hi ladys serious question partner going away for a few days and joked we can always
have phone sex...whats the best way to start the conversation?
does your partner say to you what he thinks he might be wanting you to do?
and does it end up in self pleasuring or does he just say nice things hoping that
when you see him next the first thing you want to do is bed him,
Ask Riff Raff - he's fab at it :twisted:
you'l know what to do.......if you feel good and miss them....think horny...the rest will follow..
i agree with lilmiss, i done it a few times, u just brathe heavily say yes! and all that and just say what u feeling at that time, just go for it :twisted:
Did it once. A friend who once had a partner who spent a lot of time in the States so he got good at it. He dropped his voice - got seductive. Just described what he would have done had we been together. It was hot and I had the window open, a breeze blowing over me, and just the novelty and eroticism of it turned me on. Mutual self-pleasuring is what it was. And very nice too.
I answered an ad some years ago, by a single fem. She was getting non stop calls. With each call she wanked herself off. I could hear her flaps slapping in the backgroound.
When we met, we had sex, but she also answered some more calls, and wanked off as well.
Quite a girl!