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OMG I'm In Trouble (game)

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Master of Sex
Quote by Reese
Or for you really sick and twisted maths fetishists out there...

OOOOOOOOOOOOOO, wheres me pen? :twisted:
Sex God
I posed this question in a rather straight forum once, years ago, and it got deleted. Go figure. I used no 'obscene' words, It ransposed things like "masturbating" in their place - the thread got pulled.
I was terribly GodLike there - was a fair few years ago and to start there were just a few of us, and now there's a few hundred thousand (God bless distributed computing).
Come on, we all do it!
Childrens Hospital. sorry, really sorry
Quote by Vix
Childrens Hospital. sorry, really sorry

<------- Loses hard on generated by some of the other posts on this thread. :scared:
Vix ... smackbottom :smackbottom: :smackbottom:
Sex God
Or Animal Hospital, where the picture's just switching from a close-up of Rolf to a dog having it's temperature taken.
(and for those without pets they DO NOT stick the thermometer under the dogs tongue)
Of course, this happened to Chandler in Friends - Monica caught him but he'd switched the channel over to... crocodiles ripping things to shreds. :shock: So naturally, she brought him some croc porn.
Worse thing it could be... a late-night Open University program with some boring professor. There can't be anything worse than someone thinking Integration makes you horny... cool
It was sharks (with Chandler!) Sorry manic friends fan..
For me.. the worst would be if she came down I switch the channel and found me wanking to - The Labour Party Political Broadcast....
Imagine her face!!!!
let me jus point out, isnt it wanking they do "at" the labour /conservative/ liberal, delete as appropriate, conferences?