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Make-up bags.....

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What's in yours???
I was going through mine this morning and it suddenly dawned on me that i only use 5/37 items on a regular daily basis which are - Powder, eye liner, top liner, mascara and lip gloss. Most of the other items i have never ever used once lol
Why do we buy it all to just sit there and look at each day?? :lol:
No idea - haven't seen it in years.
I have a travelling bag with soap etc in. I think there might be a lipstick in there somewhere.
I've never found that makeup does what it should. It fails completely. I put make-up on and nothing changes. I'm still me - just with what is effectively a dirty face. And it doesn't last 5 minutes anyway - disappears bu the time I get anywhere. dunno Really can't see the point.
Just the basics in mine - lippy, eye liner, blusher and mascara...and a little mirror!
Oh dear...
<<<<<<<<<< holds hands up - Yes, I am a make up junkie!
Tonight, in my going out bag I took: black eyeliner, clear lipgloss (which admittedly I forgot to put on) plus a really lovely shimmery Chanel powder I invested in at the airport this summer. Oh, and mascara.
In my daily makeup bag there is: three shades of eyeshadow (which I do wear every day) a shaped eye brush for eyeliner and eyebrows, tinted moisturiser, blusher, mascara, face highlightery type cream and a couple of lipsticks.
On top of that, I have shedloads of eyeshadows etc etc in a range of colours to suit every eventuality.
I like makeup. I find the act of putting it on very therapeutic. However there are days I will wear nothing except a bit of tinted moisturiser and be quite happy. I am odd.
What?dunno There is, loads of them! lol
Swinging version is "The Naughty Bag"
Carried to, and around, in clubs with all possible equipment that may be needed for the ensuing adenture.
Condoms, various lubes, baby oil, rope, handcuffs, blindfold, lipstick, mascara as well some things you not allowed to mention on here. :gagged::gagged::gagged:
Quote by Too Hot
Swinging version is "The Naughty Bag"
Carried to, and around, in clubs with all possible equipment that may be needed for the ensuing adenture.
Condoms, various lubes, baby oil, rope, handcuffs, blindfold, lipstick, mascara as well some things you not allowed to mention on here. :gagged::gagged::gagged:

We know about the turnips wink
Quote by foxylady2209
No idea - haven't seen it in years.
I have a travelling bag with soap etc in. I think there might be a lipstick in there somewhere.
I've never found that makeup does what it should. It fails completely. I put make-up on and nothing changes. I'm still me - just with what is effectively a dirty face. And it doesn't last 5 minutes anyway - disappears bu the time I get anywhere. dunno Really can't see the point.

I'm in your reality Foxy. And how many people who plaster it on then spend hours and copious amounts of cash trying to counter the effects of having blocked pores all day? Madness. I've never ever bought foundation. I was persuaded to put some on once and looked like a mannequin- humans weren't meant to be all one colour, without any natural variation.
I do indulge in a bit of lippy if I'm going out, but even then it's usually something to stop my lips drying/chapping as they're prone to do.
Something posessed me to wear make up (although not "the works") to a party last weekend. I felt like a muppet. lol
i only ever wear eyeshadow, eye liner and mascara, bit of lippy, and thats only when i am going out for an evening, but has to be OUT
i wear no make up at all most of the time, never wear it for work or on a weekend or for going anywhere apart from if am 'dressed' for going out.
i hate the way it makes your eyes feel the next day and just dont really like it
Quote by Too Hot
Swinging version is "The Naughty Bag"

Oh yes. The Swing Bag.... condoms, lube, small vibrator, nipple clamps, more condoms.
Quote by noladreams
Swinging version is "The Naughty Bag"

Oh yes. The Swing Bag.... condoms, lube, small vibrator, nipple clamps, more condoms.
lol its been so long since have needed one, there is nothing in mine
Quote by Witchy
No idea - haven't seen it in years.
I have a travelling bag with soap etc in. I think there might be a lipstick in there somewhere.
I've never found that makeup does what it should. It fails completely. I put make-up on and nothing changes. I'm still me - just with what is effectively a dirty face. And it doesn't last 5 minutes anyway - disappears bu the time I get anywhere. dunno Really can't see the point.

