Just another day in Britain.
To all those that work.....have a nice day tommorow......but don't forget where your taxes go though.
Still we do not have to walk in her shoes though.
Quote by splendid_
I hope that she remains healthy through-out her pregnancy and her babies are born safe and well.
I am so glad that it isn't the 'good old days' as she could be in a lunatic asylum never to be seen again or packed off until the birth and have the babies removed and adopted to strangers.
Quote by kentswingers777
I hope that she remains healthy through-out her pregnancy and her babies are born safe and well.
I am so glad that it isn't the 'good old days' as she could be in a lunatic asylum never to be seen again or packed off until the birth and have the babies removed and adopted to strangers.
Quote by Silk and Big G
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Only in the Mail!!!
FFS this is news ?
Quote by splendid_
I hope that she remains healthy through-out her pregnancy and her babies are born safe and well.
I am so glad that it isn't the 'good old days' as she could be in a lunatic asylum never to be seen again or packed off until the birth and have the babies removed and adopted to strangers.
Quote by rob-boy-norfolk
or your child has asma or adha (you get extra money an you get carers allowance to look after your own child ).
Quote by rob-boy-norfolk
3 cases i know of in port talbot-i could write you 300
1-16 yr old who has declared himself alcaholic (they give you more money then !}getting over £160 week
2-19yr old has mental health problems due to canabis use gets £190 a week (with no control over how he spends his money which is for his "care" guess what he spends it on ?)
3-49 yr old NEVER worked got onto disability now due to "bad" back an drives round in a new golf on mobility scheme,never seems to have the bad back when i see her bit is she hasnt passed her test but you see her driving about every day
really must tell my mother about these cases one day im sure she would laugh having worked all her life an getting about £120 a week pension
Quote by Lost
Constructively what needs to be discussed is how to prevent these children having the thought processes that make it seem OK. Its all very well denegrating them but our generation is directly responsible for how they have grown.
Maybe its a lack of social responsibilty in the "Its alright jack i'm OK stuff the rest of you" culture that the last 40 years has bred.
The way society has developed has meant that the conventional ways of bringing up family i.e. Mom at home father out working is now becoming less and less the norm. Whether thats bad or not is a different discussion although the one thing is to be sure. It is different, coming into the 21st Century.
What are we giving some of our young people to look forward too? It seems that there is little optimism at the moment for a large proportion of our children.
There has to be a fundamental shift in the way we think as a collective about how we do things. The way in which we work being 5 days 40 hours as a marker. A change in how we view and distribute personal/national wealth and the need to outdo each other financially and socially at the expense of those at the lower ends of the social spectrum. These ideas have to change, we have to change into a more socially orientated populace, looking after and sharing the dwindling wealth that this country is going to be able to afford.
If we are expected to make stands together as a nation about preserving the environment and looking after our heritage so that our future generations can have a heritage. Then i'm afraid its going to be all about not taking or expecting as much as one does and taking on the old adage of "not what one's country can do for you but what you can do for one's country"
The likes of the girl and lad in the article linked by Kent. Those kids aren't bad or evil or want to be "sponging" off people. In their lives its hard to think of things out of their ownal almost allocated box. You and I put those kids here and led them to have the expectations and limited dreams desires and hopes that they now have. Don't think for a moment we didn't.
Damage limitation is whats needed for the here and now. Being an optimist lets think answers for the generations to come not the ones we've fucked up now.
Quote by Steve
or your child has asma or adha (you get extra money an you get carers allowance to look after your own child ).
Quote by kentswingers777
Constructively what needs to be discussed is how to prevent these children having the thought processes that make it seem OK. Its all very well denegrating them but our generation is directly responsible for how they have grown.
Maybe its a lack of social responsibilty in the "Its alright jack i'm OK stuff the rest of you" culture that the last 40 years has bred.
The way society has developed has meant that the conventional ways of bringing up family i.e. Mom at home father out working is now becoming less and less the norm. Whether thats bad or not is a different discussion although the one thing is to be sure. It is different, coming into the 21st Century.
What are we giving some of our young people to look forward too? It seems that there is little optimism at the moment for a large proportion of our children.
There has to be a fundamental shift in the way we think as a collective about how we do things. The way in which we work being 5 days 40 hours as a marker. A change in how we view and distribute personal/national wealth and the need to outdo each other financially and socially at the expense of those at the lower ends of the social spectrum. These ideas have to change, we have to change into a more socially orientated populace, looking after and sharing the dwindling wealth that this country is going to be able to afford.
If we are expected to make stands together as a nation about preserving the environment and looking after our heritage so that our future generations can have a heritage. Then i'm afraid its going to be all about not taking or expecting as much as one does and taking on the old adage of "not what one's country can do for you but what you can do for one's country"
The likes of the girl and lad in the article linked by Kent. Those kids aren't bad or evil or want to be "sponging" off people. In their lives its hard to think of things out of their ownal almost allocated box. You and I put those kids here and led them to have the expectations and limited dreams desires and hopes that they now have. Don't think for a moment we didn't.
Damage limitation is whats needed for the here and now. Being an optimist lets think answers for the generations to come not the ones we've fucked up now.
Quote by kentswingers777
recently this Namby Government decided it was time for action, and that people would be made to work for their money IF they were able. Then along come the wailing lefties screaming that it is wrong.
No it is not wrong to expect them to do some work for their money.
Quote by neilinleeds
recently this Namby Government decided it was time for action, and that people would be made to work for their money IF they were able. Then along come the wailing lefties screaming that it is wrong.
No it is not wrong to expect them to do some work for their money.