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Quitting and Giving Up

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Sex God
I want to give up. I want to quit.
Right, where to start. Standing in the middle of the room with all eyes upon me is not the most comfortable position, but before I turn tail and flee I'll just blurt this out.
Hi, I'm Sappho and I'm a smoker and I want to give up. You didn't think I was talking about swinging did you? (God forbid.)
Why the public declaration? Because I have absolutely no willpower (never could say no wink ) and I'm asking for your help and support. Also, if I fail in this then you guys can give me hell.
Reasons for giving up? Health and wealth are the obvious ones. I don't want to look like Tutankhamun under the bandages in five years time and I don't want to see my cash burning up in smoke any more. There is also the knowledge that others who are important to me want me to give up. One is my daughter and the other is my lover.
Okay, so from Monday, 1 March I want to be an ex-smoker. If I backslide I promise to hold up my hand and admit it. You can devise your own punishment!
Love Sappho xxx
Sex God
Good luck Sappho - consider yourself supported lol
Good luck Sappho.
I'm considering giving up with you!! biggrin
Best wishes Sappho
It won't be easy but the biggest aid is that you have decided to do it.
As a non smoker I have never pressured peeps to quit as most then decide to carry on.... most I know who have conquered tobacco have done so cos they have wanted to do so ... for what ever reason..., and lets face it some peeps that you know and adore pre date tobacco ( just)
every best wish Sappho, and even if you may fail this time, try try and try again.... with your determination you will succeed
Sappho darling....
You're not going to believe it but, ME TOO!! I'm a regular poster on another forum run by a mate of mine and I put up a similar post. All went well and I quit last Thursday, Friday I did well and quite enjoyed the feeling of being "un-nicotined". Unfortunately I got pretty pissed on red wine and Absynth on Saturday night, bought 10 and haven't been able to completely stop again since....!!
In saying that, maybe the thought that you're going through it too will be an extra wee spur!!!
All the best with it babe!!
Warming the Bed
Dear Sappho,
May I wisk you the best of luck in giving up smoking. I managed it about 3 years ago and I have to say it was one of the best decisions I ever made. You know where we all are for support should you need it. biggrin :D :D :D
Love and strength
Best of luck you two. Been there and done that so know how hard it is. Fred and I have been given up for over 7 years now and although we were not heavy smokers (up to 10 a day) we would never look back.
100% support for you both!!
Hey Bassdude, an emoticon all of your own!!
Sappho darling I could think of many things to occupy your hands!!!
x x x x
Sex God
Sappho - good luck...I would join you but I don't smoke!!! However, I will give up chocolate, cream and all other things tasty and fattening.
BTW - doesn't your lover smoke too??? I would swear that I saw 4 people in the garage puffing away the other night?? Oh, and in the bar before hand!! lol
x xx xx
Quote by WilmaFlintstone
Best of luck you two. Been there and done that so know how hard it is. Fred and I have been given up for over 7 years now and although we were not heavy smokers (up to 10 a day) we would never look back.
100% support for you both!!
Hey Bassdude, an emoticon all of your own!!
Sappho darling I could think of many things to occupy your hands!!!
x x x x

Awww, Wilma!!! Thanx a million for the emoticon!!! I just love you to bits and you are now officially the number 1 top banana in the world!!! Looking forward to using my new geetar...
We, your support network, are here for you all the way !
A lad I work with has given up three times in 6 months (!) - work has been easy but it's going out with friends and/or with drink thats made him fail each time !
Go for it, Sappho !
Sappho - you have a PM from me about this....
Having just read the thread again - will forward a copy to you as well Bassdude. Good luck!
If you are handing out tips on giving up, Fred, I'd appreciate them too!!!
Sex God
kiss to everyone for their good wishes.
It means a great deal. I hope you're still as understanding when I become a complete bitch going through withdrawal evil
Bassdude - I'll be thinking about you. Hold your hand if you like, if you'll do the same for me?
Fred and Wilma - thank you for the PM and the good advice. Love you to bits.
