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Mobil Phones

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So there we were, a nice dinner. Then a charming little tune, she answers her phone. Another shorter tune, a text she reads it, hands it to me. A joke from her friend.
The tune was not so bad, at first! I asked her if she was expecting an important call.
Oh no, but she does not want to miss a call.
Now in my job I depend on fast communication, yes I do have a phone, but there are sometimes when I switch it off. Yes there are sometimes when I get text messages that are no way work related.
By the time we finished the meal she had spent more time looking at her phone than me. She could not understand why I was reluctant to go home with her. It is just that I had this picture of her reaching for to read a text whilst...
Is it just me or are phone now running the world. Chirp, must answer it. Ring where did I put the phone.
...or is it just me!
It’s a pet hate of mine also.
I have found that people view them as a sort of safety blanket in sum situations. The most obvious is when out on a date/meet.
I once went on a few dates with a girl who was practically attached to her phone. I recall going round to her place and in the space of about 2hrs she must have had 15 texts, and each one got a reply. AAAAAAAAAAAAH that was kind of the end of her as far as I was concerned even if she was a good …………. wink
Yes i have a mobile and i learnt my a little story here...
I was having a rather nosy umm session with an ex... didnt think anything of it until about 20 mins later i get a call from my mum worried sick that she was getting abusive calls on her phone...when i listened to the message i could understand her dismay, as i stood getting redder and redder listening to myself having rather loud orgasms on my mums answer
I owned up and as it turned out without realising somewhere in the throws of passion we had hit the mobile on the bed and it dailled the last number whihc happened to be my mums phone lol redface :shock:
So be warned i now put the mobile out of reach and also when with someone i turn it to silent wink then u can enjoy there company even more...its only polite
Quote by
Now in my job I depend on fast communication, yes I do have a phone, but there are sometimes when I switch it off.

Same here ;)
I tend to keep mine switched off for 20-22 hours a day (approximately) if i can help lol
Great thread everyone wink
My phone is on permanently ( how else would Red be able to send me the daily jokes? rolleyes ) but it's usually on silent. However, if I'm at a meet or on a vanilla date, I switch it off as soon as I'm sure I'm safe. It's so rude to be with one person and chatting to another.
Quote by Sassy-Seren
My phone is on permanently.....but it's usually on silent.

Same here Sassy, great minds think alike! ;)
Quote by Sassy-Seren
a vanilla date.

Whats a vanilla date, I just have to ask??
I hardly switch my phone on. I have friends who aren't off theirs all day, they ask to meet up for a chat bout the week then spend all their time on the phone.....WHY bother coming out?
Also...I noticed whilst out on an evening the number of lads and lasses in pubs sitting around texting but, in a group setting?????? Had they been johnny no mates maybe I would understand.
OR am I just getting old......
Quote by chazxx
a vanilla date.

Whats a vanilla date, I just have to ask??
a non swinging member of the bored sex life society rotflmao
I really hate it when your out with friends or a friend (oh er) and they get a call, look at their mobile, laugh and then say nothing.......god I want to rip the mobile out of their hands and see whats so funny..................but then I am a nosey woman lol.
I think in a social situation its rude to have continuous calls on your mobile but sometimes these things cant be avoided...........maybe they have children that they need to keep in contact with etc.
We once had a female friend who had constant calls, messages etc when with us. She explained the calls as being from her mum, daughter etc. but we eventually discovered she was relaying details of our sexual liasons with a male f.b. - literally before the bed was cold (I could be more graphic, but it is tea time hee hee)
Mobile phones have their place. Just not on the bedside table methinks..................oops got to go the phones ringing rolleyes
Quote by Mistress_39
Mobile phones have their place. Just not on the bedside table methinks..................

