A long long time ago... I made a roll-up once whilst a bf was giving oral. But he was obsolutly rubbish at it. He was just poking his tongue out a little bit and dabbing as if he was checking to see if a chilli was too hot. I did try to giving instructions, but they fell on deaf ears, so I rolled a fag and just let him get on with it.
Does that make me a bad person?
Hearing "I think i've just come on" :uhoh:
And she fully had - not my kinda thing :shock:
oh god.........was with a girl the other week and she was, lets say 'playing with me' and then she stopped half way through telling me that she had a boyfriend and couldnt do it. Had to finish me self off but ended up coming all over leg by accident! fuck that was embarassing.
We were both 22 (I think). This lad and me.
Whilst I was giving him a bj once, I began to make my way round to doing a 69. He panicked, shoved me away and said "Stop it! I don't know what to do!"
Another time, after sex:
Him- You like sex don't you?
Me- God, yeah! Why, don't you? (thinking this was a silly Q)
Him- Take it or leave it.
Cripes! That was what finished it, in my mind. "Take it or leave it" from a 22 yr old guy who I had just ridden, screaming and kicking past the finishing post!?! Still bitter? Too right!
hehe you think maybe hes improved with age Vix!? :shock:
There was a guy that broke wind during a sexual activity. I know it happens, god I have done it myself before now. We can not always control our flatulence.
But I was just licking under his balls as this massive guffffffer rasp'd out, reverberating round my eardrums like a sonic boom. Quickly followed by the toxic smell of hydrogen sulphide, methyl-indol and skatol (which could have curled flock wallpaper in a curry house at 100 paces) filling my nose and burning the back of my throat.
As i wrenched and wiped the tears from my tears, somehow the muttered (yet totally unashamed) "sorry 'bout that" didn't quite repair the damage to the moment. Especially as he slightly lifted his left buttock to pop out the monster's baby brother immediately afterwards.
Must admit I used to fall asleep regularly with one of my ex's - He just didn't float my boat I guess lol
Did have a guy fall asleep while I was on top of him putting in a great performance too - but he stayed hard for a while so I just kept going till I was done lmao
Once opened my eyes after a very satisfying wank to find my girlfriend watching... with her dad.
We didn't go out for long after that...
Going into labour I think was pretty excrutiating while I was in bed :shock: :shock: :shock: