Quote by quimninja2003
will do matey...........
just a little strange the circumstances that weve been sent the pics....firstly in a zip file containing only 1 pic, and the pic is of a stunning girl....(supposedly the g/f) and when asked for a pic of the guy...all we got was another zip file with another pic of the girl...........and a quick"heres another pic".
but like you say.......who knows in this day an age....whos doin what...wish i had the brains these hackers seem too .....lol
.............right still had no luck.....getting rid.....gonna try a few more things........but i am now certain that i know where it came from, as i`ve downloaded the file again or should i say ive been sent another file off the sender (a zip file for pics?! should have known better)........and the keylogger has dissapeared..(hidden its self)...so right i know the source files and who sent them to me........and it appears the sender knew what they were sending,does that help me any?! how can i prove this file is the source because i think S/H ought to be told if i`m correct!.......and is there anyway of tracing them so i can smack em :-D
be careful before you make any accusations.
some of these little feckers have ways of attaching themselves to e-mails without the sender knowing. speak to the person involved, let them know what has happened, they might be just as shocked as you are.
All the best, and if you do find a decent cure, let us know :thumbup:
Have you reported the "couple" to admin? If they are genuine and the logger attached itself to the e-mail then there is no harm done, and they would probably appreciate being told their comp is infected.
If the pics were being sent from a false account being used to pass on the logger, then admin need to know about it so they can act on it.
Les x