Oh, I don't know, mine has a very good video camera biggrin
If I'm meeting someone for the first time, I always leave my phone on and tell someone where I am, if they ring I'll answer just so they know everything's fine. If a guy spent more time on the phone than he did talking to me I think I'd just leave.
Quote by Mistress_39
oops got to go the phones ringing rolleyes

It's not me ringing but if you fancy some heavy breathing in your ear.... :twisted:
I never had a mobile phone until I relented 6-7 months ago. I wanted the simplest phone available but the simplest wasn't simple enough. I did think about mailing TOMY asking if they had thopught about producing one biggrin
In the end though the woman half got a new 'slidey uppey' one (important apparently)and I had hers its a nokia something or other worth about 75p i guess. Well guess what. I have used it once! And then i got someone else to find and dial the number ! I really cant be ar*ed with them to be honest.
We have the one Mrs Lost uses and thats pay as you go no frills just a straightforward tariff We put £10:00 on it at birth and just put another £10:00 on it last week. The only use it really gets is for pals and stuff from swing world and needing directions to meets. Not a lot else. In fact Mrs Lost has had a total of 37 texts, I just asked her. So 5 texts a month lol I've seen a mate do five texts on three phones in 2 miutes :lol2:
I dont like them i really dont. I can see the benefits of course but for me....Put the phones back in thier boxes and out on the streets where they belong.
I think the phone does rule the world to be honest. I think it's a shame people dont think it rude to use them at any given opportunity but hey its the way of things I spose.
One little thing though which i found funny was a programme on telly a couple of weeks ago - i think it was the bill. Had a phone ring lots of times. We we're at a mates house at the time who has an all seeing dancing surround sound system and he kept looking at his own phone - the ring, bell sound thing was the same ! It was quite funny
well i must agree mobile phones are a pain in the bottom.i can not think why someone can't live without a mobile being next to there ears for 24hrs.
yes mobiles are a good thing when there is a need to get in touch with someone in a hurry or one of the emergancy services.
as some of the replies have said wouldnt it be good to rip the mobile phones of people when you are out enjoying a nice relaxing meal with a loved partner.
so i think it should be best in certain places,that we have mobile free zones,(like they do on virgin trains).so if you are out having a quiet meal ,you will be happy to know ,that a mobile phone wont be going off.
A pet hate of mine too.
Plim :shock:
I got mine for in case of emergencies and could quite happily live without it. I would not dream of answering a call or txt if out in company or at work and quite often Im accused of being ignorant because I dont answer it. I tend to think if its important, they will ring back or at least I will ring them back at an appropriate time.
Off to join the grumpy old ladies bolt
Quote by Sassy-Seren
It's so rude to be with one person and chatting to another.

Mine is on permanently but when I`m with a date it gets put on silent or off.
Rudeness is Rudeness in the swinging or vanilla world :smug:
You did very well to stay past the second text! IMHO :giggle:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hmmm mixed feelings really. I wouldn't like it if someone I was with, was texting constantly, and I wouldn't do it - although I've sent texts to MrFB when I've arrived safely etc.
We were discussing mobiles the other day actually. We like our daughter to let us know that she's OK and have a code word that she has to include in every text or 'phone call to us, to let us know all is well. But we decided that we maybe wouldn't keep it going forever (she's almost 18) because it would be silly, and we didn't have that option when we were her age.
Quote by Sassy-Seren
My phone is on permanently ( how else would Red be able to send me the daily jokes? rolleyes ) but it's usually on silent. However, if I'm at a meet or on a vanilla date, I switch it off as soon as I'm sure I'm safe. It's so rude to be with one person and chatting to another.

