Penis size is it important ??
Does it bother nearly all men? Do you have a small, average or large sized penis? Even if It's the smallest!! Do Women care about size.? I guess some of us feel it's very important but then we all have our own prefrences,. For women, penises are marvelous toys, and no matter what they look like, they will excite us. My question is . When we talk about men's penises...Do we focus mainly on size? Or do we focus more on what the male did with it ? Is it a true saying" It's not the size of the ship ..It's the ocean of the motion" what are all your views on the subject?
Lucy xxx
think most guys given the opportunity would like an odd inch or two more.....and alot of the ads it does have to say ask for W/E male etc...
however I do have to say it is not when erect that i would really like mine to be that much is more when limp and dormant.......
would just love to have a monster when going in the showers after sport......all the other guys there...and you can't help but notice.....oh to have one that hung down to me knee then.
mine isnt excatly the empire state building (would of said twin towers but it couldn't stay up after a pounding!!...sorry...)
my size dont bother me one bit.. i like to bleive its who i am that gets women in to bed and not what ive got stored in side my trousers!!!
It's not the size of the tomahawk, it's the fury of the indian.
At least that's what I keep telling myself.
My cock is about 6.5/7"... but because I am a short-arse, it looks bigger than that in proportion to my body. So it looks bigger than it really is.
Well there was one guy on some strange latenight program who had two, and yes he was able to get both errect at the same time. I must see if I have it on tape.
I have one, and it's not too shabby, but do I compare it to others? Not really, It does for me, and I've never had any complaints,(other than my right hand). So does size really matter, I suppose it depends on who's view you take, the ladies seem not to mind, it's just us guys who are worried.
I've gotta say I prefer an average penis.. my ex had a fairly big one and sex was just uncomfortable.. I like it to hit the exact spots inside.. and only average can do that for me!! guaranteed orgasm every tiime!!!!
this really is a guys thing aint it?..all tugging at our little weenies,pushing the end of the tape measure into the old pubes as far as it will go.....dear oh dear...anyone tried those condoms that give an extra couple of inches?.......i'm no expert,but i think girth is more important to women than length anyway?.....i remember a survey,not masters and johnson,something more recent,that suggested,shock horror,that the old jack and danny varies in size too,meaning i assume,if you have a small organ,dont play in a cathedral!!,glad you remember me bluexx
I'll be honest, I have seen a lot of penii. A hell of a lot. As my dad (bless him) tells people ; "She's had enough cock to make a handrail from hrere to Bombay"
Well, IMO, average is 5.5 inches.
Hahaha! Laughed my head off at Blue. We have "encountered" that guy at Bolton too. Absolutely bleedin massive!
general observations gathered from various women tkh has been close to, married to, whatever, is that extremes of size are a problem but us medium guys still have a good reputation (medium would seem to be anywhere between 5 and 7 inches)
a common other thought was that a biggie is apparently good fun for the occasional visit but not somehting to live with
any my own take on the issue is that IF SIZE MATTERS, then , hell, girls, so does tightness
un-pc as ever, TKH