Yep ................. We watched the Butterfly effect last night .......... it was a nasty film !!!
I cant get it out of my head ............ It made me cry
Thanx lol ............. cant go to bed now !!!
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I am so glad to find I'm not alone in this.
I really can't watch scary/gory/horror films at all. Anything over a 15 cert is out...........and some of those are too much too. I've never been able to watch them.....think it goes back to watching a really old black and white film called The Fiend Without A Face when I was 8. My Dad really shouldn't have let me stay up to see it. It was all about these invisible monsters that went round sucking out peoples brains and spinal cords. After the film I went up to bed and was just falling asleep when my wonderful father scratched on the bedroom door and started making sucking noises. I think my screams woke up half the street! Have been pertified of Horror films ever since.
Pitch Black................terrified the life out of me. I had to sleep with the light on for weeks because the things only got you in the dark!
The problem I find is that when the film is finished my imagination takes over..............and it can quite happily come up with all sorts of horrific things to keep me awake all night.
On a lighter note............years ago my then boyfriend said he was taking me out for my 18th birthday. He took me to the cinema. Double bill..............Omen 1 and 2. I dumped him the next day, as he obviously didn't know a thing about
Was it Titanic by any chance?
Mine was called Chinese ghost stories, which was about a chinese village plagued by vampires. Full of blood, gore, violence, beheading, vampirism. I couldn't be alone in the house for 3 years. Everytime I had to come downstairs from an empty 2nd floor I had to race down the stairs for fear of having a chinese vampire get me. It was an 18s certificate. I was only 8 :shock:
I love horror films but as I get older I find I can't watche them on my own :S
Film that scared me as a kid and still gives me nightmares is Jaws! go figure!
C x
I can't stand gory horror films - i prefer more pyschological ones like The Omen...In fact I tend to find those kind of films, where the horror is either pyschological or implied to be scarier than "guts'n'gore" stuff
i remember sneaking into the cinema to see alien..(i was very, very underage) it scared the living sh1t out of me, but went on to be one of my all time favorite films.
i love horror films, especially in a group situation, the tension builds, then wham, someone will scream, and the whole room erupts :twisted:
i'm a great fan of george a romero and john carpenter.
No way can I watch horror films, the blood and gore stuff scares the crap out of me. Even my kids take the piss when I jump occasionally while watching Lost!
However, I do tend to forget them fairly quickly thank god. That is with one exception
Yes I know, not really a blood and gore film, but even now, I hesitate when paddling in the sea. As soon as I dip my little pinkie in the water that music starts in my head
horror films dont really bother me at all.
but a film with spiders in gives me the hee bee geeebies... arachnophobia finishes me.
Trouble with horror films is I always find them funny. Really pisses Mrs TE off but I can't help meself (could be nervous tension though I s'pose).
For example the other week my son finally got his mother to agree to see The Exorcist after years of persuasion.
Picture the scene. The little girl is tied to the bed, lips all cracked, uttering foul obscenities in a deep diabolical voice - her head swivelling right around on its axis. Finally the exorcist priest - nominated by Rome arrives to see if he can be the one to exorcise the evil manifestation. He greets the local priest who has requested the exorcism.
"Hello, Father."
"Hello, Father."
Well I just couldn't resist it could I? I blurted out
"Here we are at Camp Granada!"
I was instantly excommunicated followed by a hail of assorted objects.
I love horror films now but I get very freaked out by werewolves, I still close my eyes at the scene in Dracula where he's in wolf form with Lucy (urgh) and even Teen Wolf is a no no!!
Apart from that, very little scares me although I won't watch Salem's Lot after seeing it as a kid :shock:
I'm a big fan of decent horror, though there's far too much crap out there for comfort. The only time I've been genuinely scared witless by a horror film was when I saw Sixth Sense in the cinema - I was in a rather suggestible and slightly paranoid state and spent the next three or fours hours thinking that every time I turned around there'd be a dead person standing there.
Horror Films I really like:
The Frighteners
28 Days Later
Dog Soldiers
Deathwatch (an excellent cast, unusual location (WWI trench), and the kid from Billy Elliot gets blown up on the DVD extras)
Day of the Dead
Event Horizon
Im easily spooked and i love it pmsl! Mr GHC works in the film industry so we get to see a lot of films but most dont bother me as they are so extremely unlike real life, i remain detached so they dont scare me.
Its film like Halloween (babysitting scenario) and Scream (in house alone scenario) where the the scenarios are something i can associate myself with, that makes me shit myself!!
Saying that, i was watching Open Water and the build up of tension in the film was such that, even though it was broad daylight, when i got a text, i jumped a foot!!
Easily scared and loving it!! :twisted:
my god, braindead...i had totally forgotten that film, and to think he went on to make lord of the rings......