Mr Fc ........ a bit scary isnt it.
standing on a chair to rewire a ceiling light fitting that was flickering when ever someone walked above it upstairs.
I identified the circuit and isolated it, got up on the chair and sure enough there was a loose live wire in the rose. I pulled it out of its slot and went to twist the ends before reinserting it .......
Whilst it didnt flash and bang the jolt I got knocked me off the chair and sent my heart beating with such intensity I now know it can stand a fair old pummelling. Fortunaely the fact I was standing on a chair and was knocked off it caused me to let go of the wiiire because as you know the electricity makes your muscles contract and you end up gripping the very thing you want to let go of.
We can only guess the way some people have wired their houses up its got to be total power isolation in future.
Incidentally I got quite horny just after that may be just coincidence
About 5 years ago I was doing a rally in Dalby when I lost control at over a ton. The car went straight off and between two sodding great was so tight it took both wing mirrors off but nothing else , by the time I had the inevitable accident I had scrubbed off enough speed to end up harmlessly embedded in some gorse bushes. nothing dented other than pride.
The only other time was when I was 19 and racing Formula Fords and barrel rolled at Donnington..I did break my ankle but it could have been sooo much worse :shock:
One or two of you know this tale.
Whilst suffering from a case of acute 'macho brain fever' I totally underestimated the seriousness of a particular situation, and some nasty weather, and managed to get myself stuck on moors in a blizzard. I was suprised to discover I wasn't quite as tough as I thought I was and went down with severe hypothermia. By the time I was eventually found-after a freak combination of circumstances that raise profound questions that puzzle me still-I was pretty close to death, damned close in fact. They managed to save me and, well, here I am.
I owe my life to a bizarre set of circumstances-(chance?)-and the kindness and fortitiude of the people that stumbled across me.
Now you know why I'm just 'happy to be here'.
Nearest I ever got was driving home late from work on the motorway tired about 18 months ago. As I was nearing my junction there was road works so I pulled out into the next lane. I felt a massive bump and looking I could see I had hit a lorry. Suddenly every thing went into slow motion and I could see the lorry coming towards me and hitting me side on. My reaction was of complete calm. I just thought 'this is it' but I didnt panick. I pirorreted 3 times across the motor way and was hit again and the the car stopped and I was alive. It was only at that moment that it hit me what had happened. I couldnt get out of my side of the car and the car was a write off.
DONT DRIVE TIRED is my advice to anyone. Not long after that I changed jobs and now travel where possible by train. Life is to short to end up mangled on a motor for the sake of a job.
Phew, how many more gags do I have to come up with to wipe the slate clean. Mr&Mrs FC have one for me too.
I fear I may stay at home!!!
x x x x
I remember an incident some years ago when a number of firemen were all stuck to ladders when an entire building went live with 3 phase 440V and because everything was wet it linked everything. Some poor young firefighter was volunteered to use the big axe to chop the mains cable using the electrical safety gloves. The bang when he hit the cable threw him 30 feet across the yard and took a huge bite out of the edge of the axe as if a giant had bitten it!
He has a phobia of elctricity for some strange reason now!
The closest I've managed was driving into a tree at 100km/h (60m/h), snapping the seat belt. I walked away with a few cuts and bruises.
It wasn't my fault: that curve is well known to the local police. One of the photos shows partly healed scrape marks on a nearby tree, just above mine. Someone else had done exactly the same thing a few months earlier.
Bruised ribs hurt.
Then there was the time I was calibrating an oscilloscope (several thousand volts on certain bits of the insides) without using the recommended plastic screwdriver. I couldn't see properly for a few minutes.