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Key stroke logger.............techy help needed plz

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hey all , just a quicky.........messin around on my laptop yesterday..........played about with a few functions....and noticed a Keystroke logger has been installed, we dont have kids and mrs ninja dosnt even know what it looks like whoever has installed it...did it through our wirless connection...which ive since shut down........also the bluetooth is shutdown now....and ive got norton......protecting my broadband connection,.........every time ...i click or try to force the logger to shut it prompts me for a any ideas people.....short of reformmatting....
oh and i dont access any bank details or owt critical...of the laptop ....thank feck :giggle:
Try this short prog. It has worked for quite a few off here.

Its FREE for 14 days then if you want to carry on with it you pay but before you pay let me know wink
phredd = let me know how you get on.
cheers phredd i`l give it a try biggrin
Quote by Medic_1
Try this short prog. It has worked for quite a few off here.

Its FREE for 14 days then if you want to carry on with it you pay but before you pay let me know wink
phredd = let me know how you get on.
This can be a bit tricky as you probably won't find the keyloger in your add/remove programs option. Try start>run>msconfig>startup and have a look down the list of stuff that starts when your lappy starts up and stop anything that could be the keylogger program, some viruses can masquerade as key logers however and unfortunately as Norton is one of the most popular antivirus programs some viruses circumvent it so if you have any clue as to the name check Symantec's website for a removal tool. These little buggers can be tricky to find so it migh tbe necessary to enlist the help of a trusted computer shop (avoid the large computer chains as they'll probably see formatting your hard drive as a first rather than last option). It may be a case that you do have to format your hard drive but remember if you do that you lose all data and programs on your machine.
Personally, I wouldn't be confident that a machine that'd been compromised like yours was once again secure until I'd formatted the operating system, reinstalled from scratch, and updated both OS and whatever antivirus software you use. After all, if they've installed a keystroke logger, you don't know what else they might have installed alongside it (typically a hidden back-door into your system, known as a 'root kit').
There is another thought that I'll mention though, and that's that I would give serious consideration to reporting this to the police - whoever installed this is almost certainly after online banking passwords or credit card numbers (unless you have access to politically or commercially sensitive data and are being specifically targeted rather than being a victim of opportunity). They may be a bit WTF?, but installing a keystroke logger on somebody else's machine is a serious offence under the Computer Misuse Act, particularly if it's being used for fraud.
Oh, and if I were you I'd contact the providers of every credit card or debit card you've used on that machine, and your bank if you use online banking, tell them what's happened, and get new cards, passwords, etc. Do this ASAP, then they're responsible for the losses, not you.
I'd love to help but I'm too busy looking up watching this topic fly 6' over the top of my head
:undecided: dunno
I've got a mate who's puter literate so I don't need to know too much. Why keep a dog and bark yourself? :giggle:
Quote by Sassy-Seren
I'd love to help but I'm too busy looking up watching this topic fly 6' over the top of my head
:undecided: dunno
I've got a mate who's puter literate so I don't need to know too much. Why keep a dog and bark yourself? :giggle:

I'm so glad I'm not on my own here Sassy!
having said that, i now have a vacancy for said puter literate type friend - all applications to the pm box please lol
Use this quimninja2003

its one of the best anti virus programs arroundand its 100% free for home users, we have used it a long time and its detected everything we have had on ours, from keyloggers to trogens to worms...
once installed, it will detect anything within seconds, you can always do a full system scan though for piece of mind.
ps its got with it...
standard antivirus shieled ( very strong anti virus ( keylogges n viruses n things))
web shield
instant messaging shield
internat mail shield
network shield
outlook shield
p2p shield
Shaz xxx
Quote by Sassy-Seren
...Why keep a dog and bark yourself? :giggle:
:shock: WOOF?
this is probably a little bast**d called KeyKey thats doing the rounds at the moment.
be careful, this is a very serious threat. it loggs everything you type, then sends a report via stelth e-mail to its host.
oh that reminds me, phred, we need to talk, Im still infected by this little s*** and need a certain someting only you can supply lol
Quote by Pete_sw
oh that reminds me, phred, we need to talk, Im still infected and need a certain someting only you can supply lol

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Quote by sheddy

oh that reminds me, phred, we need to talk, Im still infected and need a certain someting only you can supply lol

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
flipa :flipa: :flipa: :flipa: :flipa:
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
this hasnt been posted yet but if you know where the file is try removing it whilst in safe mode, a lot of virus type programs cant be removed in normal mode becasue they are already runnning. From what you have said i would say its more likely came from the internet rather than through your wireless or bluetooth. Wireless doesnt have a great range so unless your neighbours are a bit dodgy its pretty safe.
as mentioned above just double check nothing is in add/remove software that shouldnt be, most although not all unwanted programs end up in there. Another option is to get someone who knows what they are looking & you can trust to access your pc through msn and let them have a look around to see if they can find it.
Some of the newer key loggers are very sophisticated, they are undetectable by most anti virus software, they constantly mutate, hide themselves in various places on your hd including the system restore settings, so that every time you restore, the logger is back.
One way to combat this is to get yourself some e-mail monitoring software, this will log all your outgoing mail, including stealth mail (mail that you are unaware is being sent) not only will this tell you what’s been sent but also to whom. Then you can report the feckers and have them taken offline permanently and hopefully prosecuted.
The authorities are taking computer crime very seriously these days as it is costing billions of £ a year.
Key loggers are one of the worst types of spy ware because they show every thing you do, including urls visited, all chat / irc /msn / / et al. in fact every single thing you do on your PC is monitored and sent to the hacker via e-mail. These mails can be set by the hacker to send themselves at any timed interval he/she wishes.
There is another kind of logger which can be sent to your machine remotely, which, once it arrives, can stealth install on your machine, open one of many unsecured ports, and actually allow the sender to connect to your machine and view your screen without you ever knowing, they are in fact getting a live screenshot of everything you do. They can even take over your machine, so if you have ever seen your curser suddenly move, without you touching the mouse, or a window open up that you didn’t click, you can be pretty sure your infected.
Most of these will not be found in add / remove, and searching your hdd is fruitless as they will be masquerading as something innocuous.
As for an answer? I’m as baffled as you are. There are loads of good anti virus products out there, but I have yet to find one that can get rid of these types of loggers.
Not very helpful I know, but I hope informative.
Quote by sheddy

oh that reminds me, phred, we need to talk, Im still infected and need a certain someting only you can supply lol

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Getting very nosey for a young whipper-snapper ar'nt you wink
windows software is full of security flaws. ever thought of trying linux? its an operating system that doesnt suffer with those kind of problems.
also its good to partition your hard drive so you can keep your documents and stuff seperate to the program files. that way if you need to reinstall your operating system you dont lose all your documents and stuff.
boody hell....thanks for advice you lot...........we have a cpl of niegbors who could be a bit dodgy..........had the wirless pop up the other week when one tried to use the internet tho our in particular springs to mind.........only reason i say this is cause.........he has alot of computer programmy mates........also i dont think if it is who i think it is, it`s done to get my online bank details............think he suspects i`m goin on swingin sites..........and to be honest if it is him.........."you Can Bollox mate and you aint commin to our BBQ this year"
thanks again for the advice.........ive ran the scanner that phredd said....and it came up with 2 or three files with the keystoke loggers name on (ardamax) it hasnt disapeared but i`l keep tryin and then reformatt if need be..
Quote by quimninja2003
boody hell....thanks for advice you lot...........we have a cpl of niegbors who could be a bit dodgy..........had the wirless pop up the other week when one tried to use the internet tho our in particular springs to mind.........only reason i say this is cause.........he has alot of computer programmy mates........also i dont think if it is who i think it is, it`s done to get my online bank details............think he suspects i`m goin on swingin sites..........and to be honest if it is him.........."you Can Bollox mate and you aint commin to our BBQ this year"
thanks again for the advice.........ive ran the scanner that phredd said....and it came up with 2 or three files with the keystoke loggers name on (ardamax) it hasnt disapeared but i`l keep tryin and then reformatt if need be..

BBQ did someone say BBQ ??? Brrrrrr Fookin Freezin still... mind its for the young ens I bet... all jelly and ice cream 'Yuk' biggrin :D :D
Mike wink
I'd stay off the internet permanently until you've got it sorted, physically disconnect your modem from the socket so there's no way anyone can get at it. But before you do, download all necessary anti-virus software, malware removal tools and spyware removal tools. These few should get you started:

I assume you've got a firewall other than windows, but I'd still put a password and encryption on your wireless network to stop others from getting on it, a 23 digit key will take forever to decrypt and only the dedicatedly determined will try. Format your HDD only if the above 4 programs fail to remove the keylogger software. They are the bastards of viruses.
And follow all the steps DP suggested as well smile
I ma sure you know you need to do this but as you suspect someone has been accessing your wireless connection, when you have got your PC free of any unwanted keyloggers, virus. Then secure your wireless connection it is very simple by logging on to your router and setting as a minimmuum wep security and an easy to remember passphrase and setting the security on the laptop connecting also with the same settings.
Everyone shopuld secure the wireless routers they have this is not set as default to on with wireless modems/routers. Also ensure you change the logon passwords for the rrouter. The default is usually admin for logon and password is the password. you can access your router logon from IE by usually going to 1.1 or 0.1
right still had no luck.....getting rid.....gonna try a few more things........but i am now certain that i know where it came from, as i`ve downloaded the file again or should i say ive been sent another file off the sender (a zip file for pics?! should have known better)........and the keylogger has dissapeared..(hidden its self) right i know the source files and who sent them to me........and it appears the sender knew what they were sending,does that help me any?! how can i prove this file is the source because i think S/H ought to be told if i`m correct!.......and is there anyway of tracing them so i can smack em :-D
who needs to be computer literate with legs like yours :inlove:
Quote by Sassy-Seren
I'd love to help but I'm too busy looking up watching this topic fly 6' over the top of my head
:undecided: dunno
I've got a mate who's puter literate so I don't need to know too much. Why keep a dog and bark yourself? :giggle:
Quote by quimninja2003
right still had no luck.....getting rid.....gonna try a few more things........but i am now certain that i know where it came from, as i`ve downloaded the file again or should i say ive been sent another file off the sender (a zip file for pics?! should have known better)........and the keylogger has dissapeared..(hidden its self) right i know the source files and who sent them to me........and it appears the sender knew what they were sending,does that help me any?! how can i prove this file is the source because i think S/H ought to be told if i`m correct!.......and is there anyway of tracing them so i can smack em :-D

