I like the whole older weathered mature look! ;) Not oo old, weathered or mature mind you!
My shagging partners 10 yers older than me and really does it for me! I think its got a lot to do with conversation too! Most fo my friends are all older than me!
I think for most women, age is not necessarily a factor when they meet a person IRL. Mostly (personally speaking) it would come down to how that person makes me feel, wouldn't matter how old they are. BUT some of the younger guys (both on the forum and in chat) come across as, well - young - and act so immaturely that they put people off. They may not be like that IRL but they won't get a chance to prove that because of their attitude in chat or forum.
I am guilty of telling some people that they are too young, because it's probably easier than saying 'you're immature and I don't like your attitude' and it's less likely to result in them being pissed of with me and causing bad feeling.
With older men you just have the maturity inbuilt, plus they have the experience that women need and the patience to wait and not desperately need a shag 'right here, right now'
as an older man you have certainly made my day with your comments thank you one and all.
Well thank you Ladies.
I think you may have just averted my second "mid-life crisis" and I won't, after all need to go out and get myself an open top sports car and start wearing pastel coloured shirts. (seriously)
Just a question tho'
When does a guy become an "older guy" ??
A slightly different slant on my Ageism thread...
Maybe, when you need Viagra and Red Bull, you can answer the question yourself. I don't, yet.
I'd like to think that the older a fella gets and gains more experience of life and not just sex, he becomes a more thoughtful person. I know that sadly there are exceptions to this. Some older guys are bed post notchers just as younger ones might be. And also there are some younger guys who are thoughtful. But speaking generally an older guy might want to put his partner's pleasure first before his own. Her enjoyment is paramount. He gets turned on by HER ecstacy and its not because he sees himself as a kind of stud but rather that he is sharing something intimate and so enjoyable with her.
I think also that older fellas would be more interested in the whole person (female or male) and and not just their body. If I find someone's personality attractive, I'll automatically find them sexually attractive. And any sexual contact that takes place will be that more enjoyable and richer.
Speaking as an older bloke (51) I'm in no hurry to jump into bed with someone. Quality rather than quantity has never been truer.
As for slowing down as you get older, yes of course it happens. Some older blokes would hate to admit it but its a fact of life. A definate advantage of slowing down is that sex seems to last longer and thats good news!
Older blokes are very much at ease with themselves. They've got nothing to prove anymore. We have our off days too but its no big deal. We don't lose any sleep over it. We're all only human with all the gamut of human emotions. We're not machines.
When I look back over my sex life I'm a very different guy from who I was when I was in my 20's. Sex is much more fun now. It seems to last longer, has more laughter, and a lot of tenderness and warm smiles.
Love Cicero
I only hate older guys when they tell you how to park/barbeque/plan your route .
You dont wanna do it like that! You wanna do it like this .