Love the currently nice Sappho xxx
Sex God
OI!!! I asked you a going to gloss over it the same way you gloss over the heart and soul of the barded one???? :happy:
Get back up this thread and read my post...:small-print:
Sssheesh... just the thought of no smoking makes the gal dizzy...
lol :lol: :lol:
Only one more day... redface
I'm sure you have the inner strength to do this.
But you have all my support.
Like gman I am a non smoker but I do understand how difficult this can be. My hubby is - I would like hime to quit even if only for the sake of his future health - but it has to be his decision.
Having already made that decision you are at least half way there.
Big hugs,
Alex x
Hi Sappho,
an ex smoker(40day man) I stopped smoking 2 ago years last December. I wish you all the very best in your endeavours. If you ever need to talk to a smoker for support please don't hesitate. I have experienced the pain of personal loss to its insidious grip.
I thought I would let you know a few things that helped me and continue to help me resist temptation.
1) Do it for your loved ones ....they want you healthy and besides wills can be such messy affairs
2) Do cherish every minute you make it without a cigarette ...relish its difficulty and be stubborn in not throwing that amount of successful time away by relenting and just having one. The first two day are critical it...then dont ever waste that success.
3)Do put away whatever money you spent on the (tr)ash so you can feel it touch it and when you feel like it use it to get yourself a treat so that you feel a positive financial benefit
4) Do notice and enjoy the real physical benefits it will bring, in my case it made huge difference to my circulation and we all know ...why I'm wink
4)Dont let an inanimate object control your will, it can't even argue with you ffs.
5)Don't ever think you've given them up, you haven't youve merely stopped them for now me I have given them up before ..many times .lol
I ramble on but I really do wish you luck ...its hard but its oh so worth it.
For your loved ones
Sappho darling, we must have a psychic link wink
Would you believe that earlier this week I made an appointment at the Drs. for Kat and I to get help to give up too!
Guess when we stop smoking - 1st March :shock:
Great to know we will be in good company. Good Luck kiss
Sex God
That's great news, Sappho, and I wish you every success in it.
I've never been a smoker, so I haven't experienced quitting myself. But I know people who have tried. It's hard. One friend stopped dead - no slow wind-down (does that work?), no patch, no nothing. It lasted about six months, then work got stressful and she started again.
Get all the help you can. I don't know what practical use I could be, but if there's anything at all I can do, I'm here. Anything you need. I care, and I know I'm not alone in that.
Oh my goodness!! :shock:
I do wish she would warn me about these things sometimes? rolleyes
Right then, first a piece of personal explanation : This has come as a complete surprise to me so I hope I have not put any pressure on anyone. Having said that, I have already lost one loved one through smoking and wasn't keen to repeat the experience. For the record, I have NEVER been a smoker. I am now very interested to learn who the hell Jags was on about!!! duel
Sappho - you can do it and you will have everyone's support. Especially mine :love:
To respond to some points:
Quote by Sappho
Because I have absolutely no willpower (never could say no wink )
No comment. :wink: lol
Quote by Sappho
You can devise your own punishment!
That won't be necessary, because you are going to succeed. However, just in case I will give free rein to my most evil thoughts! :twisted: :twisted: Oh goody!! rotflmao :evil2:
Quote by Sappho
I hope you're still as understanding when I become a complete bitch going through withdrawal evil
Oh shit! Reaches for hardhat, cricket box and a copy of Yellow Pages!
Quote by niceguysdoexist
wills can be such messy affairs
Oi! That'll do! Okay, so I might have spilled a drop or two on Saturday (Sorry, if I did, F&W redface), but there were extenuating circumstances. I was out of my f**k*ng tree!
Dont let an inanimate object control your will
You know, I am starting to get REALLY paranoid about this! :shock: I appreciate your sentiment though. I don't wantto be controlled by an inanimate object!
Quote by Kit
Sappho darling, we must have a psychic link :wink:
Oh bloody hell Kat. We're in trouble now! If they can transfer ideas to each other by the power of thought alone! :shock: See you in the pub in half an hour. We need to plan this carefully!
