I believe that in one’s lifetime, we would each be lucky to meet more than one genuinely wise person – if any at all.
But I do think that we all have little islands of wisdom within us – things we know that are worth passing on.
So - what insight and advice would you pass on to younger people about life?
Here are a few to get things started:
1) If you like someone a lot, never keep it to yourself – tell them how you feel, because before you know it time moves on and the moment and opportunity are lost forever. And you never know – they might feel the same way about you.
2) On the whole, try not to guess what people are thinking about you – you’ll often get it wrong. Part of this point is that people might react negatively to you because of their agendas and problems - not something/anything to do with you at all. This is a crucial thing to know.
This point is difficult to convey, so I’ll use one of my favourite aphorisms-
When you’re 20 you care what everyone says about you
When you’re 40 you don’t care what anyone says about you
When you’re 60 you realise they were never talking about you in the first place
There's a great deal of wisdom in these 3 little lines.
3) Be prepared to be humble and strive always to keep on understanding yourself and avoid being judgemental about other people – the key thing is to keep working at trying to understand the reality of people and yourself and not lose touch with truth.
4) Never expect everyone to like you and never be hurt that they don’t (refer to 2).
I’ll leave it at 5 below with a little (true) story-
A journalist met an 80 year old couple who’d been married over 60 years. They were holding hands! He asked them their secret and the answer came: “We like each
5) So, here’s my last (no doubt most controversial) point: in relationships, like is more important than love – because love is often based on fantasy whereas like on reality.
:high-smile: Please pass on your insights, advice and wisdom below :high-smile:
Love your insights mine would have to be:
learn to love yourself before stepping out in the expectation of finding someone who will love you
make someone happy by smiling into their eyes
hold onto the fact that looking forward to the next moment as is important as looking forward to the next 10 years
Thanks corrie – good stuff there.
Here is another piece of wisdom –
When Posting a new Thread Topic in the Let’s Meet Up Forum, never entitle it:-
young hard cack in need of fun tonight in Grimsby
While at the same time giving yourself the username sexgodd at the age of 19.
Just a few from me.
One that I try and adhere to is........... don't spoil today for what is past. (You cannot change yesterday but you may spoil today dwelling on it.)
Don't lengthen an argument if there is an opportunity of escaping.
Never be in a hurry to tie what you cannot untie.
And a couple which could be of benefit in here..............
Examine what is said, not who says it.
If you can't say anything nice then don't say anything at all.
x x x x
To expand on one Wilma states. My Grandfather lived by this, and it does not come easily.
If you can't say anything good about someone, then say nothing about them at all.
Some great stuff here, particularly 'Be Yourself'
Personally, I believe that:
'If you don't ask, you don't get'
'The worst they can do is say no'
'The problem is not that people aim too high and miss, but that they aim too low and hit'
Have a grat night peeps.
Never judge someone until you have walked a mile in their shoes - yeh I know you will then be a mile away and in their shoes, but apart from that I love that phrase. Always try and see peoples reasoning behind their actions.
Never let your kids or partner leave the house without telling them you love em.
Don't rush to reach a goal and end up missing all the important little things on your journey to it
Stand by your beliefs but be openminded enough to accept other peoples may be different
Be prejudiced against the intolerant, and intolerant of prejudice.
Sappho xxx
Inspired, Sappho, and oh so correct.
Nice one.
It is better to say nothing and be thought of as an idiot than to say something and prove it. :shock: :shock: :shock:
Thank your parents for having you and bringing you up, before they pass away.
It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool,
than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
One serious one funny?
Harry 0
I posted this and then read Sgt Bilko's one and the same really.
One of the main things I live by in my life is never say never...you can miss out on so many things in life by thinking 'I could never do that'. I don't want to get to such an age in my life and not be able to do stuff, and then wish that I had, just because of saying never...
Man alive what a wonderful subject, when this thread is finished maybe we should publish it and use the proceeds to pay for an all expenses paid national Munch for everone are some wonderful philosophies here.
My own contributions, for what they are worth:-
Learn to laugh at your self, unless you can do that you forfeit the right to laugh at others.
Meet triumph and disaster and treat those two imposters just the same(thanks Rudyard ...the rest of his poem "If" is not a bad way to live your life either)
Regret what you have done in life not what you did'nt do! (except the midlands munch cos I can't make it ...boo hoo)
Realise that everyone has a talent, in some it is just a little harder to see.
I.m 48 I could go on for ever with these...lol