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I am scared of:
Flying (I do it only because I have to but no-one ever wants to sit next to me on a plane)
Dogs that I don't know
Cows (it's their tongues that freak me out)
vomit (I really cannot watch someone being sick, I keep thinking their eyes are going to pop out)
Quote by Sgt Bilko
My phobia is a sort of brown colour and it is mushroom shaped. What does that tell you??? lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I know that it is early in the morning but have you been talking about magic mushrooms or have I not woken up properly yet and this is all a dream :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Oh Corrie, if only it was a dream!!!!!!
I'm glad I'm not on my own about wasps, errrr!
I used to be frantic about any food contained in foil, ie KitKats as they were as I feared a stray part being bitten.
I also cannot stand the feeling of biting sponges just typing this gives me goose pimples.
I also have a fear of crowded places, I really panic oh and I have to sit by the wing on a plane in case the engine drops off so I can tell the captain.
Sex God
Bit of a recently developed phobia, this one. I have a fear of photos of erect cocks - I dream they are chasing me across a giant Stilton cheese and my feet keep getting stuck in the blues bits. :shock: :shock: :shock:
Quote by Heather
Bit of a recently developed phobia, this one. I have a fear of photos of erect cocks - I dream they are chasing me across a giant Stilton cheese and my feet keep getting stuck in the blues bits. :shock: :shock: :shock:

That's my one Heather!!! It's called Medorthophobia. The fear of an erect penis!!
Guess it's just us girlies then Heather. I can hear steveg moaning now.......bloody bi fems they put us single blokes out of business - lol
x x x
Warming the Bed
Phobias: My big one is heights, every since falling off a big climb to find that most of my protection had failed, and that the guy on the end of my safety was half asleep. The feeling you get when you know you are going to fall and there is nothing you can do about it - eeech.
Strangest phobia: My wife hates eggs. Cannot touch them, hates the look of them. Never serve her Egg Fried Rice or Omelets.
She also did one for my fear of heights, but thats a lot more complicated and I don't think I could do that a)online and b) cos I can't remember exactly how she did it, just that it worked as well

Angel I would love to get over this, cause it costs me £100 to get the house eaves painted once a year!
Quote by SiGo1
I also cannot stand the feeling of biting sponges

I'm not making fun of you, but why would you bite sponges?
Now that would be telling!!! redface
I just remember it vivdly from being a kid and every time I do I almost heave so stop it :shock:
Quote by SiGo1
I just remember it vivdly from being a kid and every time I do I almost heave so stop it :shock:

Is it that noise as it rubs over your teeth - like nails down a blackboard - or that dry rubbing texture that makes your teeth itch...............?
Is it artificial sponges or real sponges and are they wet or dry?
All in the name of science and not torture - hope you understand!
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
My teeth are going all funny at the thought of running wooden lolly sticks across my tongue!!! SHUDDER
The findings were Fred:
Dry sponge much worse
Artificial sponge
Teeth rubbing and a squeaking sensation
Those were the votes from the swedish jury
My only fear is being burned alive, don't know exactly why. But I would at least have a source of ignition for my last cigarette. lol
I'm certainly not afraid of any creatures whether, insect, animal, bird or fish. Being alone in the wilderness holds a fascination, rather than fear, either by day or night. Heights are also no problem, as a pilot who enjoyed aerobatics, the world spinning around above my head is exciting. Funny, I can get the same feeling when I've had a pint too many. confused
Strangely, many people fear being alone, and it's not a new feeling either.
Colleridge wrote about it in the 1800's. It went something like this:
Like one upon a loansome road,
doth walk in fear and dread,
and having once turned round, walks on,
and no more turns his head,
because he knows a frightfull fiend,
doth close behind him tread.
Sex God
Quote by SiGo1
I also cannot stand the feeling of biting sponges just typing this gives me goose pimples.

Ewwwww I'm with you on that one SiGo1. Also can't bear the thought of licking a cardigan or having cotton wool in my mouth. Ewwwww I've gone all queasy thinking about it.
Also terrified of anything to do with the supernatural, can't even listen to someone who mentions it.
Wonders what Sarge is on about with the mushroom thing and gently whispers Beetroot in his ear!
So Judy, does that mean you really are coming out of the closet??? confused :? lol :lol: :lol:
Misschief, don't even think about talking Beetroot otherwise I will wear a cardigan for the NW Munch and make you lick it!!!!! :twisted:
Sex God
Quote by Sgt Bilko
Misschief, don't even think about talking Beetroot otherwise I will wear a cardigan for the NW Munch and make you lick it!!!!! :twisted:

rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Then you will have to re-register as Sgt Doonican!!!
Then you will have to re-register as Sgt Doonican!!!

