nope not some sex toy but a fruit juicer..
found one out here the other day and thought what the hell ill try it out..
take two nice oranges...60 pence worth....erm about the same price as a litre of asdas own orange juice, give or take a few pennies... ok not Delmonte but nice enough..
read instructions..
chop the skin off...
cut into chunks small enough to slide into thats less than quarters at best,
then feed them into juicer...
while chopping the skin off im thinking,i could be sitting with a glass of juice by now ...
still onward and upward i mean we wouldnt buy these things if they werent worth having would we?
so I continue to feed bits of orange into juicer...
ermmm messy fingers, how nice...
the fridge is talking to me now saying ...' staggy i have juice, lots of juice , juice with juicy bits juice without' i try to put it to the back of my mind and carry on feeding bits of orange into my juicer as it whirs around and dribbles out the tiniest droplets of fresh orange juice..btw when does it stop being fresh? one or two days after its been picked or several weeks of travelling around the world to end up in Tescos and finally splattered all over my kitchen work surface ?
finished ! i have my bowl of juice just under a quarter of a litre for my troubles... i pour it into the glass and feel quite pleased with myself ..then take a sip..its an odd colour kind of milky from all the bubbles in it and it tastes i pop it in the fridge ..funnily enough next to the cartons of juice stacked up in there ... cheap rubbish not for me ...i think healthy as fuck me..drinking this real orange juice..i then wander off to the kitchen sink appliance in hand and start dismantling iwll give me something to do while the juice settles and chills..
this will be easy ..ill take it apart quick rinse then into the dishwasher..not so..instruction fifty three says in bold type THOU SHALT NOT DISHWASH
i throw the bits of juicer that come off into the sink and start scraping at it to get the bits of sticky messy pulp thats attached itself to everywhere, especially the sandpaper like metal bit that does the damage to the fruit..and my knuckles..still ive got that lovely juice sitting waiting for me...
so its now been twenty mins since i made the juice ..nearly thirty minutes since i started it must be ready now..i go to the fridge and rose asks how im getting on, after she has complained about the amount of pulp there seems to be attached to the kitchen walls these days..i walk proudly into the dining room glass in hand...and ask her would she like to try some.. its still frothy at the top and almost clear at the bottom of the glass ..she declines..undeterred i sip at the juice .. it tastes like cardboard ...wet cardboard with a hint of orange..
my son strolls past..what ya juice ..yum grabs carton pours and drinks .. and fucks off to play footy in the field..
still its got a blender attachment so i can make tomato sauce...... fuck it wheres the HP