Sex God
It goes without saying (meaning I forgot to say it - oops) that the offer of whatever support I can give goes to Kit and Kat too.
Oops sorry. redface That goes for me too - and bassdude.
So Sappho, KitKat, bassdude, BlueEyes - you ALL have the full support of the Forum. Anyone else care to join them?
So Kit and Kat and Sappho giving up on same day..... give it 12 hours without the "breath of freash air" Mnday evening could see fireworks ... or as Sappho suggests increased bitchiness.... so will be spending weekend extending the bunker for cold turkey peeps.... maybe a steam room so they have something to inhale.... no matter how nicotineless the vapours are!!!...
best wishes all three
and if you feel like isolation, then the bunker is your place welcome...
Sex God
Will - you DON'T smoke?? What was in that glass of wine you bought me?
Sorry - abject and profuse apologies sweetheart (and sweetbreath).
So, who was smoking in the car shed then? Just Kit, Kat and Sappho??

*Goes off to cover herself in sackcloth and ashes and to whip herself into a frenzy*
confused Right, postive re-enforcement. Sappho, you need to make sure you get little treats every now and again to make it worth your while giving up cigarettes, and a big one on major milestones. Anyone got any suggestions?
Will, are yourself and Sappho not overdue for a drink with Kit and I. Do you want to get that done BEFORE we all give up smoking! lol :lol:
Sex God
That's a good idea, Kat. I have a suggestion for both Sappho and Kit. But I'm not sure they'll like it (I know, I know. Stop being so insecure, John!)
No, it's not that. Go and wash your dirty minds. (Although if they insisted...)
I have promised both of them a picture of me in a rabbit costume. I further promised Sappho that she'd see it in March. So my proposal - make it to the end of the month, and you shall be rewarded. Or punished. Whichever way you want to see it.
Sex God
That is just the incentive I need - thank you! :twisted:
And Kitkat - a big kiss for you both. Let's be unbearable together. Oh poor Will! :therethere:
Thanks also to NiceGuy for his wise words - taken on board.
Roll on Monday the 1st! rolleyes
Quote by DJohn
That's a good idea, Kat. I have a suggestion for both Sappho and Kit. But I'm not sure they'll like it (I know, I know. Stop being so insecure, John!)
No, it's not that. Go and wash your dirty minds. (Although if they insisted...)
You'r in that pub DJohn......
I have promised both of them a picture of me in a rabbit costume. I further promised Sappho that she'd see it in March. So my proposal - make it to the end of the month, and you shall be rewarded. Or punished. Whichever way you want to see it.
Yes please!
Sex God
Note to not venture out of the fall out shelter and into the cafe on 1st March
As half of the forum (OK not quite half wink ) seem to be giving up the fags soon there's going to be a hell of a lot of bad moods round here.
I'm quite glad I'm only an occassional smoker, I only do it when I go out or on "special" occassions, so I don't really have a quitting problem, but oooooooh, if you lot are anything like Satin when he trys to give up smoking there are going to be lots of fireworks....
All you need is will power, all the rest of us need is hard hats and suits of armour :wink: :wink: :wink:
I have given up giving up (at least for now !!), but Sappho, I am sure that you can achieve anything that you put your mind to.
I admire you all for trying to give up and hope you are more successful than I have been in the past.
I do wish people would stop mentioning 'willpower', 'hardhats' and 'armour' all in the same sentence I am getting quite a complex. :shock:
So my three greatest and closest friends in the Forum are all giving up smoking at the same time. Oh God help me. rolleyes
Now, who can I go and stay with? Jags? Fred and Wilma?
No, I know my place. Off to Shropshire to offer moral support. I'll do the cooking, sweetheart. I am not having you holding saucepans or frying pans if you're in a foul mood. :shock:
Sappho has plenty of Will-power at her disposal anytime she wants it. All she has to do is to give in to her Will and ler her Will have free rein at all times. I think we'll get there!