While im ere may as well whinge as well...........my answer to the original post would be. Who the fuck dies and left you the post of Swing Police Commissioner ?
If youre so concerned about fantasists wasting your time then reply to some picturyfied profiles and get shaggin, while us non-verified,non regular unhard swingers and fantasists carry on wasting our time chatting.
Dont let the door hit yer ass either........FFS sake where have all these fucking pedants and rule making whingers appeared from all of a sudden !
Rant over
Peace x
I voted no, I have no pictures but I do have a cam.
I believe you can tell more about a person when seeing them on cam than any picture can tell you.
We met a guy once for a drink in the very beginning what he didn't tell us was his face picutre on here was taken a few years prior.
we voted yes to just to mess up the results..i get a sense of satisfaction knowing for certain polls of this nature are flawed from the start..
Yes get rid of all the pictureless profiles
Afterall a picture means we are genuine
i voted no, after all, what's an "appropriate picture" & who would be the judge? one man's meat is another man's poison.
if you look at a profile & it ain't got a photo on, jog on & ignore them if you don't like it, that's your right, just as it's their right not to put a photo up...no one's forcing you to fuck them, are they?
what's next, kick every single guy off the site if all they have is a cock photo? or everyone out of chat if they ain't on cam?
to paraphrase abraham lincoln, "you can please some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not please all of the people all of the time."
Oh Dear ......lol you just gotta smile havnt ya like we tell em in chat a picture proves nowt might not even be yours, a fone number means nowt, cam means nowt, to us now turn up in the flesh..... our kinda peeps simple really isnt it lol