I look cos I am a nosey fecker.........
.....oh.....and a perv :shock:
My wife and I check the list of who has looked at out profile every night. We are often disappointed that people who look are 100's of miles away and it is a struggle to find a genuine couple within range of us! Occasionally someone local has looked and on reading their profile with email them.
It is interesting to see who reads our profile and also to read others. It sometimes might help in thoughts for advert wording. Only problem it seems there are so many members who have not completed the profile it makes it hard finding those who are really looking.
i use the profiles as a leapfrog to get out of the chatroom and into the forum all the time...so sorry its as random as who happens to be under the cursor when i click it..
:happy: i like to perv folk's profile pictures, so when you get to the next social and you see them there, in my mind i think hmmmmm nice ass rofl :happy:
and they dont have a clue!
Mrs b xxx
I don't have an 'extras' account so I have no idea who's looking at my profile.
But then I'm not entirely sure how useful the function would be to me, if people's reasons for checking my profile are as varied as mine are for checking theirs.
In the forums:
I might check a profile to 'get a feel' for the person before replying to a post of theirs - perhaps they've written something 'contentious' (such as a comment about profiles with no pics, so I'd need to check if they have some on their profile before responding).
I might have noticed a change in their avatar (thinking possibly they've posted new photos).
They are a 'new' poster or someone I've not seen in here before.
I'm in need of some eye candy - and from looking previously I know their profile won't disappoint!
I want to pm them (and have only recently noticed the pm button under the avatars and haven't yet got used to using it.
From 'my search':
This one's pretty self explanatory.
In chat:
they are new to my normal 'hang out'
To see how 'local' they are to me
Because I want to get a 'feel' for them before responding to something they've written
I'm in need of some eye candy - and from looking previously I know their profile won't disappoint!
To check that it is the person who I think it is (many members have similar names and more than once I've continued a conversation with the wrong person!).
Because they've done something 'wrong' and I want to report them.
Does having an 'Extras' account allow you to see who has added you to their 'Friends' list?
I use this not only to bookmark regular SH friends but also to keep a note of members who seem compatible (from their profile) and I might want to contact in the near future. On another site, I'm a member of, their friends/favourites function allows you to see who has added you - which perhaps is a little like a 'nudge'.
An elet team of detectives housed somewhere in SH towers. Their job to follow members about to see if the profile was accurate. I was just thinking have I been turned in for not doing a threesome this month, when I noticed a woman in a red dress and stocking in the bushes. Was she part of the dreaded SH profile police. I tried to look relaxed, I looked into the blacked out window of a sex shop. "This will prove I am a sex mad perv." I was thinking.
That is when it happened. A white van pulled up, I was pulled in, quickly over cum, the next thing I knew I was in the deepest dungunes of SH towers.
At first it was easy. They measured my height and build. Then it got harder as they questioned me. How many women have you had, can you prove it. Do you do this and that, can you prove it, give us names. Give us demonstrations....
Three days later I was released.
Yes, I can say that profiles are checked.
Sorry to anyone that I may have mentioned did not live up to their profile.
I often look at profiles by mistake on the forum as i click the name instead of the clip coard thingy that takes you to their message! DOH!