The more time I spend talking to and meeting people who are into/after recreational sex, the more this paradox is starting to hit me. Many people say no-strings but actually mean "all on my terms".
I have come across a lot that seem unfit to even attempt to implement the NSA principle, usually because their own desires/goals are too strong and they are too eager to fulfill them - at the cost of stepping all over others' desires/goals. On my single fem account, the vast majority of people speaking to me are looking for NSA sex but can't even manage an NSA chat, to begin with. Feom those that do one better, I have a few online friends, playmates etc. who, possibly despite their best intentions, become overbearing or too demanding of my time&attention or have a strong idea of how I should be distributing them. I have also heard many many stories from single guys who had met with women (some with boyfriends/husbands) on a casual basis but later had them getting more and more emotionally attached.
NSA sex means having casual sex without getting involved in a full-blown relationship or being subjected to any sort of expectations, social or otherwise... so IMO it should also mean that everybody is allowed to do what the want, with whom they want, when they want it. Can there be NSA when expectations are riding high?
Oh bollox....I thought no strings attached meant we weren't tying each other up!
gotta rewrite all the ads now.....and the profile.
I think NSA sex is possible.
I think I'm working on the basis that 'strings' for me mean emotional attachments. It is quite possible to find folk interested in sex without attachment.
However I do think everyone has a right to state their conditions for that NSA encounter. I think you just have to try and find those people whose conditions suit your conditions.
I'm not saying its wrong for singles to want to meet people and form a lasting relationship. I have come across a few with bunny boiler potential though!
Perhaps a tad tangential, but doesn't friendship count as a string? I couldn't/wouldn't shag someone I didn't like. It boils down to needing a spark of attraction, which in itself is a sort of connection.
I the past when i was a single fem (as opposed to being part of a swinging cpl) i was simply looking for NSA sex, however i had some problems with men who wanted to fuck as many women as they possibly could but didnt want me to fuck other men, they were critical and unhappy that i was an active swinger and met other men!
I also had problems with some men who wanted a romantic relationship with me rather than a swinging one !
Nope having friends is not a string because a real friend does not impose on you, a real friend does not expect anything from the friendship, a real friend is just a friend - no strings