be careful before you make any accusations.
some of these little feckers have ways of attaching themselves to e-mails without the sender knowing. speak to the person involved, let them know what has happened, they might be just as shocked as you are.
All the best, and if you do find a decent cure, let us know :thumbup:
will do matey...........
just a little strange the circumstances that weve been sent the pics....firstly in a zip file containing only 1 pic, and the pic is of a stunning girl....(supposedly the g/f) and when asked for a pic of the guy...all we got was another zip file with another pic of the girl...........and a quick"heres another pic".
but like you say.......who knows in this day an age....whos doin what...wish i had the brains these hackers seem too
Quote by Pete_sw
right still had no luck.....getting rid.....gonna try a few more things........but i am now certain that i know where it came from, as i`ve downloaded the file again or should i say ive been sent another file off the sender (a zip file for pics?! should have known better)........and the keylogger has dissapeared..(hidden its self) right i know the source files and who sent them to me........and it appears the sender knew what they were sending,does that help me any?! how can i prove this file is the source because i think S/H ought to be told if i`m correct!.......and is there anyway of tracing them so i can smack em :-D

be careful before you make any accusations.
some of these little feckers have ways of attaching themselves to e-mails without the sender knowing. speak to the person involved, let them know what has happened, they might be just as shocked as you are.
All the best, and if you do find a decent cure, let us know :thumbup:
Quote by Pete_sw
right still had no luck.....getting rid.....gonna try a few more things........but i am now certain that i know where it came from, as i`ve downloaded the file again or should i say ive been sent another file off the sender (a zip file for pics?! should have known better)........and the keylogger has dissapeared..(hidden its self) right i know the source files and who sent them to me........and it appears the sender knew what they were sending,does that help me any?! how can i prove this file is the source because i think S/H ought to be told if i`m correct!.......and is there anyway of tracing them so i can smack em :-D

be careful before you make any accusations.
some of these little feckers have ways of attaching themselves to e-mails without the sender knowing. speak to the person involved, let them know what has happened, they might be just as shocked as you are.
All the best, and if you do find a decent cure, let us know :thumbup:
Pete grab this mate = its the info you asked for via pm lol >>>>>
Have you become reinfected with the same trojan as last time ?? or is it still the original one. If it is the pog will not clean it. You may have to try it in safe mode.
Did you go into the quarantine area and delete all that was in there. ??
OK now for the key :- type it in just as I have typed it... no spaces >>>>>> the key is 16 digits OK
Thats it = just enter that where it says. Do not worry about the prog asking you again the next time you boot up - just ignore it (do not enter the key a second time).
Let me know how you get on

Phred, I've said it before, and I'll say it again.
You're a star, :cheers:
my inbox should be working now by the way lol
Quote by easyease
windows software is full of security flaws. ever thought of trying linux? its an operating system that doesnt suffer with those kind of problems.

easyease, latest estimates suggest that linux has something like 3/4 security vulnerabilities to every one in windows XP! you're not relying on linux supposedly being a secure OS to keep you safe are you? confused
linux hasn't been targetted quite so much as windows, and the community are likely to come up with patches themselves as and when they find them, but it's an absolute pig to secure!
quimninja what firewall / antivir are you using? and are you keeping them updated? little buggers like these shouldn't be able to get through your email as attachments should they? dunno AFAIK Norton, AVG and Zone alarm all scan attachments as they come through? that doesn't help you very much at the moment though eh? :? ;)
neil x x x ;)
I use SSACleaner - it's simple and easy and does the job when I ask. I don't actually understand this programme just run it every week!
Oh.. and I have Sophos which updates and scans and things every couple of hours.
think ive got it now.... .......went on symantecs website and updated it....thanks for all your help.......has anyone had this particular bitch of a logger?