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Is It Any Wonder SOME Guys Get Ignored.......

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Well I'm gobsmacked........
I open my outlook express this afternoon.... to find a guy had sent me an email... Not only had he totally ignored what i had written on my profile (no cock pics, and if no face pic u dont get a reply)but i think his attitude stinks!!!!!!!
Is it really any wonder SOME guys get :censored: ignored?????
Email as follows.............
My name is XXXXXXXXX,
Please see my attcahed a cock pic you have received one already one already, then another is not attached.
1. I expect a pussy pic in return
2.I live in East London and and can travel
3. Once you have emailed me with you number I will send you my face pic
4. I dont do emails as they are a waste of time
5. I only respond to sms after you respond with your interest from this email and a mobile contact number
4 I DONT do teasing and a million questions
5.I just want to fuck and walk away
6. If you are the husband of couple making arrangements, I would a pic of the lady and achance to speak to her before I say yes and I will only do day time or week end visits
this is not you then please DONT respond
9. As a rule , I ONLY fuck ass and pussy,with absolute pleasure"!!!!!
Is there really any need for it????? Maybe it "did" it for you lot... LOL If u want his addy, pm me LOL
oh dear, where is the delete button?
lol, what a charmer!
So your meeting then? lol
Am i being thick, wtf is Internet Camping?? dunno
ps. he cant even manage to count to 11 very well can he lol
No gen herts..... ur not thick... coz i aint got a clue either....
Quote by GenHertsCpl
So your meeting then? lol
Am i being thick, wtf is Internet Camping?? dunno
ps. he cant even manage to count to 11 very well can he lol

i thought you ladies woul be lining up for the pleasure of his 'absolute pleasure'
i was speaking to someone the other day who got a message with their own draped pic attached and the sender had photo shopped it to look as tho she had her boobs out.
its a bizarre chat up tactic.....does anyone go for that kinda thing?
Oi lilmiss ya promised not to tell anyone i had sent ya that......... lmfao ............ what a prat
Name and shame the tosser please!!! lol
Quote by lancyuk
So your meeting then? lol
Am i being thick, wtf is Internet Camping?? dunno
ps. he cant even manage to count to 11 very well can he lol

i thought you ladies woul be lining up for the pleasure of his 'absolute pleasure'
i was speaking to someone the other day who got a message with their own draped pic attached and the sender had photo shopped it to look as tho she had her boobs out.
its a bizarre chat up tactic.....does anyone go for that kinda thing?
Thanks for clearing that up..i think....weird confused
Well, he's abrupt and to the point at least - there's no 'leading up the garden path' with this one is there?!! :shock:
but seriously - to all the guys who whinge about not getting replies/attention from ads/PM's etc, maybe this serves as a good example of some of the shite we ladies (and guys) have to put up with sometimes........and why sometimes we can be quite wary/picky about who we choose to reply to??
Even when your initial contact is fairly appealing and demonstrates you've actually read and understand our ads, who's to say you might not be this blokeor similar in disguise??? Persistance pays, and if you're genuine and truly interested, you wont mind putting in that extra effort, will you? wink That said, if you get a 'Thanks but No thanks' back, thats probably exactly what she means, and no amount of persistance or persuasion is gonna make her change her mind! rolleyes
An excellent example of 'How not to chat up a female on SH' lol!! rolleyes Live and Learn!
Wow, he sounds a real catch lol
I must make notes on his style so when I finally get wifey convinced to join in we can put something like that together lol
Has anyone else got any nuggets or gems that I can use ???
Hardly the silver tongued cavalier is he :giggle:
Think it might be time for Roger's advice to have another airing.
The Idiots Guide to Swinging for the Single Male
And bless him he's even edited in read for the benefit of the complete f**kwits
At least it was more than a one liner... err, I'll try that
I want a shag ..... pretty please. redface
Obviously an estate agent (whoops, I'll be blasted now)
What u chatting about that guy is obviously swave and clued up!
Oh dear
If you had sat down and tried to create a really crap e-mail yourself you wouldn't have got close to that one.
I very rarely even think I am good enough to get in touch with women and then if I do I always do a nice lengthy I am this and that blah blah, would like to meet you you look lovely etc blah blah and still don't get anywhere lol
Harry Jones
At least his last point says he's genuine!
Quote by Tiger_25
At least his last point says he's genuine!

A Genuine what though??? dunno
hey lil miss get them at least 5 times a week they are the chancers people who send out loads to see if they get logged into chat room the other day a single asks hey northeastcouple you looking for male," told them no. 5 mins later they asked "if you change your mind you can always pm me hunny" so had to ask him why he thought in 5 mins we had changed our minds ,when he says "urrr only asking ,dont get your knickers in a twist" mmm so we go from hunny ,lol never been called that before from another male ,(yes why do the single males always think they are talking to fem part of the couple) onto the crap attiude just because you say no.
Quote by HornyLittleBlonde
At least his last point says he's genuine!

A Genuine what though??? dunno
Do you really need to be told? :wanker:
i cant belive a bloke sent that.....
i wudnt even cheekily reply to an advert of some1 i knew very well like that.
well thats single guys for u...
Quote by northeastcoupleuk
hey lil miss get them at least 5 times a week they are the chancers people who send out loads to see if they get logged into chat room the other day a single asks hey northeastcouple you looking for male," told them no. 5 mins later they asked "if you change your mind you can always pm me hunny" so had to ask him why he thought in 5 mins we had changed our minds ,when he says "urrr only asking ,dont get your knickers in a twist" mmm so we go from hunny ,lol never been called that before from another male ,(yes why do the single males always think they are talking to fem part of the couple) onto the crap attiude just because you say no.
5 a week eh.......
Whether they are chancers people who send out loads or not... there is still no need for the attitude is there???
They look at ur add.... see a pic and mail you.... They don't care whether the fit the criteria or not... I bet you a pound to a penny he didn't even read the writing to see what I was looking for...
But you can guarantee he would be 1 of the 1st to moan when he doesn't get any reply!!!
Quote by MikeC
i cant belive a bloke sent that.....
i wudnt even cheekily reply to an advert of some1 i knew very well like that.
well thats single guys for u...

Well believe it.... and he must of thought he would check that I actually did receive it as he sent it twice.....
Nowt like cheek eh!!! rolleyes
very cheeky
i am so happy i dont have an ad......
if people want to know about me then i might send them a drapped pic but i wud rather people know me for me rathen some crappy email i had written
sorry lilmiss i'll tell Paul not to email you again :lol2:
Quote by Phoenix
At least it was more than a one liner... err, I'll try that
I want a shag ..... pretty please. redface
Obviously an estate agent (whoops, I'll be blasted now)

I didnt know Estate Agents had that much decorum.
When I reply I take time to read and write the return email. Do you think its just copy and paste :shock:
It's guys like this that give us single blokes a bad name evil
Judging by the mail, he has not had a lot of experince with women, no idea on how to speak or treat them, maybe the gentlemen is a dieing breed now days
ive had my latest strategy pre-emptied.....
back to the drawing board....
Quote by Nallers
Im kind of skeptical that this was sent with any sort of human intervention at all because to me t looks like the result of some automated script that just sends the same message to everyone with a photo ad.
I guess the SH equivalent of those indian call centres that dial loads of numbers hoping that someone answers

Do they attatch picture of black willies to them as well????
Unfortunetly i don't know how to attatch the whole thing and picture or else i would... maybe some1 would like to show me? but believe me... it wasnt very nice at all confused