget them fairly quickly thank god. That is with one exception
Yes I know, not really a blood and gore film, but even now, I hesitate when paddling in the sea. As soon as I dip my little pinkie in the water that music starts in my head
Quote by Missy
Oh horror films :scared:
I have a fear of anything horror, mainly the supernatural stuff (plus when people suddenly appear at windows with mad faces n covered in blood :scared: ).

Me too :shock:
I have never watched a horror film and I can never see me wanting to. I don't see the point of wanting to scare the shit out of myself dunno
I hate them, even having one in the house would cause me nightmares :eeek:
Scares the crap out of me :shock: innocent :grin:
I love horrors but there is one i have never been able to watch and that just scared me when i was about 15 and never tried to watch it since...however i love the butterfly effect and its not scary to me just a very intersting film with a good story line if u can follow it......
I love the saw films makes u think really hard about how he can think such horrible things and then put people in them terrible situations confused ..thats just not right
all time fav horror is 28 days later cause the story could really happen thats whats scares me most....u hear about all these labs doing weird things to animals and u never know...killer monkeys :scared: ....oh scary
horror films dont really bother me at all.
but a film with spiders in gives me the hee bee geeebies... arachnophobia finishes me.
Quote by Manolishi
Yes I know, not really a blood and gore film, but even now, I hesitate when paddling in the sea. As soon as I dip my little pinkie in the water that music starts in my head

Oh that bugs me :lol2: Mainly cos my brain waits until I'm out of my depth and happily snorkelling about then.....
Ends up a complete waste of time, cos just snorkelling around in tight circles making sure a shark isn't behind me rolleyes Either that or I'm practically running on water, in me flippers, trying to get back to shore rolleyes
Trouble with horror films is I always find them funny. Really pisses Mrs TE off but I can't help meself (could be nervous tension though I s'pose).
For example the other week my son finally got his mother to agree to see The Exorcist after years of persuasion.
Picture the scene. The little girl is tied to the bed, lips all cracked, uttering foul obscenities in a deep diabolical voice - her head swivelling right around on its axis. Finally the exorcist priest - nominated by Rome arrives to see if he can be the one to exorcise the evil manifestation. He greets the local priest who has requested the exorcism.
"Hello, Father."
"Hello, Father."
Well I just couldn't resist it could I? I blurted out
"Here we are at Camp Granada!"
I was instantly excommunicated followed by a hail of assorted objects.
I love horror films now but I get very freaked out by werewolves, I still close my eyes at the scene in Dracula where he's in wolf form with Lucy (urgh) and even Teen Wolf is a no no!!
Apart from that, very little scares me although I won't watch Salem's Lot after seeing it as a kid :shock:
Quote by Serendipity
I love horror films now but I get very freaked out by werewolves, I still close my eyes at the scene in Dracula where he's in wolf form with Lucy (urgh) and even Teen Wolf is a no no!!
Apart from that, very little scares me although I won't watch Salem's Lot after seeing it as a kid :shock:

salems lot...fantastic film/mini series, david soul actually was good in it.
as for werewolves, hmmm, neil jordans "a company of wolves"...little red riding hood as it should be told.
I usually love horror movies, but recently I went to a friends flat, where we started to watch The Grudge. Earlier in the evening two of my friends that live at the flat had had an argument, so while the film was on, they went off for a walk to sort out the problem, leaving me on my own in the flat. I don't think I have ever been so scared watching a film in my entire life. Scary thing is, after the film finished I swear I heard the front door open and slow footsteps coming toward the living room, naturally I thought it was one of my mates trying to scare me, so I decided to call his bluff and ring his phone, but there was no ringing in the hallway, and he answered saying they were about 5 minutes walk away :shock: . So I was left sat, cowering behind a cushion, with only an empty bottle of Coke to protect me. Also on the drive home I was constantly looking in my rear view mirror to see if there was a scary dead Japanese girl in the back of my car. I will never watch that movie again.
Also when I was a child, I used to get scared by "Jeff Wayne's Musical Version of The War Of The Worlds", especially when the Martians went "Ulla!" redface
Quote by Dawn_Mids
I have never watched a horror film and I can never see me wanting to. I don't see the point of wanting to scare the shit out of myself dunno

Me niether Dawn....never watched what you would call a horror film in my life, but then I doubt that I've seen more than five films of any type in the last ten years or more.
I'm a big fan of decent horror, though there's far too much crap out there for comfort. The only time I've been genuinely scared witless by a horror film was when I saw Sixth Sense in the cinema - I was in a rather suggestible and slightly paranoid state and spent the next three or fours hours thinking that every time I turned around there'd be a dead person standing there.
Horror Films I really like:
The Frighteners
28 Days Later
Dog Soldiers
Deathwatch (an excellent cast, unusual location (WWI trench), and the kid from Billy Elliot gets blown up on the DVD extras)
Day of the Dead
Event Horizon
Im easily spooked and i love it pmsl! Mr GHC works in the film industry so we get to see a lot of films but most dont bother me as they are so extremely unlike real life, i remain detached so they dont scare me.
Its film like Halloween (babysitting scenario) and Scream (in house alone scenario) where the the scenarios are something i can associate myself with, that makes me shit myself!!
Saying that, i was watching Open Water and the build up of tension in the film was such that, even though it was broad daylight, when i got a text, i jumped a foot!!
Easily scared and loving it!! :twisted:
my god, braindead...i had totally forgotten that film, and to think he went on to make lord of the rings......
Quote by westerross
Trouble with horror films is I always find them funny. Really pisses Mrs TE off but I can't help meself (could be nervous tension though I s'pose).
For example the other week my son finally got his mother to agree to see The Exorcist after years of persuasion.
Picture the scene. The little girl is tied to the bed, lips all cracked, uttering foul obscenities in a deep diabolical voice - her head swivelling right around on its axis. Finally the exorcist priest - nominated by Rome arrives to see if he can be the one to exorcise the evil manifestation. He greets the local priest who has requested the exorcism.
"Hello, Father."
"Hello, Father."
Well I just couldn't resist it could I? I blurted out
"Here we are at Camp Granada!"
I was instantly excommunicated followed by a hail of assorted objects.

rotflmao rotflmao rotflmao rotflmao rotflmao rotflmao rotflmao rotflmao rotflmao rotflmao
Love a good horror film or bizzare suspense film.
We watched Ghost Ship the other night and it was only the opening scene that made me cringe a little. Speaking of cringing I also watched "The Audition" a couple of weeks ago (I also noticed that 4 were showing it as well), the "kitty kitty kitty" sceme still makes me squirm. confused
I think Zombie films are funny, just so corny!! Saw one recently where they moved like lighting, not slow hunched and grimacing like in the George A Romero films, hysterical!
I find the more brooding film more scary thou, ie. The Shining (red rum confused ), The Fog (which always gives me the willies despite seeing it numerous times) and films like The Ring and Jacobs LadderI found unnerving confused
As a kid i used to sneak down to landing and look through the bannisters to watch Hammer House of Horrors, of which some i still remember!
Best horror b-movies : The Evil Dead trilogy.
Bruce Campbell is a legend. 'Gimme some sugar baby' cool