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Is swinging the last bastion of prejudice and discrimination

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oooooo interesting
i organise bbw socials so i guess could be accused of predudice if you look at it from that angle but i prefer to think its more of a warning to others that if they come along to the club on that particular night they are going to see some wobbly bits that if they are sensitive to rolls and celulite it might be wise to pick another night to go rotflmao but if that is something you enjoy indulging in then thats the night to most definately go :rascal: never thought before it might be construed as any form of discrimination but then we welcome all shapes and sizes we have quite a lot of slim babes join us regularly at these bashes too they just don't discriminate against us as we don't against them hell its just one big love in :inlove:
We would not meet hairy guys or guys that are overweight....her choice.
I am a bit of a tart so a woman is a woman, though there are one or two exceptions even to that rule.
we've never played with anyone who uses the forums and never will!
Quote by Mr-Powers
we've never played with anyone who uses the forums and never will!

Just when I was gonna ask if you wanted to play a game of draughts.
I'll go ask someone else then lol
With anything as personal as sexual contact, everyone has the right to be selective.
Quote by brucie
im not allowed to voice my opinion on here because apparently overweight people make a habit of complaining about my posts.

silly boy not about your posts just about your insuls although i for one fat bird have never complained about you i just tell ya straight i think you can be obnoxious in your posting better to be upfront me thinks would you not agree
Quote by Islandcpl1
snip snip
I guess one point that I’m asking about is the proclivity for people in the swinging scene to place an advert or state in a profile their preferences for and discriminations against various peoples, which, is a practice that is increasingly frowned upon outside of the swinging fraternity. Examples would include profiles that state whites or blacks need not apply, or larger people only, and the list is almost endless. I know that these discriminations are common in the real world but they are normally kept quite because they are seen to be increasingly social unacceptable. So with these points in mind is it right that these discriminations should be so freely aired in the swinging scene? And, should they be tolerated?

You have to remember that we are talking about choosing people to have sex with. One of the most inmtimate and personal acts any two (or more) people can have.
Damn right I will choose who I have meet for mutual pleasure. And since I have neither the time nor the inclination to interview every member who shows an interest I wlll filter the available group by whatever criteria I deem fit.
You haven't objected to people specifying a gender and yet sex discrimination was one of the first tackled in legislation. This isn't a job-site nor a place to obtain government services - it's a place to find people to shag. Personal preference is what is happening.
Discrimination is where someone posts insulting threads that make sweeping statements about people based on stereotyping. Me specifying that anyone I meet will be male, black, well muscled, well hung, between the ages of 26 and 55, shaved, clean, discreet, possessing of a 9 inch tongue and with stamina to make Hercules faint is not in any way discrimination - it is simply me being specific about my preferences.
BTW. Any qualifying members - my inbox is that way >>>>>>>>
Its an arguable idea. Most people theoretically apply p&d where they state negative preferences. But its equally p&d to have positive preferences. Both the negative and the positive are specific requests and prepare people for what you expect of each other.
If people are using a homogenised language to relate to one another then that is all it is. an inoffensive tool of communication. it does not mean that people should be expected to perform things they have no desire or joy to do. they may have tactfully and inoffensively declined someone, but they may still retain p&d to do so. and you are less likely to observe it in someone skilled like that.
p&d runs through us all its a human element. it can save your life. it can get you into big trouble or even kill you. knowing how it affects you and the way you behave is useful. its yours to do what you want with. however using it develop hatreds is not generally accepted.
it just another quality that once you have come to terms with, lets you move on in life to other things.
Quote by Plimboy
With anything as personal as sexual contact, everyone has the right to be selective.

Indeed they do.
Quote by Islandcpl1
Thanks for a great reply. I asked the questions after a lady friend stated that she rarely played with white guys because black guys have more stamina. Why did I feel so insulted? And, why would she be annoyed at my refusal to consider going to a black and white party when it is clearly advertised as a party for those who like to be in the company of black men. However that conversation got me to thinking why would people exclude others because of a physical characteristic, i.e. colour or size? Val my partner is a BBW, yet I play with ladies of all shapes and sizes and the same can be said about Val, we simply like people.
One more question, if you wouldn’t mind?
If you met a person who ticked only a few of the “attractive to you” boxes, but for some reason you were still attracted to them. Would you play or not play if asked?

