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scars and stitches

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Just a quick thought that flashed through the empty head of mine. I have just recieved a good amount of stiches due to a horse kicking me in the legs. Big swelling and bruises. Yet another scar....does anyone find them a turn on? rolleyes
if they're on someone who looks like you - yes! lol
but it's not the scars themselves, and not a turn on as such - its the psychological guesswork of 'what you had to go through to get em' idea, and they're often very symbolic of a person's past. Bullet wounds/ knife marks are my particular fave :shock: :twisted:
war wounds are great! make it more interesting!!!!
Quote by Darkfire
...Bullet wounds/ knife marks are my particular fave :shock: :twisted:
Quote by Darkfire
Bullet wounds/ knife marks are my particular fave :shock: :twisted:

Sassy nails up the knife drawer
Got a nice scar on my back where i got stuck with a stanley blade.
Never thought they would be a source of fun!
Quote by Mewantsalot
Got a nice scar on my back where i got stuck with a stanley blade.

ahhhh, but ya see, it aint the scar that intruiges me, it's what you were doing/ did to get stuck with a stanley blade in the back in the first place biggrin
now, either its sommat daft like you fell over at work (in which case the scars dont count) or you have a bit of a past and someone decided to slice you = interesting character wink
Ok, so i'm just plain wierd, but who cares dunno :twisted:
Quote by Sassy-Seren
Bullet wounds/ knife marks are my particular fave :shock: :twisted:

Sassy nails up the knife drawer
I'm a sucker for flat-noses (boxers) funny ears (rugby players) wethered skin ( outdoor types) rough working -man's hands (farmers, builders, dry-stone wallers etc ) 52 inch chests and two rolls of carpet underarm (bouncers) war wounds (forces and people involved in stuff they shouldnt be) and anythiing that moves in a black suit or Rigger boots & flurescent yellow vests lol
and to that... battle scars, tattoos, 'man smell' and finished off with either mud or car oil and I'm a very happy bunny biggrin
scars defiantley add character, especially if they come attached with a story. Like the Faint say if somethings worth doing its worth getting hurt for.
Quote by osker99
scars defiantley add character, especially if they come attached with a story. Like the Faint say if somethings worth doing its worth getting hurt for.

This reminds me of that scene from Jaws when they are showing off their scars from shark attacks......and all that Brody has is an appendics scar! lol
could be a new thread- Guess the scar
I find scars a turn for exactly the same reasons Darkfire said! :thumbup:
It's what they symbolise - a journey typ thing blah blah - and also makes a person more unique!
But Darkfire... you think you are weird? I am attracted to Port-Wine-Stain birthmarks - especially on the face! Go figure!
One of the sexiest scars I ever saw, was on an Irish lad who had a scar right across his lips and just into his chin.
Mind it helped that the rest of him was pretty damn fine . :twisted: :twisted:
I have oodles of scars, in fact I think there's only my ears that don't have any :shock: but they amuse me anyway - one looks just like an eye lol :lol:
If scars where sexy I'd probably be irresitable, I have quite a few scars, but I'm not ,so wouldn't say scars are sexy, but they can add a bit of interest about a person.
Quote by Darkfire
anythiing that moves in ..... Rigger boots & flurescent yellow vests

Darkfire you only had to say.............
Off to find boots and hi vis vest from car................ :P
Now where is my photographer when I want him............................
Quote by Darkfire
but it's not the scars themselves, and not a turn on as such - its the psychological guesswork of 'what you had to go through to get em' idea, and they're often very symbolic of a person's past. Bullet wounds/ knife marks are my particular fave :shock: :twisted:

I have loads if I'm honest, but I have a couple of beauties on my temple on one side of my head and they are by no means disfiguring as they are only short but you can tell they were deep when they were done, and when people first meet me it's one of the things I notice them looking at but they never ask what they are from.
Do they bother me? Na of course not they just add to the intrege as far as I'm concerned lol
Quote by Sarah
anythiing that moves in ..... Rigger boots & flurescent yellow vests

Darkfire you only had to say.............
Off to find boots and hi vis vest from car................ :P
Now where is my photographer when I want him............................
I've even got a hard hat too.... as well as boots an orange vest and a yellow one - there was me thinking that I looked like a sack of sh*t tied up in the middle with that clobber on!!
Well I am sooo surprised here, you girls always manage to make me smile but this is a revelation to me lol...
I have so many scars from feet to head and always go out of the way to cover/hide them from anyone on a meet in case they just think your a yob thug etc..
Mine are from a variety of things... including being stabbed not once but twice (long story) also Karate and being a young lad in a inner city school lol... Never in a million years did I think you girls might think them attractive.
Gob Smacked yet again....
Mike xx
Quote by da69ve
This reminds me of that scene from Jaws when they are showing off their scars from shark attacks......and all that Brody has is an appendics scar! lol

