Can't seem to get this Avatar thing quite right. Its a bit like going out and wondering which jacket to wear...and as Im new here I dont really want to stand out and look silly. Wondered if this Avatar is ok?
its only cos you asked that I realised what it was/is nice one, has it been introduced to Sappho's latest thread?
Better than the hideous mask .... and sad to say I missed the one that blue missed too!!
l think he needs a kiss on his lips :swingingchair:
Needs a shave - definite 5 o'clock shadow there :!:
You'll get more than a red nose if they get stuck in the radiator grill! :shock:
Well a mixed reaction - certainly not convincing enough to make me feel comfortable going out looking like some kingd od demented bollocks to the testicle face Avatar - Im going back to this more mature and sophisticated one!
Thankyou Will - I feel better already !
I loved the pink hairy sock thingy. (That was what it was, wasn't it??) :lol2:
x x x x
Hmmmm much to dwell on and all a bit confusing. Some women find me foul - others, kinda cute. depending on my Avatar. Is there a middle-road methinks, one that is cheeky, audacious and witty yet still sophisticated and gentile ... Perhaps a poll would be a good exercise. But six identities....Tis hard enough to have one. I will dwell on this some more, perhaps even sleep on it.
Is he Noel Coward in disguise?