Just please dont be upset if i refuse or delete you as its all part of the testing
Quote by Resonance
Me too, but if he finds out the secret then I will have no choice but to execute directive order
Kryten : Order ? Hmm. "Your cat must not be used as a dishcloth under any circumstances." I fail to see how that helps in this situation sir...
Quote by alaninuk
Rez - couldn't you use the subjunctive in your new avatar? It really, really aggravates me
Quote by TheLovelyOne
Rez - couldn't you use the subjunctive in your new avatar? It really, really aggravates me
Quote by Martin_M
Sorry got distracted by a member of staff half the way through so must have posted my reply. Cant remember what I was going to say...
I am actually quite popular these daysno longer have no friends.. and everything seems to work as it should now as well.
Quote by TheLovelyOne
Me too, but if he finds out the secret then I will have no choice but to execute directive order
Kryten : Order ? Hmm. "Your cat must not be used as a dishcloth under any circumstances." I fail to see how that helps in this situation sir...