I believe ii have seen them captured on some pictures we once took , difficult to explain really, sort of white blobs floating around
Mmmmm big juicy orbs...
...oh you mean light?
If you are wondering about the spooky side of these "orbs" I think Bonnie once told me that people who believe in spiritual sort of things believe they are some sort of spirit or perhaps the energy given off by them, not sure.
Along the same theme I was once awoken to find my daughter talking to thin air when I asked her what was wrong she asked me to "find the little girls mummy" of course I thought it was just a dream and she had been sleep walking, but a few days later in conversation with an elderly neighbour who has lived in the area told me how a lady who lived there years before had died and left behind a young daughter who had to be taken into care. Spooky or just coincidence.
most haunted live great tv show
Specs of airbourn dust caught by a flash, usually, or water particles, or insects. I saw a fantastic shot a friend took in some light mist once, litterally hundrends of 'orbs'. Visibility was good but you could hardly see a thing in his shot. I've only ever seen a handful which could be described as very odd indeed.
I'd be very wary indeed of anything which only seems to be picked up with a digital imaging device. Suggests more a inherent issue with the method of capture rather than what's being captured.
Sorry Zootle - but I believe in this stuff! Orbs are energies of people passed. Not necesarily "ghosts" but energies. We all have energies. What is to say that some energy doesn't say behind?
Its one of those pervs trying to see into your window and shining a torch through the curtains :shock: