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I just had a new dog

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I just had a new dog
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Had the last one put to sleep in january :cry:
my sister has just bought a black labrador puppy 8 weeks old.
I.m in tears here
This may me locked but just wnated you to know lol
aww hunni, that's fab ! what's his/her name?
Aww, Goose I used to have a Black Labrador, we grew up together. Give Him/Her a hug from us. biggrin
Storm & Fire
He's called Max hes just gone to sleep at my feet. biggrin
I so miss not having a dog, mine went to heaven 2 years ago and I still miss her. Seriously thinking of getting another, probably from the rescue centre where the last one came from.
Enjoyhim as much as he will you x
I so miss not having a dog, mine went to heaven 2 years ago and I still miss her. Seriously thinking of getting another, probably from the rescue centre where the last one came from.
Enjoyhim as much as he will you x
I called the new pup by my old dogs name earlier. :cry: my eyes were welling up. He's now asleep on my lap. Going to be an all nighter here lol
Good for you goose, they are the greatest companions and I would love a dog if it were practical.
(on a slightly less exciting note, me and the missus bought a hamster today and called him Paddy and he is just lovely biggrin0
Quote by lavabubble
Good for you goose, they are the greatest companions and I would love a dog if it were practical.
(on a slightly less exciting note, me and the missus bought a hamster today and called him Paddy and he is just lovely biggrin0

Awww. smile
Quote by lavabubble
Good for you goose, they are the greatest companions and I would love a dog if it were practical.
(on a slightly less exciting note, me and the missus bought a hamster today and called him Paddy and he is just lovely biggrin0

Nick nack paddy wack give the ,...............Congratulations to Goose and Lavabubble on your new arrivals Im sure they will give you lots of fun. Im going all goo goo now, this is the first time ever that I have been without a furry friend. sad
Thanks all
Been up most of the night going to get a couple of hours soon lol
I'll try leaving him alone tonight see if he likes to chew things :lol:
We've got a golden retriever that's missing her mate - a little jack russel that we had to put to sleep in May. Mrs TE is still upset about it and I can feel another JR coming on before the year is out.
Goose - thanks for sharing your palpable joy!
No problem Tune.
My sis left our house early after the usual friday night visit. It seemed very cloak and dagger as her daughter picked her up. She just said she was going somewhere. Then at about 10:30 they were back with max in tow lol
ahhh Bless, we love dogs, especially puppies.
We have a 8 month old boxer bitch, and the best thing we ever did was buy a cage for her to sleep in (i know it sounds cruel) but she has her own space if she needs it. Also get a clock to put under her bed to sound like mums heart beat.
Hope your ready for lots of sleepless nights and lots of accidents!
Congratulations on the new member of your family, Goose. Remember to give Max many things to chew: carrots, bones, rug toys (sorry not sure what you call a bone shape made of knitted rugs). That will save the furniture. ;)
good for you mate, sounds like you've got a great sister. Hope you and the dog have loads of fun and he doesn't chewe your house up to much
Quote by R n M
When my beloved Jack Russel died three years ago I vowed never to have a pet again, it broke my heart.
Oh well!

I said the same thing myself but the house was barren without one, ive allways had a dog. My last dog was put to sleep in January. I called the new one Duke (my old dogs name) last nite and had a belly full of tears as soon as i realised.
Quote by R n M
I came home this morning to find my daughter out the front with a crowd of neighbours. They had a siamese kitten which they all said was a stray and asked me to take her in. She's had good nose around the house and is sleeping in the lounge now.

Your house is no longer your own!
Would piccies of said small cute fury objects be against AUP?
Goose, I do the same all the time. I have 2 boarder collies and one is the image of my dog when I was younger, the number of times I've called her the wrong name. It'll make you smile eventually - a visit from an old friend.
Quote by R n M
I came home this morning to find my daughter out the front with a crowd of neighbours. They had a siamese kitten which they all said was a stray and asked me to take her in. She's had good nose around the house and is sleeping in the lounge now.

good grief, not you too!
yesterday morning, builders are at full steam ahead with the doors open, and in walks this scraggly arse kitten :shock:
i only do black cats so had no intention of letting it stay - fed it, gave it a drink cos its hot and expected it to bugger straight back off again.
Big mistake. smackbottom
i've spent 2 hours this morning with the nit comb and tweezers de-fleaing it , it spent the night in my office in a cardboard box and my bloke fed it tuna for breakfast :shock:
they do say that cats choose their owners. I dont think this one's going anywhere rolleyes
and its still scraggly arse and ginger ffs lol
Don’t worry Darkfire, when it gets a bit bigger it will fill out a bit and the Ginger often takes on a more Rose colour…………
so in no time it will be all pink and fluffy rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
when its a bit older, and if it stays, i'll dye it :idea:
Quote by firelizard
Aww, Goose I used to have a Black Labrador, we grew up together. Give Him/Her a hug from us. biggrin
Storm & Fire

Think i did that for all 500,529 members lol
He was all over me last night
Quote by H-x
Would piccies of said small cute fury objects be against AUP?

I ve put a pic of my cat in here before. My phones on charge but will do one later.

Ther u go Meet Max bit blurry but he won't sit still lol
Quote by goose35

Ther u go Meet Max bit blurry but he won't sit still lol

He's finaly gone to sleep. Time for a bit of peace till he wakes.
Aww, Goose. He's cute. We had a new dog a few weeks ago from the rescue center, a border collie called Quake. He's so lively! He's nothing like our old dog, she was really quiet compared to the new one. She was put to sleep 5 years ago and I still call the new dog Sally now and again lol. I love having a dog in the house again.....I'm just surprised he has any hair left on him with the amount we have to keep hoovering up round the house....we now have to hoover every day!
We have two ex racing greyhounds.
They sleep for 22hrs a day and then doze lightly for the other 2.
Quote by banlwales
We have two ex racing greyhounds.
They sleep for 22hrs a day and then doze lightly for the other 2.

you sure they weren't cats? confused That's all mine seem to do besides wake up for food rolleyes