Ah now that was something I hadn't considered as I am an old member and don't pay for my messages. I can understand if you have a lot of mail that you would respsond to the ones that interest you first and then move on to the ones that don't after. If you run out then you can't respond.
Going back to the cutnpaste thing. It is pure lazy. I have had soooo many cutnpaste messages that start with something like, 'hi guys' or 'I've always wanted a couple' :shock: Why tell me? I'm single! Which tells me they haven't even bothered to adjust their blurb and quite frankly I really have lost interest once I note a plural. Even stuff like, 'You're man is a lucky guy'. Rub it in that I'm single why don't you!!!! lol.
But then there is a lot of laziness on here. Why do people not read the profiles? Why message me if you are way out of my preferences range? I don't understand why people that are 10 years plus older than my preference email me saying that I should meet them, because they're not time wasters and they are geniune unlike everyone else. Who do they think they are calling everyone else timewasters etc? I wonder if they imagine all the single women crying in their beds for having been let down yet again.
I just don't understand in a place where rejection seems to be the norm, would someone go out of their way to be rejected.
Sorry I have gone off on a tangent lol.
If I'd sent a 1 or 2 line response then obviously I wouldn't expect a reply either way. If I'd clearly spent some time writing a well thought out mail, had read their profile, ticked all the right boxes, included a face pic, then I reckon a quick email back would be polite.
I always send a reply to the mail I get from my ad's (although its hardly bulk mail!)
Let's see, I have sent out 24 messages, all individually composed, written as pleasantly and respectfully as I could manage, mostly to people who are local to me who placed adverts about themselves. I have 8 messages in my inbox: one an unsolicited advert for another site, two from a couple I know personally anyway and one a pleasant message from someone who liked a post I made in the cafe once. So four replies to 24 messages.
I do understand that advertisers can be deluged by junk but I still feel a little glum at the lack of response. Even if I get a polite refusal I at least know where I am.
It was quite a while ago now and it wasn't a straight commercial advert, more a post extolling its virtues. I didn't follow it up so no harm done. I like this site fine.
I absolutely agree with Tosh,s mail, I dont send many messages, and when I do I take the time to write something which reflects the wants and needs of the ad Im interested in, been a member since last november, and with the exception of people I know from the chat room, I dont believe I have recieved a single reply, a "thanks but no thanks" at least lets you know where you stand, unfortunately ill manners seems to be the norm these days, and I dont just mean on this site.
As an after thought, if singly blokes like me can cut and paste messages, cant the recipients also cut and paste their refusals to save them some no doubt valuble time.
As another afterthought perhaps no one replies because Im hideously ugly and have a tiny dick lol
I absolutely agree with Tosh,s mail, I dont send many messages, and when I do I take the time to write something which reflects the wants and needs of the ad Im interested in, been a member since last november, and with the exception of people I know from the chat room, I dont believe I have recieved a single reply, a "thanks but no thanks" at least lets you know where you stand, unfortunately ill manners seems to be the norm these days, and I dont just mean on this site.
As an after thought, if singly blokes like me can cut and paste messages, cant the recipients also cut and paste their refusals to save them some no doubt valuble time.
As another afterthought perhaps no one replies because Im hideously ugly and have a tiny dick lol