With a camouflaged rocking chair !!! :shock: :shock:
Sex God
I'll hold him down for you Judy :twisted:
Just make sure you've eaten loads of mushrooms and beetroot beforehand :twisted:
Can you tell I'm dead excited about meeting you Sarge lol
Ok I have to give you people this
It also contains some information about each phobia is named, various treatments and help things that let you get on with your life like fearless Fred.
I hope this may help somebody, if it doesn't then atleast a may make interesting reading for others.
I can handle the Judysnog, it's the mushrooms and beetroot that I'm scared of!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Forum Virgin
Quote by mattmoleman
Ok I have to give you people this link. Name that phobia.

Mine isn't there redface :cry:
Not a phobia but I have to agree with HarryO in that I can't think of a worse way to go than being burned to death (or burned alive, whichever).
I don't think I have any real phobias, Judy might say differently but I can't think of any myself.
Sex God
I have to fly later today for a meeting with my job.
I'm already in a complete cold sweat and feeling extremely anxious
I'm terrified incase something goes wrong and worried I'm not going to go through with it.
I had the option to drive, but it's a 6 hour journey and felt that I really should try to overcome my phobia.
Don't know what to do, I know it's irrational but I've got myself in one hell of a state sad
My phobia is of edges. Heights don't bother me, but if someone stands too close to an edge, it makes me go all wibbly (Yes that is a real word :P )
I used to work with some people who had strange phobias.
One was scarred stiff by big potted plants, we all thought he was joking till we cornered him with a large Yuka.
and there was this lady who was petrified by buttons, but only if they were loose. Buttons on clothing were fine, but if one fell off ........
Not quite a phobia but something I've avoided due to a genuine fear all the same.
More specifically, allowing myself to get close.
But that's all been cracked open and spilt on the floor and I think I may be in the wrong place right now.
So if I'm not around for awhile I'll either be pleading with every man who shows an interest to keep me, or damaging myself till I'm comfortably numb again.
Hope you all get over your fears too.
Bye for now.
yep have to say mine is rejection!
People ignoring you when you no you haven't done anything.............gets me all paranoid
As for creatures the only phobia i have is Sarge lol :lol:
O and i hate it when i have to write out a check in front of anyone my spelling is not so good redface surprisedops:
Master of Sex
I luagh in the face of spiders, in fact i love them, the reason is that because my wife is terrified of them, when she sees one and freaks out i come to the rescue and for the next hour or so can pretty much demand anything i want from her, shes such a grateful little minx. Whats even better is the bigger/hairier the spider, the bigger (hairier??) my reward.
As for my own phobia, at present Im terrified of starting smoking again.
Master of Sex
I was going to tell you about my phobia here, but then I read Libra's post and it made me feel really sad
(((((((((Libra)))))))) Hope you manage to work things out
Alleyson xxx
Quote by Ice Pie
I like spiders, it's flying things that buzz I have a problem with.
The sound of a wasp, even if it's not really a wasp, compels me to kill. I can't run away in case it follows me, I have to kill it and I cannot rest until it's dead. If it flies, makes a noise remotely like a wasp, and is smaller than a Goodyear blimp, it dies, end of story.

things that buzz ie bees, wasps, or big blue bottles, send me crazy. im not to bad with bees now because they can sting only once. but wasps i dispise the fookin things . the flys are just filthy things and remind me of diseases. i was having a laugh about chavs the otherday with another sh member, and he called wasps chavs of the insect world, which is about right lol. but i dread summer comming due to my phobia, and im a nervous reck if im ever sat out in a pub garden, or on a bus and theres wasp about.
Spiders, terrified of them, which I have to be very careful about when in school. God if some of the kids found out my life would be absolute misery whilst in school. There was one in the sink at school once and one of my girls was squealing about it. I told her not to be so silly, that it couldn't hurt her. Fortunately, one of the boys decided to be brave and went over, picked it up and threw it out of the window. I really really don't know what I would have done if he hadn't decided to be brave :shock:
I don't like birds getting too close to me either and I'm scared of horses because one threw me when I was about 10 years old. I'm not scared of them in the same way as I am of spiders though.
I once knew a nursery teacher who was scared of buttons (loose or fastened onto clothing), which made her life awkward as nursery age children often have buttons on their clothes which they are unable to fasten/unfasten. confused