Poor thing- he sends them to both of us, and the phones are usually side by side lol
My phone is on when I'm awake and I never go anywhere without it. I do put it on silent during lectures but thats about it.
I have little choice, we have an accident prone child and have been called from school a number of times when I've not always been at home. We did actually have a call from school when we went to meet a couple for lunch a while back and had to race to the hospital because said child had split his head open rolleyes
I wouldn't answer texts or calls unless it was important but I rarely give out my number anyway so its not much of an issue for me.
interesting thread...
up until november my phone was my life, it was the love of my life :smitten:
it was a phone that i had really really wanted and dek had bought me it for xmas and it did loads of clever lickle thingies and it sounded nice and felt nice and did slidey things
it went everywhere with me and only was put onto silent if i was in a meeting/doctors etc then it broke in november :violin: :upset: :upset: :upset: :upset: :upset:
since cash was short and dek was due for renewal on his contract phone, he picked one and give it to me as his phone still worked fine so i had a phone that worked,
There is no longer any love the love affair is no more its difficult to use and well a bit boring really it gets lost very frequently as i no longer feel the need to have it by my side constantly the battery goes dead and stays that ways for hours :eeek: ungrateful mare i hear ya all shouting innocent
But getting to the point
when i had a phone that i really wanted and really liked i was never apart from it now i have a phone that im not so keen on, its gets forgotten and left behind the fun has gone outta having a phone
so maybe those people who are never apart from thier phones were like me and had a love affair with the phone........... enough gabbing im boring yas bolt
If I'm out or in a meeting I have it on vibrate in my pocket for starters so the world and his wife doesn't know I've got a call / text. I may ask if the person minds if I take a call but only if I'm expecting someone to call me back and I've pre warned the person I'm with. Otherwise I'd wait until a suitable moment to check who had texted / called, say if they'd or I'd gone to the loo. I agree it is so rude...........those people who just break off from talking to you, without warning, to answer their phones mad
I've actually been told off by friends because I haven't answered my phone! Then the look on their faces when i say "I left it at home, didn't even think about it, sorry"... absolute astonishment, they can't believe I can leave the house without my mobile!!
One point though, when I told my sons school that I didn't want them to have my mobile number, they weren't happy... I was told that I was almost negligent towards my childs safety... what if he became ill, had an accident? My reply... you have my home number, my works number, his dads work number, my neighbours number and their work numbers, in fact my next door neighbour works at the school, if you can't cope with my son if he has an accident then I'm not sure I'm happy with you having him at all! FFS, what did people do only 10-20 years ago without them!
Quote by Sassy-Seren
a non swinging member of the bored sex life society rotflmao

Sassy, I appreciate you're making a joke, but I must stress that not all vanillas are bored with their sex fact, mine is heaps better since I stopped meeting swingers......... rolleyes
So it is not just me. I must still be normal?
I have 2 rolleyes a work one (with the whole email thing) and a personal one. work mobile is on from 8am to 9pm weekdays, primarily due to calls from different timezones. hate carrying two around mad so personal is on silent and in the bag pretty much permanently these days - a backup phone per se. on a date however, only personal is with me but on silent/vib and is checked when the date goes to the powder room. I do use the mobile a lot when on the move so one is always on me ..
I think its rude to use a phone whilst eating. I NEVER take my phone with me when I go out to eat or go to the pub. I don't care what people say you don't need it when your out.
i text more than speak to people now and i think that says it have become a 'me first attitude' kind of people and i think that's very sad.
So its easier to text someone than talk to tested some people who kept texting by replying that it would be quicker,cheaper and easier to they reply that they havnt got time to talk i say then you havnt got time to off!
Mobiles are a you had a job where you moved about no one could find you, now they can track you and pin-point your location.
Sad really.
good to give one to kids for safety but adults behave like deranged monkeys at the site of the latest nokia.
Give me strength.
Have you considered two lines on one phone?
Quote by 3verve
I have 2 rolleyes a work one (with the whole email thing) and a personal one. work mobile is on from 8am to 9pm weekdays, primarily due to calls from different timezones. hate carrying two around mad so personal is on silent and in the bag pretty much permanently these days - a backup phone per se. on a date however, only personal is with me but on silent/vib and is checked when the date goes to the powder room. I do use the mobile a lot when on the move so one is always on me ..