I have no idea why you felt insulted. Perhaps you felt it was a sweeping statement without evidence to back it up. However in that lady's experience it was obviously something she believed, and stamina in her partners is obviously a high priority for her enjoyment. Maybe you have doubts about your own stamina, or feel that other aspects of sex are more important than stamina. She has preferences based on her experience and her desires and there is nothing at all wrong with that in my opinion.
Less clear is why you refused to consider going to a B&W party 'clearly advertised as a party for those who like to be in the company of black men'. You give no reasons for your refusal to consider going. Is it that you don't like to be in the company of black men? If so, why is that? Your friend has reasons to support her preference for black men; not having a reason could much more easily be thought of as prejudice rather than preference.
And to your other question the answer is yes. Most peoples preferences are just that, they aren't hard and fast rules, and they are flexible enough to allow exceptions and new experiences if it seems the right or even fun thing to do.
do think its a very interesting question.....when does preferance stop..and prejudice start ? for example I do a swing camp....if I for example said no blacks allowed....I do believe that would be prejudiced of me. However we see threads on here, black men for white women club socials....and they have made it clear, that white guys would not be welcome !! Is this preferance or prejudice ?
In the end..I think we all have to look inside and question ourselves sometimes, and ask, am I expressing a preferance or being prejudice ?
what is a little confusing is what people mean by p and d, and also in what order they come.
some people sound as if they mean prejudice to be a well formed hatred.
for me i will be prejudiced when faced with something i am not expecting but only slightly knowledgable about. once i am used to it, i feel i can make a choice, the prejudice goes away.
being discriminate often involves a comparison.
So if people are saying I am okay about making a choice or having a preference this may well be after a period of prejudice or discrimination.
Maybe we need to be more specific about the curcumstances.
There are 2 situations being dicsussed - socials and meets.
At a social there is a risk of discrimination preventing prefectly lovely people entering the premises.
At a meet I still reserve the absolute right to use any cirteria I chose to decide who enters ME!
Quote by Islandcpl1
Its an arguable idea. Most people theoretically apply p&d where they state negative preferences. But its equally p&d to have positive preferences. Both the negative and the positive are specific requests and prepare people for what you expect of each other.
If people are using a homogenised language to relate to one another then that is all it is. an inoffensive tool of communication. it does not mean that people should be expected to perform things they have no desire or joy to do. they may have tactfully and inoffensively declined someone, but they may still retain p&d to do so. and you are less likely to observe it in someone skilled like that.
p&d runs through us all its a human element. it can save your life. it can get you into big trouble or even kill you. knowing how it affects you and the way you behave is useful. its yours to do what you want with. however using it develop hatreds is not generally accepted.
it just another quality that once you have come to terms with, lets you move on in life to other things.

I agree in as much as we all use a set of individual criteria to choose or not to choose all things in life from drinking tea or coffee, the foods we enjoy eating and the company we keep. However, To reject some one or something tactfully or not simply on the grounds of physical appearance is at best not PC. So with that point in mind, why are advertised parties that exlude people simply on the grounds of colour seen as being acceptable?
Its isn't popular or likely to cultivate you as a hip pc sussed person, but you can if you so wish state what you do or don't want or like in life. its not illegal. it is illegal to insite or organise hatreds.
If it was illegal to state your preferences the site wouldn't allow the adverts or profiles to be created and posted.
Quote by Islandcpl1
Perhaps no one has challenged the view point or practice?

A lot of people, us included, cannot and will not have sex with someone unless they are physically and mentally attracted to them, so how can this be discrimination and how could anyone challenge the view? Only I know who attracts me and how could anyone say it is right or it is wrong?
Sorry if I have got the wrong end of the stick with your posts but it sounds as if you are saying that people should be willing to have sex with just about anyone because they are swingers and that they do not want to risk offending them?
Quote by Naughty Wigan Couple
Sorry if I have got the wrong end of the stick with your posts but it sounds as if you are saying that people should be willing to have sex with just about anyone because they are swingers and that they do not want to risk offending them?

I might be in luck if this ever came in as a swinging rule. At the moment the list for short, bald, fat gits is a very short one lol
Quote by Dave__Notts

Sorry if I have got the wrong end of the stick with your posts but it sounds as if you are saying that people should be willing to have sex with just about anyone because they are swingers and that they do not want to risk offending them?

I might be in luck if this ever came in as a swinging rule. At the moment the list for short, bald, fat gits is a very short one lol
Sure you ain't that bad Davey..............
Are you? wink
Quote by kentswingers777

Sorry if I have got the wrong end of the stick with your posts but it sounds as if you are saying that people should be willing to have sex with just about anyone because they are swingers and that they do not want to risk offending them?

I might be in luck if this ever came in as a swinging rule. At the moment the list for short, bald, fat gits is a very short one lol
Sure you ain't that bad Davey..............
Are you? wink
Worse.............................and thats on a good day
Still at least being a mod on here, will take ya mind off being a.........what did you say? lol
Ultimately, the point that Foxylady makes is the critical one. We are not talking about job interviews or equality in society, we are talking about physical attraction and if someone has a particular preference then that is just what it is their preference.
There is also the issue of fantasies. If someone has always had a fantasy about sex with a leather-clad biker, someone in uniform or, indeed, a fit, hung young black guy (for example) then I have no problem with them wanting to fulfil that fantasy - and I speak as a middle-aged white guy who doesn't ride a motorbike or wear a uniform (unless requested :rascalsmile. I don't find it offensive in the least, they are merely stating what they are looking for.
I've seen lots of adverts that I would have been interested in replying to but I'm not in the age range that they've asked for, or the right height, or the right physical type. One has to respect what they're looking for. What would be the point in meeting if they wouldn't fancy me anyway?
Personally, I'm much more interested in someone's personality than their age, colour or physical apearance. I used to have an advert that actually stated that "age, size, colour and marital status are unimportant" however, it also made clear that I am turned on by intelligance, conversation and wit. That could be construed as prejudice against those who are not articulate or particularly bright. That wasn't my intention, but I am unlikely to find someone sexually attractive if there's no mental connection between us and I am simply being honest and upfront about that so as not to waste anyone's time.
Quote by Islandcpl1
All I'm asking is, why is it that parties and events that discriminate agains a person on the grounds colour etc can be organised and advertisd within the swinging scene and are seen to be completely ok?

Because this is their preference. They make people aware of what type of party it is. They do not prevent people from attending. For example, a BBW social is for people who like BBWs but if you are not a BBW or you prefer a thinner woman, you may still attend but the people who will be there will predominantly be BBWs. This may spoil your evening, but not theirs.
I have seen "Black" only nights advertised in the same way. You can be a white couple but predominantly the majority will be black or people whose preference is for black people. Won't spoil their night but may spoil yours if this is not your thing.
I am glad they do advertise as it tells folk what to expect, and they can make a decision as whether to go or not.
Exactly! :thumbup:
In my opinion it would be totally wrong to promote a munch as only being for one colour/size/type etc. as that is a social event and all should be welcome. However, if there is likely to be sexual play involved then it helps to point out that it may be of particular interest to someone with specific preferences. However, other people are not banned from going, it's just that it may not be their cup of tea when they get there.
I'm thinking about going to the toga party next Thursday. I'm not especially a "BBW admirer" as such. I have no strong feelings either way as it depends entirely on how well I click with a particular individual. However, there are one or two people going who I particularly want to meet. I would love Sappho to come with me if she wanted to. She is the total opposite of a BBW - but I am sure she would be made welcome.
Quote by willxx69
8<--- snippage ---
I would love Sappho to come with me if she wanted to. She is the total opposite of a BBW - but I am sure she would be made welcome.

So Sappho is a Small Ugly Man? :P
Quote by Islandcpl1
I felt insulted because my friend knows that I have fought against predjudice and discrimination for most if not all my adult life. From her manner I honestly believe that she believed that what she was saying about white men having no stamina to be accurate, and yet I also know from personal experiance that she knows that she is wrong. As a white man who like almost everyone in the swinging scene has a healthy liking for good sex. I fail to see why I would like to go to a party or social where I wouldnt be welcome simply on the grounds that I am the wrong colour. As for reasons for a persons prejudices, they can be many and most if not all all of them will probably be ill founded and compounded by an attitude of intolerance. So why is it that the swinging scene 'seems' to be the last place where people can propogate such prejudices and discriminations?

