Ok you have probably heard that Radio 1 (only Radio 1 as far as I can see) has edited out the word 'faggot' from The Pogues classic Christmas hit 'Fairy tale of New York' on the grounds it is (might be?) offensive to gays.
I thought it was worth asking the question.
Personally I'm not offended but I'm not gay either. I happen to LOVE that song but since I don't listen to Radio 1 I won't exactly be boycotting it either (well no more than any other time).
when i hear the word faggot ,i think off a meat ball in gravey with mash spuds and green peas
i suppose that any coloquial word could be deemed offensive by some........it all depends on the context and the useage.
Please dont anyone get offended by what i am about to say.......
personally i would think faggot is an offensive term by and large... in the same bracket as Homo... and certainly more offensive that queer or queen.
i can see why the word has been deemed to offend some people and can see why the decision has been taken.
however i have to say that i only find a few words offensive and think its a little wrong to suggest that just because someone doesnt find a word offensive that its right to castigate those who do.
no offence, but shame on you for being intollerant of others!!!
i think in the context of the song..its not that offensive......
but I think if you called someone in the street or on here a faggot then I do think it would be offensive. There are many words that at one time were accepted, but these days we would not use.
the song was played on the breakfast show about half hour ago and im sure they hadnt edited the word out !!
It depends on the context...
last year my electrician who had been stalking me and just prior to getting a warning from the police called one of my best friends 'a fucking faggot' this was clearly no reference to any likeness to a meat product. In that context yes, it is meant and receieved as an insult.
In the song, no, as Kirsty's (oh for goodness sake where does that bloody apostrophe go?) mother reportedly said. Kirsty and Shane were being characters and that is how they speak, as Shanes character did take offence and return the 'compliment' in that context it was offensive to no-one other than the character. (in my opinion)
Words on their own have no meaning until someone puts them in a context.
i was once told if you cant say anything nice, say nothing at all... well.. in todays society it is so hard to know whats the correct thing to say for fear of offending people.
i have to say i dont think it helps that its "ok" for some people to say something and not for other people.
if a word is offensive enough to cause offense end of.
how are we ment to teach, show by example when it may be ok to call a friend a fat faggot N***er, cuse it was a joke, then be alarmed when we hear a child etc use it and tell them its wrong??
or when the BNP shout it out then say awhh come on i was joking?
to say the word faggot has only just become offensive is daft as there are other rasist words that were common place a few years ago aswell.
im not actually one for the whole pc thing, but im just saying how can we complain when its ok in certain situations etc etc.
stick and stones may breack my bones but words can never harm me,,, say tell that to the kids who commit suicide from bullying, or the people suffering from domestic violence but dont feel a "true" sufferer cuse he/she never hit them only belitled them... i know i know, again context context.
im basically voicing my thoughts, but this is how confusing i find the whole thing
xx fem xx
Just another example of the PC culture we live in. Did anyone ask gay men if they found it offensive in the song?, I bet they did'nt.
I have a few pakistaini drivers in my cab office and I asked them if they found the word " " offensive and they said no. When I go to the USA on holiday, some americans call me a "brit", same difference really.
The whole thing is just a load of bollocks if you ask me and an excuse to give someone a job.
Live and let live I say.
i had a friend who got fed up with being called a , he was of asian ehtnicity but was born in manchester.
maybe some people are afraid of saying they mind for fear of causing offense when being asked if they find an offensive word offending, try saying that when drunk.
xx fem xx