Then i am brodie
I have an appendix scar and a 10" scar down the centre of my stomach from an op last year.
They are not battle scars from scrappin but battle scars from war with my illness.
The tip of one of my fingers is also missing.
Chopped off in a door.
The top of my nose is 4mm to the left.
This one was fightin wich probably would intrest more then.
Does a Caesarian section scar count? Episiotomy? Shaving my legs as a teenager and slipping in the shower...? dunno Bugger.
Sappho xxx
(Wow, really improved my sexual allure and mystique with that one!)
I think scars are enhancing when you are already attracted to someone.
As an example, I have a female friend who is very attractive to me and probably the most intelligent and successful person I know and she has a long scar down her upper arm with stitch marks. When I saw the scar and fiound out it was an action scar she just went up in my estimation.
For what it is worth womens scars of giving birth also have to be a badge of honour too?
They ar ealso a good talking point if you are meeting someone new?
my only scar is under my eyebrow - I thought I was lucky it didn't show but I am having second, its not worth shaving them off I might have to comb them over my head in the future.
Do stretch marks count?
Guys how do you feel about them? My stomach looks like - well, like I had a baby. LOL
I love scars - really bad ones on the face are a bit of a shock at first - but they don't make someone unattractive.
well if we're doing the scar thing......i won't bore u with most of them......(most are emotional anyway.............grrrrrr)
one on my chin (from falling off a bike)
one on my forehead (falling up some stairs........and yes i'm blonde so i fall up stairs)
one on my leg that i can't remember how i did but has been there for years.......
and another one on my wrist and index finger from another bike accident.....
ohhhhh..........and i can bend my elblow the wrong way due to the amount of times i've broken it........
pretty much just falling apart really.......
and can u tell i'm in a bad mood.......... evil
I've a bit of lead still stuck in my palm from when my best friend stuck a pencil in my hand to see if it would hurt. confused
I've a chipped shin bone from playing hockey but you can't see it, only feel it.
Other than that, I've not many scars or trophy wounds.
Gem. x
I got 11 scars on my head ( under my hair ) from when i was attacked by a mad guy with a high heeled shoe when i was 16 redface ( long story )
hmmmmm one wonders if one should shave head and put a picture in profile lol
Then i also have other little scars from an operation, a dog bite and little accidents though the years... do all these count :lol: :lol:
Quote by foxylady2209
Do stretch marks count?
Guys how do you feel about them? My stomach looks like - well, like I had a baby. LOL
I love scars - really bad ones on the face are a bit of a shock at first - but they don't make someone unattractive.

That's exactly it Foxy, they dontmake someone unattractive - well, I dont think so anyway. More part and parcel of the person and usually if I like someone enough to get naked with them I dont even 'see' the physical 'imperfections' anyway.
Stretch marks on a woman just dont bother me at all, I have full on 'baby marks' and I got them through having a baby lol Its not something I'm ashamed of or hide, and the amount of times I hear women on here 'apologise' for having stretch marks drives me mad! rolleyes If I'm playing with anther fem it's kinda like I just dont 'see' them, I'm a hell of alot more into them, their body and their mind to think about a few stretch marks!
I have a large nasty ceaserean / subsequent ops scar which doesnt look like a nice clean line its suposed to and I do get very concious of it in clubs, it pulls my belly in such a way that you can actually see it through my clothes - but I've never seen anyone gawp at it or do anything to make me more paraniod, more a glance, 'oh, blimey' and carries on what they're doing :lol:
Shayz said:
For what it is worth womens scars of giving birth also have to be a badge of honour too?
For me, yes I think they are. I think all mother's have a 'badge of honou'r simply cos of what we had to go through to get them! Mine is a permanent reminder of dying in theatre 3 times and still coming out the other side a mother, and on other fems I do tend to see them as generally 'womanly' :shock: dunno That said, I dont think hipster jeans and a short top with stretch marks on show is 'attractive' - thats just Chav! biggrin
Quote by Darkfire
Bullet wounds/ knife marks are my particular fave :shock: :twisted:

Sassy nails up the knife drawer
I'm a sucker for flat-noses(boxers)funny ears (rugby players) wethered skin( outdoor types) rough working -man's hands(farmers, builders,dry-stone wallers etc ) 52 inch chests and two rolls of carpet underarm (bouncers) war wounds (forces and people involved in stuff they shouldnt be) and anythiing that moves in a black suit orRigger boots& flurescent yellow vests lol
and to that... battle scars, tattoos, 'man smell' and finished off with eithermud or car oil and I'm a very happy bunny biggrin
plus the odd scar or two guess i might be halfway to "interesting"
Quote by Darkfire
Bullet wounds/ knife marks are my particular fave :shock: :twisted:

Jees, am I glad I don't live next door to you. The temptation to give me some might get too great lol :lol: :lol: