I'm not sure if this is going to get locked because of it's non-swing related subject matter, but I'd say at least 50% of the members here have pets and are very fond of them.
Even if they just let it run for a little while, I thought Abi might like it.
....and there are far too many pussy jokes to miss out on.
Saying that I thought I'd get the ball rolling with my dogs.
I think some of you have seen my hamster on webcam at some point!
(and yes, he did give permission to be on camera!)
The poor wee thing managed to escape a wee while back, and i thought he'd met his end down some pipe, until i heard scratching and I found him yesterday stuck down the inside of a chest of drawers, which are now disgusting, and covered in his muck ( he must have been there for ages) he also had cut all his wee paws from trying to scratch his way out of it so it was not a pretty site.
One fruit salad, some apple juice, cheese and square of dairy milk later and he was a happy wee creature chewing on my carpets again.
This is the last time I EVER agree to look after someones beastie when they go on holiday!!
Think I'll stick to fish from now on! (i have enough to cope with looking after den!)
Nelson My beloved cat.
rescued from the CPL when I lived in Belfast, and when I moved back to Kent with him I drove all the way so he didnt have to be left behind.
ok, maybe i would be tempted by a wee beastie, espesh if it was as gorgeous as those 3!
here's one of my boys, the other is just popping his head in the corner, unfortunately lost them both last year
Earthy xx
This isn't the best pic of him but here's my little baby......
here's my psycho, talking, swearing, swing shagging budgie Sparky
Earthy xx
And thats our other boy!
Fire is he a malamute or a husky? He's gorgeous!
As is the cat - let's not get favouratist here.
so sorry that you lost your car Abi
Know that it hurts a lot
try to remember the funny and great times to
cant get a pic of my cat on here he wont stay still long enough !!!!!!!