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Couldn't have phrased it better myself - did exactly the same and now settling and opening up a little more (and surprising myself into the bargain)
If you need help opening up a bit more, Blue has a simple to use tool that can facilitate that! wink
I really do set myself up for things, don't I ! {as I have just done again}
Arse...... {er, and again}
I'm surprised nobody picked me up on the other part of that message yet !
Have you ever heard the phrase "when in a hole, the first thing to do is stop digging" Carpathian?
Dunno why it springs to mind right now - but if I ever remember I will get back to you! lol :lol:
DJohn wrote:
Are you sure you want to see it? Pictures of me have been known to crack monitor screens before.

Yes DJohn I want to see you in a bunny costume! After the seriously crap Christmas I've just endured a little picturesque levity will light my way into 2004! Pleeeeease...?
And Carpathian? You are right. There are some seriously sexy people on this site with or without pics. Sexiness is a state of mind!
Yours longingly,
Sappho xxx
Carpy - I've done my hair all gothy just for, with little red bits and a wee bit of blonde at the front 8) . That's what happens when they give me time off work :shock:
No problems recognising you next week, then! lol
Probably not confused . But I'll probably do something tasty with pink hairspray or rainbow glitter too, so don't bank on my hair being anything normally considered human - like I said, they give me too much time off work around the Xmas peroid :shock:
Quote by bluexxx
Carpy - I've done my hair all gothy just for, with little red bits and a wee bit of blonde at the front 8) . That's what happens when they give me time off work :shock:

I'm touched - even if not there in body, I am in spirit (no ice thanks). Any pics to see how it looks before you.....
Quote by bluexxx
do something tasty with pink hairspray or rainbow glitter too

The glam thing is pretty cool too - I remember back in the 80's {sounds of creaking zimmer frame} there'd be more lace and hairspray on the the poodle permed metallers than the women they were with ! lol
Sorry, I don't have any pics of my new goth hair-do - I only did it last night, give me a chance!
Ah, the 80s... when I was a little whipper-snapper :twisted: . I got to grips witha few poodle-haired metallers in a place called Raiders (now called the Warehouse and totally NOT full of metallers) in Preston. Those were the days...the days when lady-boys and "real" men all looked the same. I'm trying to re-create the 80s with a new glam image in hope that others will follow me - I'll do anything to get men to wear make-up :twisted: