
Quote by JudyTV
I agree (in return ) and like you when the big bang came it was not my fave day either, so again like you I had to make a decision on whether to walk away or suck it and see. Being who I am I followed my lifestyle and decided to suck on it a while
, so no change there then
. After sucking on it for a few months I then had to decide if I wanted get involved again and evolve with the new format or take the long walk. I did make a few comments during that time of assessment but as the site stabilised I started to overcome the culture shock and tried to give my new step parents the benefit of the doubt. I have decided to stay and take the long haul and not the long walk. Things are not perfect but then neither have been any of my relationships, long term or short. Those of us that are here three months or so down the line have the option to either support what we have, or try to erode the rebuild. Those that are now happy with what we as a community and the mods and admin are all striving for, need to come together (no pun) and help us all to return to what we had prior to the big bang. Personally I think we are getting there, at least we are now all trying. I believe everyone has a right to their opinion but if it’s divisive and negative then perhaps, I repeat just perhaps, those opinions should either be expressed elsewhere or kept to themselves thereby allowing those who are working at success to get on with it. I feel we need all the help we can get and if for no other reason than my own purely selfish ones then we should at least give it our best shot.
I want to keep the social life that I have acquired, along with my friends and enjoy the company of the people I have learnt to laugh with and at. We have jointly learnt to laugh at each other together and it has been said before that some have even cried together. If we can continue to laugh at and with each other then we are halfway to success and contentment. I want to continue to laugh and cry with those that understand me, in spite of those that don’t. Those that say that they "Hate it here" have missed out on this. It is unfortunately their loss. However, I'm Fxxxxd if I will sit back and watch them destroy what I and others have aquired as our right by our reward for effort.
To quote Dammie (and I don’t do that very often :wink: ) SH is dead: Long live Swinging Heaven. As you yourself so rightly say Sam, we advance or fall by our own efforts, it’s a fifty-fifty call.
Quote by JudyTV
WE HATE IT:x :x :x :x :x :x
Quote by wild rose and the stag
one thing that has changed is that trolls are tolerated a lot longer these days than they once were, or am i missing something, is this cos they are paying customers ........
blue would have kicked trampers butt into next year by now with out a second thought .........
Quote by JudyTV
WE HATE IT:x :x :x :x :x :x
Quote by st3v3
one thing that has changed is that trolls are tolerated a lot longer these days than they once were, or am i missing something, is this cos they are paying customers ........
blue would have kicked trampers butt into next year by now with out a second thought .........