Hmmmm, initially you said your friend said black guys had more stamina, which may well be true in her experience. Now it's that white men have no stamina, a sweeping statement that is obviously unfounded. Is it possible that you are misinterpreting what she said? Much as you seem to be misinterpreting others preferences as prejudice.
To say you wouldn't be welcome at a B&W party because you are white is ridiculous. Yes many of the fems will enjoy the company of black guys but that does not mean they don't also enjoy the company of white guys. At most B&W parties I've attended there are also couples where the guy is white and the fem is black, as well as where both members of a couple are either black or white.
You seem to be prejudiced against and intolerant of those who wish to state their preferences clearly in order to maximise their chances of meeting compatible playmates. Perhaps you believe that political correctness is more important than honesty in social interaction but that isn't a view I could agree with.
But what is it that this aspect of being pc is asking? That people give up their own choice, feelings, instincts etc to satisfy an idea which can't possibly be absolute throughout all things in life?
Everybody has p&d in some way. Many of these qualities are instinctive and just can't be rationalised or controlled. Take embarassment for example, we all suffer from it, we can cause it to happen in people, but it's a reaction we have little personal control over. It stays with us for life.
the colour pc thing; along with a few other good and bad ideas have had sufficient argument and application to make their point. they have reached through the majority of unfairly formed collective opinions to the individual.
But that is where the idea stops. The individual can not share an ignorant or prejudiced viewpoint or insite others to be so. They are what they are. And that is largely what pc is trying to achieve; the individuals confidence in their own decisions.
Pushing the principles of pc would likely to have the same outcome as radical and fundamental ideas.
What a fascinating topic! I think that it is perhaps a touch pertinent to distinguish between the vagaries of the sexual entity and normal life. In general we tend to have preferences visually and physically which assists us in discerning between potential mates, those of us of a more liberated and libidinous persuasion may take this to a new level.
We all have our own preferences, turn ons, attributes we find attractive and physical components which are on our 'wish lists'. I personally used to be somewhat of a body nazi - in that I chose to play with only those that met some very harsh and specific proscribed desires of mine, that was boring and led to a lot of crap sex with aesthetically pleasing morons.
Over the last three months I have been incredibly fortunate enough to meet some fabulous and intelligent lovers that push me mentally and physically.
Perhaps herein lies the distinction between swinging and sex as opposed to random fucking. When you have the chance to build a rapport with anyone then you establish intimacy and understanding of one another's paramaters which ultimately leads to more engaging and satisfying sex. If you wanted to merely get your end away you could go to a bar and get laid, meeting good lovers means you get to explore lasciviously and hopefully enjoy yourself all the more.
I think that we are all entitled to be discerning, we're here to have fun and finding the right size or colour of playing partner or lover is all part of the fun, we can be discerning, we can say no, but we ought to remain respectful and be considerate of others. Personally I think it's a little stupid to ascribe any attribute to an entire legion of ethnicity simply based upon one's own experiences be they positive or negative, maybe that was what caused some offence? For example - I rarely eat potatoes, yet as an Irish woman it is one of the rather less original attributes ascribed to me, oh and I've not seen any leprechauns recently!!
Ok time for sleep maybe - what a fab topic.
Amber xx
yes yes yes
To be honest i hate the idea that there are room titles such as Black guys for white fems and BBW rooms etc - because this describes the person not the act and in describing the person you inevitably run into possible prejudice.
If someone states that they want sex with black only then is that not a prejudice under the guise of choice? what if someone was to say i would prefer sanwiches only made by thin people because I prefer that and its my choice? My guess is that would be considered differently and unnacceptable.
By noticing the difference in colour or size in order to have a preference surely that in itself prejudices against others different no matter how slight that difference.
? ?/?pr?d??d?s/ Show Spelled Show IPA noun, verb, -diced, -dic·ing.
an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought, or reason.
any preconceived opinion or feeling, either favorable or unfavorable.
unreasonable feelings, opinions, or attitudes, esp. of a hostile nature, regarding a racial, religious, or national group.
such attitudes considered collectively: The war against prejudice is never-ending.
damage or injury; detriment: a law that operated to the prejudice of the majority.

preference (pr?f'?r-?ns, pr?f'r?ns)

The selecting of someone or something over another or others.
The right or chance to so choose.
Someone or something so chosen.

A priority of payment given to one or more creditors by an insolvent debtor.
The right of a creditor to priority of payment.
the point is I think is it right to accept certain prejudices or preferences because they are inevitable and or possibly inherent in us all as long as we can distinguish where the lines are drawn?
Quote by skanders
Its called, closet racism.
I cannot accept that one does not find another race of people attractive, i find all women attractive hispanic, white, polish, russian, thai, indian, black, im sure those white people and ladies that say oooh sorry no blacks or asians or whatever are the above, thats my opinion and the way i see it.
Its like i said, how can someone say they dont want to meet an asian person or black person but yet sit there tanning the hell out of themselves in the sun or sunbed with skin as dark as them lol, makes no sense.

It's called choice, or preference. People make choices for their own reasons. When it comes to being intimate, it's not for you or anyone else to decide that they are racist because they don't choose you. It might not be due to the colour of their skin; they might have objections due to someone's culture, whatever. Whether they like to get a suntan or not, is completely irrelevant rolleyes