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ooo - we have gone international!

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redface surprisedops: :oops: :oops: :oops: lol
wink might be :wink:
Hee hee, OK, we won't pursue the matter to spare your blushes. But the offender could PM me in complete confidence - I'm just too nosey for my own good :shock:
I still live in the vain hope that it might have been genuine! - Although there is one other piece of damning evidence that has come to right - which I shall be PM'ing Fred about! - And if it is not him, then it is just TOO big a coincidence!
It was not ME!

But I do think that it was either a fabulous gag or just a series of coincidences which has the conspiracy theorists all a dither!
It was not ME!
But I do think that it was either a fabulous gag or just a series of coincidences which has the conspiracy theorists all a dither!
Well I for one believe him!
See, all you doubting Thomas'es who thought it was Fred winding me up, after a helpful PM which explained why the e-mail may not have worked, I have now been able to send an e-mail to my new German pen-friend. i eagerly await a response, and shall invite him on to the forum in due course! So it WAS genuine after all.
P.S. Thanks for the sorting out what the problem was Fred.
Ina is a girls name!
It's origins are from the Hindu originally but it is used in Germany more than here.
So - when SHE writes back to you KAT I have a large slice of humble Pie here waiting for you - cream with that? rotflmao
Hmmmmm, I'll believe this when I see it - oh look there's a flying reindeer over there, wonder where that came from? wink
Only read the first half dozen posts and it suddenly clicked - this is simply the German version of the common spam going around. I knew my sad techie background would be useful one day...just didn't think it would be on here !
I don't have one to post the contents of as I tend to delete them straight off but they are of the "Hello again {excuse} but I've now got a site. Please vist me at {site} or call {premium rate number}".
Always thought it was strange when I got a "hello again" message from Venuzuela once when I can't even spell it, never mind have been there !
You can't reply to them {as you've found} to stop them being traced/banned etc and some of the websites contain trojan viruses etc. It's the sort of mail that has now been made illegal in a recent law change but I still get them too !
Sorry to burst the bubble of possibility and all that but you're best forewarned !!
Carpathian, loves a goth girls private parts but also knows his saaad techie stuff when needed too !
Oh no, Kat rotflmao - if this is true, don't you wish that it had been Fred winding you up - being taken in by Fred (oooo eeerrrrr wink ) is much less embarrassing than getting all hot and excited about junk mail
:grin: :grin: :grin:
I nearly didn't post what I'd spotted as to the fun you were having with this but as some of them can be harmful (be it virus or cost) thought I'd better spill the beans.
"Spill the beans" {sigh}
I just can't write a message without resorting to panto season silliness at the mo.....
Oh, I'm very glad you did spill your beans - Kat is going to be soooooooooooooooo gutted when he reads this thread :doh:
I nearly didn't post what I'd spotted as to the fun you were having with this but as some of them can be harmful (be it virus or cost) thought I'd better spill the beans.
BOL-- LOCKS :doh: I think I would prefer a virus right now compared to what is about to happen.
Fred, I am really sorry for doubting you. Thank you sincerly for all the help you tried to give me, you a wonderful man and do not deserve any of the bad press that nasty Wilma gives you, and if you are ever due a strap-on punishment from Blue, feel free to ask me to take the punishment in your stead.
:rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose:
Blue babes, be a love and don't tell Jags, Mark and the others about this when they get back will you, there's a sweetie. kiss
love hugs and kisses
P.S. Carpathian, you're banned! :P
Banned ?
Me ??
Little ol' Carpathian ???
{over the top blubbing, wailing and sniffling}
Ok, I'll go........
{shuffles very slowly towards the door}, don't try and stop me......
Quote by KitKat
Fred, I am really sorry for doubting you. Thank you sincerly for all the help you tried to give me, you a wonderful man and do not deserve any of the bad press that nasty Wilma gives you, and if you are ever due a strap-on punishment from Blue, feel free to ask me to take the punishment in your stead.

Sniff - sniff - nobody listens to me anymore - it is all (sniff) that horrible Wilma's fault (sniff) she poisons everyone against me.
Don't (sniff) know why I bother - one day I'll just dissappear (sniff) and you will all be sorry then.
Want cream with that slice of humble pie Kat? rotflmao
Don't (sniff) know why I bother - one day I'll just dissappear (sniff) and you will all be sorry then.

I am sorry NOW!!!
Want cream with that slice of humble pie Kat?
Do you want some cheese with that whine Fred??
x x x x
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, this has to be the funniest thread of the year, if there was a "Swinging Heaven Best Thread of the Year" Award, you would have it in the bag, Kat. I am literally falling off my chair laughing.
Ha ha ha, Kat's in love witha junk mailer!!!!!!! :haha: Please don't tell me you rang her - you didn't, did you?????????
The only thing that would be funnier than this is if the mail really was from a genuine person, oh, wouldn't that be a simply glorious ending?
Will someone call an ambulance!
Kat has taken an O.D. of Wilma's stupid pills!
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Well I was stupid enough to marry you my darling!!
Steady with the insults Fred it is :boxing: day after all.
x x x x
Blue - your are STILL not helping! my New Years resolution was going to be to become bisexual! Shan't now!
I didn't actually ring her, but I did send a very nice e-mail back thanking her (although I thought it was a him) for her interest, and saying how pleased I was that our pictures had international appeal!
Crap, I'm not helping myself here am I?
Kit has been following this with much mirth and merriment, and has said that if this turns out to be a genuine offer, she will pay for the plane ticket for me to go out and shag her, and she will take the pictures!
Kat redface
Quote by KitKat
Kit has been following this with much mirth and merriment, and has said that if this turns out to be a genuine offer, she will pay for the plane ticket for me to go out and shag her, and she will take the pictures!

An I'll pay for the hotel!
This is as genuine an offer as the following statement:
"I will win the lottery this week without buying a ticket and will allow bluexxx to have her wicked way with me with the biggest strapon she can find and I WILL enjoy every minute of it!"
:haha: :haha: I have my fingers crossed that it was a genuine offer - I would love to see the pics :grin:
Consider yourself the butt of every single joke on this forum for the rest of the year :twisted:
:rude: (just thought I would try and intimidate my way out of this) wink
Quote by KitKat
I didn't actually ring her, but I did send a very nice e-mail back thanking her (although I thought it was a him) for her interest, and saying how pleased I was that our pictures had international appeal!

Pray tell me you did not try to do it in German as well - and whatever you do, if you did, don't post it here - don't think I could last another 5 minutes without being able to breathe! lol :lol: :lol:
{Carpathian wanders pathetically past muttering "Should have kept my gob shut..." repeatedly under his breath whilst looking quite distraught at what he's caused}
Quote by Carpathian
{Carpathian wanders pathetically past muttering "Should have kept my gob shut..." repeatedly under his breath whilst looking quite distraught at what he's caused}

You deserve a medal! lol
Not many wander into the forum and expose our most prolific as being such a complete international fraud and charlatan! 8) 8)
Pray tell me you did not try to do it in German as well
I hedged my bets - sent it in German and English!
Ina is a girls name!
It's origins are from the Hindu originally but it is used in Germany more than here.
:shock: Do you think I should have sent it in Hindi too? :shock:
Yes, Carpy should get the Swinging Heaven Best Set-up of the Year Award - not bad for a newbie! 8)
Kat, exactly how long did you spend trying to "chat up" your German admirer? wink