I really do set myself up for things, don't I ! {as I have just done again}
Arse...... {er, and again}
I'm surprised nobody picked me up on the other part of that message yet !
Carpy - I've done my hair all gothy just for you....black, with little red bits and a wee bit of blonde at the front 8) . That's what happens when they give me time off work :shock:
Sorry, I don't have any pics of my new goth hair-do - I only did it last night, give me a chance!
Ah, the 80s... when I was a little whipper-snapper :twisted: . I got to grips witha few poodle-haired metallers in a place called Raiders (now called the Warehouse and totally NOT full of metallers) in Preston. Those were the days...the days when lady-boys and "real" men all looked the same. I'm trying to re-create the 80s with a new glam image in hope that others will follow me - I'll do anything to get men to wear make-up :twisted: