I have a 14 inch portable
I hardly ever watch tv
I guess if I did then I would have a more stylish set
see you have quite a nice portable few inchs in your 3rd pic :twisted:
xx fem
I've got a 26 inch, but since I have joined SH I very rarely watch tv.. I'm usually in the chatrooms or posting on forums!! This website is very addictive!!
We had a 37ins flat screen thingy brought for us as a xmas pressie last year. I really like it now that we have it but it wouldn`t of been high on our list of prioties to buy.
I reckon that men are generally more interested in the size and extras available on any technology. Women are becoming more interested, but in the benefits and quality.
Just my ha'p'orth and trying not to make sweeping generalisations.
Having said that - the other day I couldn't remember what make my phone was let alone the serial number, code etc. It simply doesn't matter until I want a charger or something.
only have a small tv here... though I do have a plasma-cock
:giggle: :giggle: :giggle: :giggle:
I only watch DVDs and being a film fan bigger is better, as such I have a 37" plasma which is large enough for my smallish living room.
On the odd occasion normal telly has appeared on it I found it too large. A life-size newsreader's head is disconcerting to say the least.
violet wand;
an electrical gizmo... developed many moons ago for mostly medical purposes.
these days, the rather beautiful pieces of equipment are used for sexual purposes and employed in bdsm or roleplay
a box of tricks delivers a charge to a hollow glass implement (wand) and a gasseous chemical therin flouresces.. (violet)
Sparks, or static discharges arc twixt wand and... well, flesh... whichever flesh is exposed to 'treatment'
the 'wands' come in many shapes and sizes... and charge can be controled through lovely boxes with control knobs and everything.
never heard of 'em
Yeah TV's are the new e-penis
112" here...
have had my 12" for 35 years its still working perfectly i wont change it for no plasma