Someone suggested in another tread that people actually waited until after a Munch to leave/step back for a while because they wanted to attend the Munch first and leave the site on a high note.
I have no doubt that a small percentage leave for the reason you've given, but the rest leave for hundreds of different ones. Each one is very personal and important to them and trying to list them all would take forever, so why and try to single just one reason out?
not much more i can add to this.
i guess peoples reaction to munches, and the relationships they forge online becoming relationships "in the flesh" are as different as those people and those relationships. maybe some are disappointed but i've rarely seen it. if anything expectations are bettered for most, and those friendships become "real" rather than "virtual" ones. there does tend to be a bit of a post munch comedown sometimes, but mainly cos they we're so bloody good and it will be so long till the next time. speculating on personal reasons for leaving the site would be wrong, cos they are just that. personal reasons.
neil x x x ;)
I just wanted to say this without starting yet another thread about those leaving,and this seemed the best place.
To all of those going or gone,take care each and everyone of you.