I'm in your reality Foxy. And how many people who plaster it on then spend hours and copious amounts of cash trying to counter the effects of having blocked pores all day? Madness. I've never ever bought foundation. I was persuaded to put some on once and looked like a mannequin- humans weren't meant to be all one colour, without any natural variation.
I do indulge in a bit of lippy if I'm going out, but even then it's usually something to stop my lips drying/chapping as they're prone to do.
Something posessed me to wear make up (although not "the works") to a party last weekend. I felt like a muppet. lol
I wear foundation but not daily... it's only when im going out. The last foundation I bought was an Elizabeth Arden cream one in 2008 and I still cannot see the bottom of it :-| I really should get out more :lol:
I've got a big make up bag, with all the essentials in.....honestly, i have a makeup bag.
it contains brush, pencil, scissors, soldering iron, grippy grabby helper thingy, rawl pugs, drill bits, spare blades, martindale, centre punch, snap caps...lots of useful stuff really. :mrgreen:
I don't have any make up.
I do however, possess a bag which does an equally good job of enhancing my features.
Quote by Resonance
I don't have any make up.
I do however, possess a bag which does an equally good job of enhancing my features.

rotflmao Coffee meets monitor moment!
I have 2 make up bags, one goes to munches with me, that way I remember everything!!!
The other I use some times.
I have just discovered the joys of buying make up sat at home from a well know auction site!!!! lol :lol: :lol:
Quote by Resonance
I don't have any make up.
I do however, possess a bag which does an equally good job of enhancing my features.

Please Res, have my babies.
I have a lot of make up I don't wear/use (the son and mother have no imagination when it comes to xmas presents)
I have a small 'essentials' bag which included 3 eye shadows, 1 mascara, 1 lipstick, 1 small travel purfume and some powder stuff and a big brush thingy
Clearly I use it all the time which is why I just found it last week in the suitcase last used in july :lol2:
It was with the 'bathroom' essentials I always keep packed away along with the 'kitchen' essentials (witchy will know what I mean) lol
I have a little bit of makeup redface :giggle:
I don't wear make-up at all, ever.
My son came home from school about 7 years ago and proudly announced he was in a play as a lady in waiting and he would need me to sort him an out-fit out.
Dress - check
Wig - costume shop- check
Make-up - dunno
I told him that we would pop down boots and be able to get him something for a fiver. Clearly even 7 years ago I was out of touch. It cost for a lipstick and he needed a pencil thing and eyebrow stuff and cheek stuff and paint stuff... Thankfully I have a huge quantity of gay friends who came up trumps.
I don't date women who wear make-up either. It would frighten me to wake up with a person who looked totally different. Worlass wears tinted moisturiser when she goes out.. and it freaks me out. I can't tell if she is blushing or anything. Grim. She certainly wears less now that she used to. She used to wear that tinted paint stuff.... and I wouldn't go near her. She looked like she was wearing a mask. She is beautiful without adding all sorts of stuff to her face.
As for kissing someone with lipstick on. Oh my goodness it is greasy and not nice at all.
Quote by splendid_
As for kissing someone with lipstick on. Oh my goodness it is greasy and not nice at all.

Oh shurrup and pucker up lol
I was looking for a lipstick years ago - and wandered into Debenhams - the really REALLY smelly section. Son and I looked at a few colours and then spotted the price.
Picture the scene - son, looking just like that little lad on the Vicks Cold Defence advert (supermarket - mother having a tantrum) - me (voice like Lady Bracknell from Imprtance of Being Earnest) "Seventeen pounds Fifty for a lipstick??????????"
We about faced and marched out, noses pinched against the pong, never to darken that particular doorway of Debenhams again.
I'm with Nola and PK on this one, I am a self confessed make up junkie smile. I have enough makeup and perfumes in my bathroom to open my own boots store.
One (large) makeup bag for everyday makeup
One (largish) bag of yet to be opened makeup, I keep looking at it, it's all ao new and fresh :).
One 'going out' makeup bag and about 3 others full of makeup that don't fit into the other three.... I love the stuff.
Quote by lyns
I'm with Nola and PK on this one, I am a self confessed make up junkie smile. I have enough makeup and perfumes in my bathroom to open my own boots store.
One (large) makeup bag for everyday makeup
One (largish) bag of yet to be opened makeup, I keep looking at it, it's all ao new and fresh :).
One 'going out' makeup bag and about 3 others full of makeup that don't fit into the other three.... I love the stuff.

May be us 3 should start a makeup junkie group :lol2:
Quote by poshkate
I'm with Nola and PK on this one, I am a self confessed make up junkie smile. I have enough makeup and perfumes in my bathroom to open my own boots store.
One (large) makeup bag for everyday makeup
One (largish) bag of yet to be opened makeup, I keep looking at it, it's all ao new and fresh :).
One 'going out' makeup bag and about 3 others full of makeup that don't fit into the other three.... I love the stuff.

May be us 3 should start a makeup junkie group :lol2:
:bounce: Oooooh let's!
Kate does have interesting lippy :dry: lol
It's bee sting.....and it's fabulous! :lol2:
Quote by meat2pleaseu
I've got a big make up bag, with all the essentials in.....honestly, i have a makeup bag.

I believe you....
I really do......................rotflmao
I have lipgloss, eye shadow, nail polish, blusher which never gets used, I could do with some bronzing powder.. smile
Blimey i'm a lipstick freak have about 30 lol, cpl mascaras 15 eyeshadows high beam by benefit, concealer, 2 foundations, lip pecils, eyebrow pencils, and a partridge in a pear tree x