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Profile Pictures

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Should Profiles without a picture be removed?

We don't know about everybody else but in our opinion we feel that profiles without an appropriate picture should be removed by the Mods.....what say the rest of you?
Karen and Chris
No - I don't believe they should.
I don't think people should be obliged to have pictures if they don't want to.
Nola x
Nope, sorry!
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
No. I've had times where I've decided to take a break for whatever reason, and removed my pictures. Or times when the security of the private galleries was in question so I removed them then as well. Lots of people choose not to display pictures for whatever reason, why should people with genuine reasons have their accounts deleted?
I've voted no, and this isn't an issue I'll ever change my mind about. I'd imagine that making it compulsory to have pictures is one way to ensure that loads of people end up with someone else's photos on their profile ;)
I'm a mod. I have no pictures because I'm incredibly shy. redface
Quote by Cubes
I'm a mod. I have no pictures because I'm incredibly shy. redface

I'm a mod too - and definitely not shy!!! :twisted:
ive voted no.
yes i have pictures on mine,at the moment, tomorrow i may remove them.
i dont see what difference me having a picture makes to my aility to post or chat.
if i only want to meet people with a picture i can search ads only with pictures.
profiles are not ads.
xx fem xxx
Is this a joke question?
I voted no.....
why should a picture matter in that respect.... or is it a case of looking at the picture first rather than the words or the ad that accompany it?
I am just looking for the logic in the question... dunno
I know this is a radical thought... but I tend to go to socials/munches/parties and talk to people and then make up my mind... ya know, this social interaction malarky..... so in the long run I don't think it affects me.....
Sorry guys... look like the minority on this one....
In Edit: just seen your pics and I think that it is interesting that you wouldn't be able to recognise any of karen, and chris isn't in any of the pictures at all..... so therefore by your own defination would you not go???? hmmmmmmm wink
yeah get rid and while your at it anyone that dont post in here or talk in chat rooms get rid too..if they swing or not aint important .
Definitely get rid of the lot of them ... fake timewasters every one. confused
Quote by flower411
I don`t think people without avatars should be allowed to post ......

Or...........what about people not having profiles? lol
Quote by flower411
I don`t think people without avatars should be allowed to post ......

No avatar ...get rid of the lot of them ... fake timewasters every one.
Quote by kentswingers777
I don`t think people without avatars should be allowed to post ......

Or...........what about people not having profiles? lol
No profile? ... get rid of the lot of them ... fake timewasters every one. They can't be 'real' swingers.
fecking rhinos get rid of the lot of them...
and then theres the peoples front of judea...splitters
Quote by wild rose and the stag
fecking rhinos get rid of the lot of them...
and then theres the peoples front of judea...splitters

Rhinos!!! what use are rhinos? ... get rid of the lot of them ... fake timewasters every one. And as for the splitters ...
Quote by wild rose and the stag
fecking rhinos get rid of the lot of them...
and then theres the peoples front of judea...splitters

Don't you mean the Judean People's Front?
You all seem to have missed the point, we asked the question "Should people have an appropriate Profile Picture", NOT pictures in galleries. It seems to us that there are many wannabes and fakers in here, taking the trouble to fill out a profile fully, and inserting a Profile Picture goes some way towards showing that you ACTUALLY want to meet people on here rather then live out some fantasy!
Quote by Hotandkinkyuk
.................. profiles without an appropriate picture should be removed by the Mods.............

I've quoted the above to ask a couple of questions. By "appropriate picture" do you mean those with no picture, or those with a picture that you (personally) feel is inappropriate? If it's the latter, what criteria makes a picture inappropriate?
Oh and I personally have a profile picture to show what a hunky beefcake I am :lol2: ...... but I don't really swing, so how would I fit into your ideal? redface confused
I think random bum flashing pics in the middle of the supermarket are to be positively encouraged! :giggle:
Oh that made me laugh! kiss
Quote by northwest-cpl
I don`t think people without avatars should be allowed to post ......

Or...........what about people not having profiles? lol
No profile? ... get rid of the lot of them ... fake timewasters every one. They can't be 'real' swingers.
Maybe not.
If you are going to enter a site looking for meets, surely it would be a good idea to participate in it? By that I mean writing at least something down.
If you went to an interview you would not leave the page blank, cos you want the job. By leaving everything blank on your profile here, may well lead others to think you do not want to meet or swing.......Maybe.
Definitely a "no" from me.
It's entirely possible to arrange to meet members without seeing a pic of them beforehand, and there might be some who even prefer to do that.
Quote by Hotandkinkyuk
You all seem to have missed the point, we asked the question "Should people have an appropriate Profile Picture", NOT pictures in galleries. It seems to us that there are many wannabes and fakers in here, taking the trouble to fill out a profile fully, and inserting a Profile Picture goes some way towards showing that you ACTUALLY want to meet people on here rather then live out some fantasy!

In that case explain yourself more fully - I for one haven't got a clue what yer talking about.
If there are no pics then I generally don't look - but that's my choice. Others may differ.
Yes! Definitely! Remove me!
I'm a "wannabe faker" cool
Quote by kentswingers777
if you are going to enter a site looking for meets, surely it would be a good idea to participate in it? By that I mean writing at least something down. ....
... may well lead others to think you do not want to meet or swing.......Maybe.

You, or others may well think that we do not wish to meet from this site. You would be correct in that assumption. We do not look to meet from this or any other internet site. Having said that I would guess that we have actually played with far more people from this site than you have. If you want to correct me you can do so here or by PM.
You, or others, may well think that we do not swing. You would be so wrong in that assumption that it is laughable. The fact that we have no profile filled in does not affect our swinging one iota since we play at clubs. We have no wish to meet anyone in a private meet and so have no need for a filled in profile.
I agree that people that are looking for meets would do better if they filled in a profile, although we were here long before there were profiles that gave much information anyway and people seemed to manage quite well then. However, since we are not looking for meets can you explain what benefit a profile would be for us other than to allow us to delete unwanted mail and winks?
As to Hotandkinkyuk, are you saying that people who do not fit your criteria for behaviour on a swinging site shouldn't be here, or just that they are somehow timewasters, fakes or not 'real' swingers as defined by you? I would be genuinely interested in your answer to that and would ask what your swinging experience is that makes you so much better at it than others.
I have all my pictures private ..
Mainly because if people actually knew what I looked like,then they would leave this site in droves and chuck their lunch before they left confused
Quote by wild rose and the stag
splitters anyway what did the Romans ever do for us, apart from roads

Otters noses ?